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Hedd Wyn - his poetry in English


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Although there is great interest in Great War poets generally, the works of those who didn't write in English are not as well-known.  The centenary of the death of Ellis Humphrey Evans (Private 61117 15th Battn., RWF, died of wounds received in action at Pilkem Ridge 31 July 1917) will be noted more in Wales than elsewhere, and the Llanrwst-based publishers Gwasg Carreg Gwalch have just brought out some pocket-sized volumes on his life, poetry, and legacy - in four languages!     


The first, all in Welsh, is entitled Cerddi'r Bugail. Hedd Wyn (Ellis H.Evans 1887-1917).  Edited and introduced by Gruffudd Antur, it has biographical notes, information on his home Yr Ysgwrn near Trawsfynydd, Gwynedd (now run by the Snowdonia National Park Authority), and a good selection of his verse including some war-related pieces.  Well-illustrated with scenic and archive photos as well as some military-related ones, eg. Hedd Wyn's original wooden grave marker (which I didn't know had survived).  112 pages.  


The second, by the same editor, is titled The Shepherd War Poet. Hedd Wyn (Ellis H.Evans 1887-1917).  This is a smaller selection of his work, but each poem has also been carefully translated into English.  I have to declare an interest here, because the translator is in fact my brother!  In all honesty, however, and family connections aside I think he's done a marvellous job of capturing not just the translation but the same verse structure of each piece: so it still reads well as poetry.  It has the same illustrations, biographical and home notes.  96 pages.  A nice size and selection for taking to Pilkem Ridge in July!!  If you have heard of this poet but don't know his poetry, this is an accessible little introduction to both.   


I gather as well that parallel 96-page translated versions (edited by Myrddin ap Dafydd) have also been published in French as Le Berger Poéte Combattant and Flemish/Dutch as Een Herder-Oorlogsdichter if those languages are preferred.  At least it should make the content of his work more widely known.  



PS - I suppose should have said that the English & Welsh versions retail at £6.95, the others at £7.95.  

Edited by clive_hughes
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Hi Clive


I've read some of Hedd Wyn's verse in translation and it impressed me. I have had an interest in him since I visited the chapel in the dunes at Llandanwg near Harlech a few years back. He's also important to me because he trained at Litherland camp and may have been there at the same time as Sassoon or Graves. The Irish war poet Francis Ledwidge died the same day as Ellis Evans not far away and is also buried in Artillery Wood. Thanks for the tip.




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I think no.2 goes on to my list :)

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