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German soldier unit identification


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Shooting... :D

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In their shooting practices the companies had to fulfil certain exercises to be awarded the Schießauszeichnung which was awarded only to the best achievers. They had to shoot from different distances and from different positions (standing,, lying).

Edited by The Prussian
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For example, if you can explain in few words, what did a soldier for a simple schützenschnur (the lowest level)? And another question, what level he wore?

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I will have a look tomorrow.

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He wears a Troddel for Unteroffiziere and Sergeants. Vice-Feldwebel and Feldwebel had Portepees.

The Schützenschnur (officially called "Schützenauszeichnung") were awarded to NCOs and enlisted men.

NCOs of each company recieved 3 Schützenauszeichnungen each year. Enlisted men recieved 8 for each bataillon for the 1st shooting class, 5 for the 2nd shooting class in a high etat, and 7 i.e. 5 for a low etat.

Fähnriche, Fahnenjunker and one-year volunteers recieve the badges if they are equal or better then the 5th best shooter of the the 2nd shooting class.

The Lehr-Inf.Rgt. recieved for each company 3 for NCOs and 20 for enlisted men, but only for NCOs in the special class ("besondere Klasse") and for enlisted men in the 1st class.

I hope the tables are ok in german. If you´ve got questions, let me know





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I confess that the medal ribbon is bothering me... Nothing seems to fit... But, surely a single ribbon, not two!

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Hi all! Thank you, well for the lowest rank of Marksmanship a soldier did what is write in page 75?

Or the ranks are 1,2,3,4, at extreme left of the page?

Another small question, can you identify his schutzenschnur rank?

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No, the numbers are the excercises, which each soldier had to pass.

The Schützenschnur is the lowest, 1st class.


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For me seems 1st level. The marksman badge seems red not white. So on the attached file is it the "übung" to have the 1st class.



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No, the numbers are serial numbers.

Each soldier had to shoot the 2nd shooting class (page 153 above). If he fulfills those 14 shootings, he came into the 1st class. There he had to shoot the 10 shootings.

One could earn Schützenschnüre in the 2nd and 1st class.

Those who shot the "Hauptübung" (main exercise) with the fewer numbers of rounds will have recieved the Schützenschnur.



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So they shot in Hauptübung from 300-400 m, aufgelegt or freihändig infeend (?), brustwehr, with 5 shot (30 ringe I think is the circle which they shot, like the arrow) and 1 minute with 3 rounds in the G98.


Our saxon soldier was a good shooter :)

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Yes, you´re right! But we don´t know, if he shot the 2nd or 1st class. New soldiers and those with less experience shoot in the 2nd class, the older ones in the 1st class.

The other word is "knieend" (on knees)

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To understand if he was a good soldier, conditions for 2nd class:


meters 200, freehand, knees,  Ringtopfscheibe (?) 5 rounds, 30 circle, only 1 round unter 5

metres 300,  inclined 5 rounds 25 circle

metres 300 freehand and knees 5 rounds , 20 circle

metres 400 on parapet, sektionscheibe (?)  4 rounds, 7 points

metres 400 freehand and knees sektionscheibe 4 rounds, 6 points

from 12 to 13 5 rounds (behind each other show in between) within 1 minute from first shots. At the begin of " übung " the Gewehr has only 3 rounds.

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So far, right. The "Sektionsscheibe", later was called 400m-Scheibe.

To the unit, we have seen, he wears a cross. So he served with a saxon Res.Pio.Komp.

In 1918 the Pi.Btl.12 had Res.Kp. 1-6 and the Pi.Btl.22 had Res.Kp. 3-4 and 1 Ersatz-Kp.

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8 hours ago, The Prussian said:

So far, right. The "Sektinsscheibe", later was called 400m-Scheibe.

To the unit, we have seen, he wears a cross. So he served with a saxon Res.Pio.Komp.

In 1918 the Pi.Btl.12 had Res.Kp. 1-6 and the Pi.Btl.22 had Res.Kp. 3-4 and 1 Ersatz-Kp.


I think it's most likely it's one of the reserve - or possibly Landwehr - companies of PB 12 and 22 which were formed at mobilisation (and for which the helmets with the Reservekreuz were ready in the warehouses). It's questionable whether any later units received these helmets, but when it's just a photo of a single man it's hard to draw any useful conclusions.


NB: both PB 12 and PB 22 had a mobile Ersatz-Kompagnie each (as well as an immobile Ersatz-Bataillon back in Saxony). The mobile Ersatz-Kompagnien formed the Pionier component of 19. Ersatz-Division when it was formed in summer 1914. It's unclear whether these companies would have had the reserve helmets - the mobile ersatz division was a late addition to the Saxon mobilisation scheme, and its units were provisionally organised and incompletely equipped.

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I don't remember where I found this photo but it will be nice found a photo of these two Pion.Btls and identify him. Survived he the war :)?

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here is a quiet similar helmet.

Greatest difference is that it is a artillery helmet.


IMG_20190807_155604 (2).jpg

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