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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Gunner & Acting Lance Bombardier (single stripe)


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Merry Christmas To All!

I'm trying to find out more about my Grandfather's millitary service.

I was hoping that someone out there has the information that I'm looking for.

...or could point me in the direction of where I can find it

Does anyone know what role a Gunner and an Acting Lance Bombardier (single stripe) played in the Royal Field Artillery (R.F.A.) during the war?


a) A Gunner with the 5th London Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery

B) An Acting Lance Bombardier (single stripe) with the 47th Divisional Ammunition Collumn (D.A.C.) of the Royal Field Artillery

Any Information would be greatly appreciated.



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Brad wrote:

I'm trying to find out more about my Grandfather's millitary service. . . .

Does anyone know what role a Gunner and an Acting Lance Bombardier (single stripe) played in the Royal Field Artillery (R.F.A.) during the war?


a) A Gunner with the 5th London Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery

An Acting Lance Bombardier (single stripe) with the 47th Divisional Ammunition Collumn (D.A.C.) of the Royal Field Artillery

Brad: The rank of Gunner in the artillery was equivalent to Private in the infantry. The major role of a Gunner was as a member of the gun crew, although gunners could also handle ammunition, act as signallers, wire layers, officers' servants, and many other jobs. An Acting Lance Bombardier was an acting (read temporary) rank just above that of gunner. It usually implied that the man had some supervisory role, even though it might have been a minor one. He could have held a more important role on the gun crew, supervised some signallers or wire layers, etc.

You indicate that your grandfather served in the 5th London Brigade, RFA TF which means that he went overseas as a member of the 1/5th London Brigade that was redesignated as the 235th Brigade, RFA TF in the 47th Division or the 2/5th London Brigade that was redesignated as the 300th Brigade, RFA TF in the 60th Division. Because he later served in the 47th DAC I would guess that he was originally in the 235th Brigade in that same division. This would normally mean that his service number should fall in the range of 950001 - 955000.

There is considerable information on the 5th London Bde, RFA and the 235th Brigade, RFA in Bertha and Chris Reynolds' The London Gunners Come to Town that was published in paper back in 1995 and which should be obtainable in libraries or book stores in the UK.

Regards. Dick Flory

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Thanks Dick!

I really appreciate the info.

I'll look for a copy of the book you mentioned... it sounds like very interesting reading.

Thanks Again & Merry Christmas.


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Following on from your earlier reply can you advise the duties of Acting Bombardier and Bombardier?

I have a man listed as both in records but suspect he was officially an Acting Bdr.

How were these ranks identified ie. stripes, etc?


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kinnethmont: I am no means a specialist on other ranks in the RA but I think that Acting Bombardiers and Bombardiers during the Great War wore a single chevron. There duties were similar to those mentioned for a Lance Bombardier in my earlier message to Brad.

Regards. Dick

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