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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lost Soldiers of the GREAT WAR


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Evening everyone,

And before I start may I wish one and all "A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS"

How many people have hit the same brick wall in their research of relatives who served in the Great War, you go through all the recommended procedures but get nowhere, you know the routine, you start with a faded old photo of grandad, there's no distinguishable badges, no family documents and his service records were destroyed in WW2. any surviving relatives have passed away and their medals have disappeared, so you dont know what his service number of regiment is, ergo! you cant find them on the medal index cards. Those of you who dont have this problem are very lucky so if there's anyone out there who has any idea of where to go from here on behalf of all those on the same predicament:- HELP


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I have suggested this once or twice to people and on the assumption that you have not tried and failed or were not aware of this avenue,you could try the 1918 Absent Voters` Lists-- -provided that you have the correct "home" address OR NARROWED DOWN THE AREA and you can find the whereabouts of the local Lists.

I found service numbers and regiments of my "men" and in one case the naval number and ship in which he was serving! If nothing else, it is a start and who knows what it might eventually lead to.

If this is "old hat"- - - sorry- -- -but I have always taken the view that for most of us and particularly with Family History there must be SOME information somewhere out there,if only we knew where it was!!


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