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R.F.A. 47th. Divisional Ammunition Column


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I'm looking for any information on the 47th. Divisional Ammunition Column (DAC) of the Royal Field Artillery, 5th London Brigade (BDE).

...serving in World War One

All I know is that the R.F.A. 47th. D.A.C. served in France.

I'm looking for any information you can provide or any resources that I can consult.



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Brad: You appear to have combined two different units. The V London Bde, RFA TF and the 47th Divisional Ammunition Column are separate units, both of which served in the 47th (2nd London) Division. When the division went to France in March 1914 the 47th Divisional Artillery consisted of the following units:

Four brigades: V, VI, VII, and VIII London Brigades, RFA TF

Four Brigade Ammunition Columns(BAC): V, VI, VII, and VIII BACs

2nd London Divisional Ammunition Column (DAC)

In June 1916 the RFA Brigades were redesignated:

V, VI, VII and VIII London Brigades, RFA TF became CCXXXV, CCXXXVI, CCXXXVII and CCXXVIII Brigades, RFA TF, respectively and the four BACs were disbanded and most of the personnel were transferred to the 47th DAC.

Regards. Dick

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Thanks for the reply.

I guess I put the pieces together incorrectly. Would the following be correct?

According to his "Certificate of Disembodiment on Demobilization", he enlisted (on June 17, 1913) with the 5th London BDE - R.F.A.

His "Certificate of Employment During the War" reports that his Regiment (Regt.) was the R.F.A. and his Unit as the 47th D.A.C.

Could he have started out in the 5th London BDE - R.F.A. when he enlisted and then was part of the R.F.A. 47th D.A.C. when the 5th London was later disbanded?



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Brad: From the information you give in your last message I think that is exactly what happened. In fact I would guess that he enlisted in the 5th London Bde, RFA TF and eventually transferred to the 5th London BAC that was associated with that Brigade. In June 1916 when the BACs were disbanded he was probably transferred to the 47th Divisional Ammunition Column. Regards. Dick

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Thanks Dick!

I really appreciate the help.

I never got to meet my Grandfather (he passed away just before I was born) and researching his millitary career brings him home to me.

Thanks Again!


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Morning Brad, Dick,

The 47th Division History gives an original (1914 - 1915) order of battle as:

12th,13th,14th County of London Battery RFA

With 4 X 15pdr guns.

Additionally the 5th London Brigade Ammunition Column.

In November 1915 the batteries were rearmed with 18 pdr's and 4.5 " Howitzers.

May 1916 all brigade AC abolished and merged into 47 DAC.

(source 47th Division History 1914 -1919)


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