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Official German History


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Can some tell me which volumes of the German Official History cover the Somme from August-November 1916. I have the two covering July.

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You have all there is, the official history did not go beyond July unfortunately.


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The series "Schlachten des Weltkrieges" is NOT the German official history, although it was published by the Reichsarchiv.

The real official history is called "Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918" and was published by the Reichsarchiv, the Reichskriegsministerium etc. This series was never completed though (Volume 13 and 14 for 1917 and 1918 are in no way comparable to the other volumes in the series).

There are two parts that cover the Battle of the Somme:

- Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918. Die militärischen Operationen zu Lande Zehnter Band. Die Operationen des Jahre 1916 bis zum Wechsel in der Obersten Heeresleitung. Berlin, 1936.

- Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918. Die militärischen Operationen zu Lande Elfter Band. Die Kriegführung im Herbst 1916 und im Winter 1916/17. Vom Wechsel in der Obersten Heeresleitung bis zum Entschluss zum Rückzug in die Siegfried-Stellung. Berlin, 1938.

The first parts of this series are fairly easy to find, but the later parts are just impossible to find (published in 1943-1944).



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Thanks for this. Can you recommend a dealer who might be able so supply a copy of the first volume? I used to have details of a German military book specialist but they seem to have gone astray.

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I meant that the first volumes of the official history (parts 1-6) are pretty easy to find, the rest can become quite expensive and is only every now and then to find...


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"Der Weltkrieg 1914-1918" as well as Reichsarchiv "Schlachten des Weltkrieges" may be available through ebay (sometimes very reasonable) or through www.zvab.de or www.sfb.at - at cost though!



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Thanks. I see what you mean about price. One book dealer has volumes 1 thru 11 for 500 Euros which probably isn't a bad price for the collection but I only really want vols 10 and 11. I'll keep checking back.

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I have them all. Got them at very reasonable prizes through www.ebay.de . Just follow the path:

"Startseite > Alle Kategorien > Kunst & Antiquitäten > Antiquarische Bücher > Geschichte > Militärgeschichte 1.Weltkrieg",

and here we go for your next purchase!!!!! Just check regularly

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Brilliant. Thanks.

Can someone tell me what this means:

Schlachten d.1.Weltkrieges.Kompl.Ausgab.36 Bd

Frontkämpfer-Standardwerk des Reichsarchivs:"Schlachten des Weltkrieges"."Nicht unter dem Zwang der Geheimhaltung,wahrheitsgetreu und rückhaltlos,bis in die kleinsten Einzelheiten der Kämpfe,das gewaltigste Denkmal deutscher Geschichte"steht in dem Webeprospekt vonJ.H.Dulfer/Hannover-Kirchrode.Ich nehme an, eine Buchhandlung!Komplette Ausgabe:36 Bände,Halbleinenausgabe.Z.B.:Donaumont 1916,Antwerpen 1914.Band 13-15:die Tragödie von Verdun,der Kampf um dei Dardanellen 1915,Argonnen,Band19:Tannenberg,die Schlacht bei Wilna u.s.w.Alle Bücher mit Kartenmarterial(einige fehlen).Kaum Schäden,teilweise grüne Farbe der Bücher etwas verblasst,unterschiedliche Färbung der Buchrücken(dunkel/hellgrün)ACHTUNG!!!an Selbstabholer..oder teure Portogebühren.Bitte E´mail,vielleicht gibt es eine günstige Lösung.Für Sammler sicher ein Schnäppchen.

Though I want these books, my German is non-existant!

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Oh my goodness. Sounds like an advertising on German ebay with some flaws?? It is a mixture of quoting a 1920 advertising of the series, spiked with remarks from seller. I'll give it my best try with my limited Alabama English:

First WW Battles. Complete edition. 36 books

Front-Line Fighter's (better: warriors)- Standard edition of Reichsarchiv:"Battles of Great War". " No restrictions due to classification, truthfully, no reserves, going into battle details, the greates monument of German history" is written in ad from J.H. Dulfer/Hannover-Kirchrode. I guess a bookstore! Complete edition: 36 books, half-linen. For example: Douaumont 1916, Antwerpen 1914. Book13-15: The Tragedy of Verdun, Battle for Dardanelless 1915, Argons, Book 19: Tannenberg, Battle of Vilnius, etc. All books with maps (some are missing) ((egbert:some books have numerous maps; of these he conveys some are missing)). Almost undamaged, green cover of some books faded, differing colours on cover (dark/brightgreen) Be Aware!!!Pick- up by yourself -..otherwise high shipping costs. Please email me, maybe we find a better solution. For collectors sure a bargain.

Wow you got it? Now my advice: BE AWARE ALL 36 BOOKS WRITTEN IN GERMAN :P

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for your convenience , I will add 2 pictures of Reichsarchiv:

1. One of the 36 books with associated booklet of trench maps (to get an idea of each book's size , compare background with other aged to perfection favorite relics in constant use)

2. The complete series (as seen with little artificial light after probing above mentioned relics)


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Another thing: the books are printed in "Fraktur", that's a bit like the font used by "The Times" for the name of their paper. Many people can't read this font, especially when used for another language.

About the books in this series "Schlachten des Weltkrieges": some are very interesting and well researched and written, others are poetic novels.


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Bill, here is a good current ebay-auction on complete Reichsarchiv. Of course the present price is non conclusive


Could get up to 2-300 Euros - still acceptable!

Thanks. I will now get my German/English dictionary out so I can work out how to register with Ebay in Germany!

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Bill, put your dictionary aside: you don't need to register on German ebay, if you are already registered in UK, just click the link and do your usual bidding

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Can someone tell me whether the following is the equivalent of the 36 volume version and, if not, what it is:

Reichsarchiv. Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 (2 Bände + 1 Bildermappe).

Berlin: Verlag Mittler & Sohn, 1925. 18 x 25,5 cm. Leinen mit Goldschrift. Good / Good.

2 Bände und eine Bildermappe (3 Bücher).

Band I : 720 Seiten, Band II : 390 Seiten, Bildermappe : 35 Bildtafeln. Mit vielen Skizzen und tahlreichen Faltkarten. Band I : Die Grezschlachten im Westen / Band 2 : Die Befreiung Ostpreußens.

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these are the first two parts of the "real" official history (of which about 17 volumes were published).


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As said earlier in this thread: volumes 10 and 11.


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...all 36 books (see in same thread above) went for 200Euros; a reasonable prize, but no bmac bid....

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Can I get this straight:

Schlachten des Weltkrieges comes in 36 volumes is published by the Reichsarchiv, is NOT the official history of the war, gets less reliable later in the series and there is nothing that covers the Somme Aug-Nov 1916

Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 IS the official history, comes in 17 volumes, was never finished and volumes 10 and 11 cover the Somme.

So, for my purposes I should only look out for Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 Vols 10 and 11 and they are very difficult to locate.

Correct? :(

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Schlachten des Weltkrieges comes in 36 volumes is published by the Reichsarchiv, is NOT the official history of the war, gets less reliable later in the series and there is nothing that covers the Somme Aug-Nov 1916

Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918 IS the official history, comes in 17 volumes, was never finished and volumes 10 and 11 cover the Somme.

the latter is the official history (Der Weltkrieg 14-18). It does not comprise of the 2 wanted Somme books no 10+11!

What you are looking for is "Reichsarchiv, Schlachten des Weltkrieges" the 36 GREEN books, which I have scanned and posted in this thread earlier ( see also the posted ebay-link in this thread). I possess both series. i would not say the GREEN 36 books from Reichsarchiv are less reliable. They are written by different authors and sometimes come along with pathetic point of view! This is quite normal for those times in the 20s. I would say the official series is intermingled with pathetic point of views as well. Today no author would use such language and style when writing a history doc. So don't worry, the 36 GREEN books is what you probably ask for. They include the maps and trench maps ! If you are looking for something particular in books 10+11 , let me know.

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