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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Aaron Nelson

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After scrolling through ebay and various webistes I cant find any books on the following batalions of the Manchester regiment.







These formed 198 and 199 Brigades of the 66th Division. Can anyone recommend any book titles for unit histories of the above units. Or any source material available for reserch.

thanks Aaron.

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Absolutely zilch; nothing; nada - to the best of my knowledge.

I know there's two volumes of a 1/7th history and I think that's it for the Territorial Bns.


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Hello Aaron,

Not dealing exclusively with the 2nd line battalions of the Manchester Regiment, volume 2B of the Order of Battle of Divisions gives a narrative of 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division. It is not much, and I think basicly the same as found here on this site.

Good luck!


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A book entitled "Amateur Soldiers" by K.W.Mitchison is as near to an official history as possible of the 1/10th, 2/10th and 3/10th Battalions of the Manchester regiment. It was only published in 1999 so shouldn't be too difficult to find. It covers the Volunteers and Territorials from 1859 to 1938, but the main chunk of the book (approx 75 - 80%) is WW1.


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A book entitled "Amateur Soldiers" by K.W.Mitchison is as near to an official history as possible of the 1/10th, 2/10th and 3/10th Battalions of the Manchester regiment. It was only published in 1999 so shouldn't be too difficult to find. It covers the Volunteers and Territorials from 1859 to 1938, but the main chunk of the book (approx 75 - 80%) is WW1.


I've seen that one - it's about the Oldham Territorials if I recall correctly. Manchester City Library (local history section) has a copy.



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A book entitled "Amateur Soldiers" by K.W.Mitchison is as near to an official history as possible of the 1/10th, 2/10th and 3/10th Battalions of the Manchester regiment. It was only published in 1999 so shouldn't be too difficult to find. It covers the Volunteers and Territorials from 1859 to 1938, but the main chunk of the book (approx 75 - 80%) is WW1.


Damn. Another one to add to the growing "wants" list.

Dave - you told me about this ages ago and I forgot. It's me advanced age, doncha know.


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Damn. Another one to add to the growing "wants" list.

Don't worry John. It shouldn't break the bank if you find it. I think I got my copy for about £8 off ebay and I've seen a few others since for around the £10 mark.


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