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Manchester Regiment


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Hi There, :)

Could any of you please help me ? I was wondering if it was possible to determine whether a soldier was a Regular, Territorial or New Army man from his Service number ? Also regarding The Service Battalions is it possible to determine which one they were likely to be in ?

Lastly a general question on Service Numbers,how were they ditributed, particularly regarding the fact that two me in the same Battalion could have the same number ? I have always found this Extremely odd !!!



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There have been a number of threads on this subject. Try a search through the older threads. If you post specific numbers we may be able to advise.



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With regards to the Manchester Regiment, yes it is possible to determine a Territorial, so long as he survived until 1917, from his number.

However, it is very difficult to determine his battalion from his number alone. There are that many anomolies that (pre-1917 for Terrier Bns and the whole war for all the rest), and without using a "guestimate" aided by the use of SDGW, that it's an almost impossible task with the Mancs.


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Hi Dave, :)

Thanks very much for your reply. Well informed as ever ! That has helped me a great deal in my research. Also thank you to Ken, that helped also.



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Could any of you please help me ? I was wondering if it was possible to determine whether a soldier was a Regular, Territorial or New Army man from his Service number ? Also regarding The Service Battalions is it possible to determine which one they were likely to be in ?

what service number are you looking at Tim?

let's have hiis name as well, (you never know)


(btw, did you get your cds?)

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Hi Chris, :)

It's all a bit more complicated than that. I am doing research into all men killed, wounded or survived on 1-7-16 from the 22nd Manchesters. I have previously put a thread on here regarding Pte John Jones 21484 KIA 1-7-16 it turns out that he is not in the Manchester Book of Honour. Nothing wrong with that but it gives me another problem, how many of the chaps in the book of honour were there on THE MOUND on the morning of 1-7-16, and how many of there number on that date were made up of later additions ?

In time after more research and identifying all and cross referencing with SDGW it will become apparent but I was seeing if there was any chance I could get ahead of the game !

Any help or advice from you or any of the other Manchester experts would be greatly appreciated. Also thanks for asking about the Cd Roms, yes I did get them and what a brilliant service I had, ordered them over the phone and had them within 48 hours.



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Guest Ian Bowbrick
Hi There, :)

Could any of you please help me ? I was wondering if it was possible to determine whether a soldier was a Regular, Territorial or New Army man from his Service number ? Also regarding The Service Battalions is it possible to determine which one they were likely to be in ?

Lastly a general question on Service Numbers,how were they ditributed, particularly regarding the fact that two me in the same Battalion could have the same number ? I have always found this Extremely odd !!!




I have finally sussed who you are!!!!!!!!

I am glad you liked the medal.

Have a good Xmas - Ian :)

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Was your John Jones post a few weeks ago, the one where we were all puzzling about why he wasnt in the Book, coz his number looked as though he should have been?

I don't know how you are going to suss out who was actually there on 1/7/16 - apart from the dead of course. And as we know, some of these will be in the book of honour and some won't be. Are you also wanting to try to work out which of the originals would have actually taken part in the attack. If so, then I think you have an impossible task - some will have been ill, or wounded, others will already have been transferred to other units and some were kept back fromt he attack. Or have I misunderstood you.


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Hi John, :)

Firstly yes, that is the John Jones I was looking for a while ago.

Secondly I know you are right on all the above points, but a challenge is not a challenge if it is straight forward! It's either that or I just have mad ideas when I've been drinking !!!! ;)



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