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Pte T. Norrie, 8th Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)


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Another snippet gleaned from Bertha Spafford Vesta's book 'Our Jerusalem'




Early in August we received several more wounded British soldiers and we realized with a thrill how very beneficial our work was going to be in regard to British prisoners of war. One of these was an officer, Second Lieutenant Dick. Another was Thomas Morie*, a very young man with a wound in his head, the bullet having lodged in his brain. An effort was made by the surgeon to extract the bullet, but without avail. His condition grew worse daily and we knew there was no hope of his recovery. I watched by his bedside, soothing his delirium by singing hymns, among them It Is Well with My Soul.


When he died, I went again with my husband to Djemal Pasha and asked for permission to follow his body to the grave. We hoped to make a precedent by this for all British prisoners who might die in our hospital. We got a coffin through the Spanish Consul**, who since Dr. Glazebrook's departure was in charge of British and American interests. This was the first death of a British prisoner, and we were determined to see to it that all British prisoners got proper burial. We wanted a Protestant clergyman to officiate, but those whom we asked were afraid. Djemal Pasha might give his consent, but that did not insure their not being taken up for it later and perhaps banished.


At last an Arab Lutheran clergyman, seeing my dilemma, consented to officiate, which he did in English. It was a very brave act on his part. Our children, who came daily to the hospitals with flowers from our garden for the wounded, made beautiful wreaths and four of us went to the funeral in the English Cemetery. We sang, Nearer, My God to Thee, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, at the grave; we conveyed the coffin to the cemetery in our carriage.


* the correct surname would appear to be Norrie

see http://www.cwgc.org/find-war-dead/casualty/647740/NORRIE, T

** regrettably this date is not covered in the diary of the Conde de Ballobar [Jerusalem in World War I – the Palestine Diary of a European Diplomat]


Sadly too, perhaps because of the circumstances of his death while a PoW, Pte T. Norrie seems to be missing from Appendix VII 8th Bn. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Other Ranks Died in the War in Col J M Findlay's battalion history






Edited by michaeldr
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His MIC card has Morrie.


There is a POW ledger on FMP that notes that the Netherland Minister at Constantinople had received a communication from the Spanish Consulate at Jerusalem, to the effect that two British POWs had died of their wounds in Jerusalem and been buried in the Protestant cemetery (the other being 25721 John Irving, HLI - 12/9/17)..


His details were given as Thomas Norrie, X Company, 1/8th Scottish Rifles, born 1897, died 7/9/17. Home address: c/o Mrs Lamb, 235 Hospital Street, Glasgow. 

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