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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Last Cruise of the Majestic Goodchild/Cowie

Felix C

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  • 2 months later...

I was very disappointed by this book.

I presume that this reprint has been made using optical character recognition or some similar system, as hardly a page goes by without one or more spelling mistakes and other typos, which are very distracting to the reader.

The other problem facing the reader, is trying to decide how much was retained from the original log of ex-Petty Officer Cowie, and how much was inserted by then budding novelist George Goodchild.

Eg; see page 99 - Can anyone remember a charge by French cavalry? I don't

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I manually typed it exactly as the print edition which did have a number of spelling eccentricities. I thought they were different usage dating from the era. 

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