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Channel Islands Militia.


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Can anybody help please!!    

I am trying to locate an example of the markings likely used on rifles, and/or bayonets approx 1900-1920 by the Royal Guernsey Militia. During 1916 the Militia formed into the Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Regiment, reforming into Militia post war.

My guess is bayonets would likely be P88 Metfords, 1907's or possibly 1903's with rifles to match. I have contacted the Militia museum in Guernsey but they have no marked examples in their collections. They believe that the contents of the various armouries were shipped to the mainland just prior to the German invasion in 1940 and never made it back.

I presume such markings would take the form            M           or something similar.



Any help would be most appreciated.



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According to 'Instr. for Armourers 1912 (rev. 1916),


Royal Guernsey Militia for Artillery is          M




Royal Guernsey Militia for Infantry is         M




For Jersey Militia  Ryl Artlly                       M




For Jersey Militia Light Inf. is                     M




[There is only a wide spacing between the M and the underline because of me !]




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10 hours ago, rolyboy11 said:

... I am trying to locate an example of the markings likely used on rifles, and/or bayonets approx 1900-1920 by the Royal Guernsey Militia. ...


8 hours ago, JMB1943 said:

According to 'Instr. for Armourers 1912 (rev. 1916), ... 


JMB is spot on the ball with what the markings should be, but as we all know, in practice things can be somewhat different... So, Not Guernsey, true, but have a gander at: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/231764-two-nice-unit-marked-hqs/ for a 1910 inspected JAC HQ P.1907, marked for the the 3rd Regiment Royal Jersey Militia but marked in an non-conformist style. This is one I didn't buy as it was way too expensive (and anyway, with 4 x HQ already I didn't really need another!)




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Many thanks to you both. That all makes sense.  

Trajan - I seem to think another 'hook' '07 came up with a similar Jersey marking on a dealer site a few years ago that had the M above as per armourers regs. from JMB.  Variations on a theme though abound as you say.......!!

I personally have never seen anything marked to the Guernsey Militia but something surely must have survived and be out there!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

My Mum was a Guernsey girl, been there a few times in my youth, last time 1975 though, would love something Guernsey marked

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5thBatt. ........... Something must surely still be lurking out there for you!!  ...... but apart from the 'Jersey pieces' Trajan tracked down, I have still found nothing ........ Possibly everything sent away to the mainland in 1940 was scrapped/re-marked/re-issued during the war.  If that were the case though, why have some Jersey marked pieces survived.? Presumably their arsenal was similarly 'emptied' before invasion? ........... strange .......



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