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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pre-war Territorial Units

Guest C729LEE

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I have found that my Granfather served with the Lincolnshire Yeomanry prior to WW1, I have photos of him in the uniform. Born 1888 in Frodingham, now a part of Scunthorpe, he lived until 1905 in the Birmingham/Dudley area. Something to do with him not getting on with his father. It seems as a steelworker you would get on better if you belonged to one of these Territorial Units.

Now, I have found a Medal Roll which indicates that he did not serve abroad, a categoical "No" in the field adjacent to his name is the answer to the question, served abroad or not. At some time in 1914, he is transferred to the Sherwood Rangers in Retford, Notts. At Christmas in 1914, he is pictured with his unit living at the Crown Hotel in the town. In fact he marries my Grandmother there in the June of 1915, Pheobe Dixon. L/Cpl Thomas Stow was a fit man, Ironstone Boxing Champion of Lincolnshire, and a wrestler of note. Why would he not have been sent to the front. He spent the most of his war in the Canterbury area of Kent as a cyclist messenger.

As a Territorial, would he have signed on to serve in this country only?

Was there any such rule or regulation, as he was a steelworker or a reserved occupation?

His brother lost a leg John M Stow 8th Lincs, a cousin KIA Walter Stow 1/5 Lincs, two brothers-in-law KIA Albert Franklin 5th Lincs & Joseph Dixon 4th North Staffs Special Reserves. Did Thomas have an option?

Lee in Lincs :huh:

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Hello Lee,

First, you can find here a short introduction to the TF.

When war broke out, every man was asked if he would volunteer for overseas service or not. The fact he didn't serve overseas might be due to several reasons. A man may refuse to serve overseas, of have a reserved occupation (as you already pointed out your grandfather being a steelworker), or because of not being fit enough. Such men would usually form into the 2nd line unit, being the reserve unit to the unit serving overseas; in this case 2/1st Lincolnshire Yeomanry.

Does the Medal Roll give some details on your grandfather's service?

I hope the above helps a little.



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I have virtually nothing, his photos are of him in pre-war exercises, and later on in Retford with the Sherwood Rangers. His unit was posted to Kent, this is all we have so far, I have a war diary for the unit and it is pretty short, in fact it is probably the shortest I have ever seen.

Thanks for the info.

Seasons Greetings,


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Although the Territorials could not be forced to serve overseas originally, by 1916 with the beginning of conscription, they had little choice. So, being a Territorial didn't exempt him from overseas service.

If he spent most of the war as a cyclist messenger, then you can probably rule out that he was in a reserved occupation.

That leaves his fitness.

I assume you've made enquiries to see if his service record has survived at the National Archives?



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