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National Roll of the Great War John Button


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Hi all

Am new to this but from reading other posts understanding that there is a National Roll of the Great War.

If anyone has it would they be kind enough to look up a John Button please? Am not sure what sort of information would be needed but he was born c1892 in Lambeth, London.

Many thanks!


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On CWGC there is only one J Button of the right age of 22 to 26 years of age for 14 - 18 that being


Initials: J G

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Private

Regiment: The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)

Unit Text: 7th Bn.

Date of Death: 18/11/1916

Service No: 9625

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: B. 4.


if the age is correct.



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Hi Linda,

In addition to the details given by Malcolm there is another John BUTTON recorded on SDGW:-

John BUTTON, Pte 6763,

2nd Bn, East Lancs Regt,

Born Bermondsey, Surrey,

Enlisted London,

Killed in Action 14.3.15



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Hiya mega thanks both for looking - I looked on the CWGC but that is not the one I am after. Can you tell me what the SDGW is? The only information my Dad can remember is that he was a rifleman and died in France. I have found a John Button, rifleman on National Archives, Documents online but am not sure how to find out if it is him or not or whether I should just pay to download it and hope for the best!

Many thanks!

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Hi Linda,

The SDGW means 'Soldiers Died in the Great War'. It is a separate publication which gives some different details to the CWGC.

I have checked the SDGW and there if only ONE man called BUTTON with the rank of RIFLEMAN.

James BUTTON, Rifleman, No 474336,

London Regiment 12th [County of London] Battalion [The Rangers]

Born Bermondsey,

Enlisted London, Residence Bermondsey,

Died of Wounds 25.6.17 in France & Flanders.

Formerly 5565 10th London Regiment

Hope this assists.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, sorry for delay in replying, been offline for quite a while. Many thanks for the information. The only one which could match up is soldier No 9625, but there are no family details for him. The other soldiers unfortunately don't match up family-wise. The J Button I am after is son of James and Mary-Ann, am not quite sure what to do now! Mega thanks for your help everyone!

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Going back to your original post there is a J. Button on the National Roll. There is also a J.E. Button. Please remember that the National Roll was an early vanity publication and only contained information sent in by individuals or their relatives.

"J. Button was a 1st class stoker in the RN. He joined in December 1916 and shortly afterwards proceeeded to sea on board HMTBD Lidiard. He served with the Grand Fleet on important patrol duties and also took part in the raid on Zeebrugge. He was demobilised in February 1919 and holds the General Service medal and Victory medal. He lived at 73, Reculver Road, Rotherhithe, London, S.E.10". I don't know how far Rotherhithe is from Lambeth but I hope that this proves to be the one that you are looking for but I fear not as you mentioned your father thought that he was a rifleman.

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Thanks for the reply, as you suggested it isn't him worse luck. My father can only remember that he died in France during the war, and the KRR Regiment was mentioned. Unfortunately his memory is not very good! The only other information I have on him is date of birth, place of birth and that his father was James and his mother Mary-Ann. Unfortunately the CGWC details for the J Button's that are listed do not match up with family details, so guess I am stuck!!

Many thanks for your help!

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Hi Linda,

I'm rather late into this having just discovered your thread. 9625 Private John George BUTTON, 7th Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), is one of the men commemorated on my local war memorial (Woodchurch, Kent). I don't have very much detail on him at the moment but I wonder if you already have enough information to eliminate this particular soldier from your search.


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Not sure if it's bringing anything to the party, but here's your John Button on the 1901 census.


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Stephen: Yes, that's him, the first John Button mentioned on the page, aged 8 in 1901, son of James and Mary Ann.

Gary: The CGWC doesn't give any family details for J Button No 9625 so unfortunately I have no idea if that is him or not!

Many thanks again for everyone's help!

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