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Bullets Bombs and Poison Gas


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I bought this book on the basis of the blurb, and because I wanted to know more about the logistics of the British Army, which it appeared to be addressing. Unfortunately, it is almost unreadable, made up of what appears to be a cut-and-paste frenzy, with little if any narrative attempt. I wish that I had read the only review about it on Amazon before I'd bought it. A rare miss from Helion, who will be publishing a book on logistics from a different author in the spring of next year. I hope it's better. Sorry, Mr. Rogers, but you can't win them all.

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My copy arrived a couple of weeks ago but I hadn't had a chance to look at it until late last night.  i thought that my struggle to make sense of it was perhaps due to the fact I had been on the battlefields for 3 days, getting home yesterday evening.  But having had another look at it in the cold light of day I can safely say that the problem wasn't with me.  It is, as Paul says above, a cut and paste frenzy.  Some of the information that David Rogers has gathered is both interesting and useful but there is no logic to the structure and no narrative or analysis.  It's a random collection of official documents, many of which are not quoted in chronological order, coupled with some very amateurish photographs.  


It's back on the shelf and I suspect it will stay there for quite some time.  

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