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Is anybody at Arras over the coming weeks?


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Hi all,


I wonder if any member will be at Arras sometime in the next few weeks?


I need to know whether or not the name of Lt.-Col Percy Archer Clive on the memorial carries the DSO post-nominals


I need clarification before submitting my manuscript to the publishers. Someone (in fact three people over the course of a number of months) had agreed to get a photo for me but this hasn't happened and I can't get over there. My back is now against the wall.


Very many thanks


Edited by nthornton1979
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According to the Panel List on the CWGC website his details are:

Lieut. Colonel




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Thanks chaps,


I've ordered a copy of the image for clarification.


I'm pretty confident that he did not actually receive a DSO and that the CWGC, MIC, and other sources are in fact incorrect.



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 Neil! Just in case you still might need someone to do something for you in Arras- I am there Monday 8th May  Ian

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I have a copy of the VC and DSO book reprinted by naval and military press.


when I get home later, I will see if his name appears in it

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I found this, 


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I've now had a look and his name does not appear in either volume.


The photo i attached early on, doesn't mention the DSO.  If he had the DSO, it would have appeared on the above family memorial.

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3 hours ago, EAST YORKSHIRE said:

 Neil! Just in case you still might need someone to do something for you in Arras- I am there Monday 8th May  Ian


Very much appreciated Ian. However, I have just received the photograph via email from CWGC, so all is good.


Thanks again for the offer.

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Thanks for the image and info trenchrat...


The family memorial supports my conclusion that he did not get a DSO, as does the DSO register which I had checked.


I have just received the photograph from CWGC of Clive's name on the Arras Memorial which, as I suspected, carries the DSO post-nominals.


The image of the memorial is a 'good 'un'... I'm wondering if it would be possible for me to use it in the book I'm writing. Do you have a link to the origin of the photo so I can follow it up?


Thanks again for the input.



Edited by nthornton1979
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He is not listed in the V.C. and D.S.O. book volume 3, or in Michael Maton's "Honour the Officers - Honours and Awards to British, Dominion and Colonial Officers WW1".

As noted on the memorial in post #7, he was awarded the Croix de Chevalier of the Legion of Honour [France] in 1915


Mentioned in despatches June 1915


and the Croix de Geurre [France] after his death




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Many thanks Harry.




A bit more info... The DSO confusion was picked up by the Parliament when they were putting together their roll of honour after the war (Clive was a serving MP at the time of his death). They received official documentation which carried the DSO post-nominals. They communicated with the War Office and also with Clive's family, who were not aware of any DSO but they did have knowledge of his other (actual) awards, which tallies with the family memorial posted on here. In the end the mistake was put down to a clerical error.


Ultimately there is no notification in the LG for the award, nor, as stated in this thread, does he feature in the DSO register.


His MIC, his name on the Arras Memorial, and various pieces of official correspondence after his death, all state he got the DSO. Not surprisingly numerous internet 'sources' also state this (Wiki etc), and at least one family member is now of the belief he was awarded it.


I have explained in my book that in fact he did not get it. His name on the Arras Memorial was my final 'check' to see if they'd got it right or not. Sadly the latter is the case.




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i found the image on the following website www.wormbridgeandstdevereux.co.uk 

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31 minutes ago, thetrenchrat22 said:



i found the image on the following website www.wormbridgeandstdevereux.co.uk 


Excellent. Thanks again.



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