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Memorial Service at Tyne Cot 31st July 2017


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1 hour ago, suesalter1 said:

We were fortunate in obtaining tickets in the first round of the ballot. At first we were worried we had no ancestors who fought (or died) at Passchendaele. Would they check, we asked ourselves. Would we have to bring proof? Then, found a great-uncle with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers who fought at Pilkem Ridge on the 31st July 1917, so now feel vindicated. He survived the war happily.


I'm certainly taking a hat. My latest email says you can wear sunhats, but not during the service, although my 5.0 foot nothing height shouldn't spoil many people's view. Hope there's toilet facilities nearby. Ladies of a certain age need to go quite frequently!



The invitation to enter the ballot was specifically for descendants of those who had fought at Third Ypres. Why did you enter if you did not meet the criteria for doing so?   

Edited by sassenach
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When I entered the ballot, I thought it very unlikely I would get a ticket. If I found I had no descendants who fought at Third Ypres, I would have certainly returned my ticket for someone more worthy.

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I also had a (distant) relative killed at 3rd Ypres with the AIF, who is buried at Tyne Cot, though I didn't apply for the ballot, which had passed me by. On reflection, I prefer to pay my respects at a time of my own choosing and without all the hassle which this ceremony is obviously going to involve.


Cheers Martin B

Edited by Martin Bennitt
deleting phrase that became superfluous
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I have just spotted this which offers an alternative on the day though how they intend to marshal the extra people I am not too sure. I have not seen this advertised elsewhere. 


Memorial Museum Passchendaele - Three options on 31 July for walks (early morning) or a 'grand opening' of a new dugout



One of the sentences on the page is a bit odd and I think may have gained something unintended in translation


As participant you also have the chance to be the first to visit the Zonnebeke Church Dugout. This exceptionally well preserved dugout will be officially opened after the ceremony. You also have a chance at attending the ceremony at CWGC Tyne Cot Cemetery after all. The museum holds a lottery with a great number of tickets among the participants.


Given the security, the prior screening against passports (and the need to have your application signed by two ancestors who served there - joke), I can't believe that they mean the main ceremony! Perhaps ... a ceremony



Edited by Ian Riley
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Ian,I also read this and was surprised that the Lottery mentioned was for the main ceremony  which I thought was only for relatives! (obviously not)


My thoughts were perhaps the Museum had been allocated tickets which they weren't using ?



Edited by gillchadwick
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I was fortunate to get tickets in the ballot and I have been most impressed with the organisation of the event. I feel that the organisers have tried to cover as many eventualities as possible and I have been left with a feeling of confidence that all will go well.True, there have been a lot of slightly repetitious emails but people generally complain about a LACK of information. Any queries have been very promptly and courteously dealt with. As far as dress goes, I imagine they are trying to avoid lots of exposed female flesh and men in half-mast shorts with hairy legs and sandals. It is supposed to be a respectful commemoration and it is a shame that nowadays people need to be told how to dress suitably for certain occasions. I am thoroughly looking forward to honouring my great-uncle, who was killed June 1917 and whose name is on the Menin Gate.  Jean

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51 minutes ago, Ian Riley said:

I have just spotted this which offers an alternative on the day though how they intend to marshal the extra people I am not too sure. I have not seen this advertised elsewhere. 


Memorial Museum Passchendaele - Three options on 31 July for walks (early morning) or a 'grand opening' of a new dugout



One of the sentences on the page is a bit odd and I think may have gained something unintended in translation


As participant you also have the chance to be the first to visit the Zonnebeke Church Dugout. This exceptionally well preserved dugout will be officially opened after the ceremony. You also have a chance at attending the ceremony at CWGC Tyne Cot Cemetery after all. The museum holds a lottery with a great number of tickets among the participants.


Given the security, the prior screening against passports (and the need to have your application signed by two ancestors who served there - joke), I can't believe that they mean the main ceremony! Perhaps ... a ceremony



The use of the phrase "after all" is odd. It implies that even though you thought you couldn't attend, maybe now you can. Very strange. Maybe just a translation issue, as you suggest.

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13 minutes ago, Jean M said:

I was fortunate to get tickets in the ballot and I have been most impressed with the organisation of the event. I feel that the organisers have tried to cover as many eventualities as possible and I have been left with a feeling of confidence that all will go well.True, there have been a lot of slightly repetitious emails but people generally complain about a LACK of information. Any queries have been very promptly and courteously dealt with. As far as dress goes, I imagine they are trying to avoid lots of exposed female flesh and men in half-mast shorts with hairy legs and sandals. It is supposed to be a respectful commemoration and it is a shame that nowadays people need to be told how to dress suitably for certain occasions. I am thoroughly looking forward to honouring my great-uncle, who was killed June 1917 and whose name is on the Menin Gate.  Jean


I am searching for the 'Like' button :) 

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This is the 'original' Dutch (Flemish) text. What you posted in English appears to be the correct translation.


Als deelnemer maak je trouwens ook kans om als eerste de Zonnebeke Church Dugout te bezoeken.  Deze bijzonder goed bewaarde dugout wordt na de plechtigheid officieel geopend en opengesteld voor het grote publiek. Daarnaast maak je ook kans om de plechtigheid op CWGC Tyne Cot Cemetery toch nog bij te wonen. Het museum verloot namelijk nog een groot aantal tickets onder de deelnemers.


"De" plechtigheid ... The ceremony ...



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Lots of VIPs attending, my guess? King of the Belgians (minor) UK royals, maybe some latchico from the Irish government. Note to self - behave. 

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32 minutes ago, Aurel Sercu said:



This is the 'original' Dutch (Flemish) text. What you posted in English appears to be the correct translation.

"De" plechtigheid ... The ceremony ...



Aurel,  Thank you for this. I had to resort to Google Translate the other day to work out the VIFF request for VIP Stand Ins for the Menin Gate rehearsal for 30 July. I have declined the chance to be the Duke of Whatever or Prince Somebody or the Australian High Panjandrum.  


Edit: My Google translator on the VIFF (Friends of In Flanders Fields Museum) rendered 


Battle of Passendale - Third Battle of Leprechaun


Maybe this is the 'Leprechaun' is the  Irish representative that KGB mentions 


I am somewhat surprised in that 'they' appear then to be offering tickets for the ceremony in a second lottery (which is now my reading),  a process that has so far been tightly controlled and regulated by means of passport numbers presumably to verify that applicants were UK citizens, to establish photo identity and very possibly run through some sort of screening process - all understandable in the present climate of terrorist activity. I am not sure how such checks can be done in  a process that closes only on 23 July. But, still, it is good to see that there are additional events on offer (other than the massive event on the Grote Markt on 30 July). I think I am bringing five days supplies of sandwiches and iron rations. Not sure I will find anywhere to eat. I will also be interested to see how the LPA marshals 44 wreaths being laid at the Last Post Ceremony on 31 July. 

Edited by Ian Riley
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Nicely said Jean M .


1 hour ago, Jean M said:

I was fortunate to get tickets in the ballot and I have been most impressed with the organisation of the event. I feel that the organisers have tried to cover as many eventualities as possible and I have been left with a feeling of confidence that all will go well.True, there have been a lot of slightly repetitious emails but people generally complain about a LACK of information. Any queries have been very promptly and courteously dealt with. As far as dress goes, I imagine they are trying to avoid lots of exposed female flesh and men in half-mast shorts with hairy legs and sandals. It is supposed to be a respectful commemoration and it is a shame that nowadays people need to be told how to dress suitably for certain occasions. I am thoroughly looking forward to honouring my great-uncle, who was killed June 1917 and whose name is on the Menin Gate.  Jean


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34 minutes ago, KGB said:

Lots of VIPs attending, my guess? King of the Belgians (minor) UK royals, maybe some latchico from the Irish government. Note to self - behave. 

I notice that there is as yet no diary published for the relevant period for either the P o W of the two princes in a pod. So my guess it's either Balmoral or Tyne Cot. 



Edited by Ian Riley
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16 hours ago, Ian Riley said:

I notice that there is as yet no diary published for the relevant period for either the P o W of the two princes in a pod. So my guess it's either Balmoral or Tyne Cot. 



The President of Ireland is 4 ft 11 inches so could be a leprechaun. As to VIP's from Blighty, I was going to have a shufti at some schedules but as any fule kno Special branch goons would take that to mean I am a "terrorist". I am attending to honour my Grandfather, so will behave. Oh and the Belgians are providing us with free grub. 

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