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2nd Batt Worc reg Oct 1917


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Could somebody please look up what engagements the 2nd Batt were involved in immediately after the battles of Menin Road and Polygon Wood. I know that they returned to their camp at Sercus on the 28th of September 1917, but what happened after this?

I ask because my great grandfather - L/cpl George Hill 9821 from Birmingham - was awarded the MM somewhere around this time and i'm trying to narrow down the possibilities.

It is believed that he won it for taking command when all the more senior officers were killed or incapacitated, at a crossroads somewhere, maybe near Verdun.

Any info sincerely appreciated.

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Hi Sharon

I hope this bit of info will be of help.

L/Cpl. 9821 G. Hill Gazette date 17/12/17 (MM)

The Battalion entrained at Reninghelst to billets at Sercus, south of Cassel where the troops settled down to a short period of quiet.

The 2nd Battalion came into the Lys area in October. On the 14th the Battalion marched through Wulerghem over the Messines Ridge and relieved the 1st Middlesex in the front line. They were

relieved on the 18th Oct. by the 1st Queen's and moved back into support at Bristol Castle. A & B companies were left at the forward area to support the 1st Queen's.

On the 24 Oct. the 2nd Worcestershire were ordered for duty as working parties in the Ypres Salient. They were carried by lorries from Neove Eglize to Ypres and were Quartered in a so-called 'camp' outside Menin Gate. On the 26th saw the opening of the final attack on the Passchendale Ridge . The 2nd Worcestershire in camp were shelled daily by long range high verlosity guns.

After returning to Neuve Eglise the 2nd Battalion remained there in camp until November 7th. They then moved forward to support trenches on Vimy Ridge and on the 11th Nov. took over from the 1st Queen's the front line trenches north of the river Douve. On the 15th Nov. they were relieved by 15th Australian Infantry. On the 16th Nov. they marched westwards to Locre and 2 days later moved by buses to camp near Brandhock. On the24th Nov. they marched through Ypres and out at the Menin Gate to camp at Lancer Farm near Potijce. On the 29th Nov. the Battalion moved forward across the battle-field to a suport position at Seine Farm.

On the last day of the month they moved forward to Passchendale to the front line east of the ruins of the village. They held the trenches for 4 fays. On the night of Dec. 3rd they were relieved and moved back into a support position near Seine Farm. On the 5th they moved back to camp at St. Jean and the following day by train to Brandhoek. They were in camp for a few days before moving further back by march route through Poperinghe and Waton to billets near Winnizeele.



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Could somebody please look up what engagements the 2nd Batt were involved in immediately  after the battles of Menin Road and Polygon Wood.  I know that they returned to their camp at Sercus on the 28th of September 1917, but what happened after this?

They were out of the line between September 27th and October 14th. Their movements were...

Sercus - (inspected by Haig on Oct 2nd)

Salperwick (St.Omer) - Oct 5th

then Wizernes - Bailleul - Neuve Eglise (rest camp)

On Oct 14th they went via Wulverghem and the Messines Ridge to the Front Line on the River Douve, the story of which is continued by Peter's post (above).


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