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Quote about squire's son and vicar's son on local war memorial?


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I am hoping to begin each chapter of my magnum opus with a relevant (and pithy?) quotation.


I will either have a great many suggestions for this or very few, I suspect.


Some months ago I came across a pithy quote commenting on a war memorial where the list of names began with the son of the squire (or laird) and the son of the vicar (or minister) implying how fitting it was. Unfortunately I think I read it quoted in something else. I now cannot remember where.


Can anyone suggest where I saw it and indeed what it was? (It would be better from my point of view if it were in the Scottish context (laird, minister).




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It's not got either of the sons, but I'm just checking you don't mean Sassoon's 'Memorial Tablet'.



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Thank you.


Not that, but that's interesting, I will remember it for possible future use.


What I remember was a couple of prose sentences briefly describing the memorial and mentioning the two names at the top and implying how fitting it was - very conventional - at least for 1920s and 1930s. The kind of thing you might find perhaps in one of Arthur Mee's King's Englands perhaps.




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I can't help with the quote, but can you say what it is you're working on producing?



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14 hours ago, Derek Black said:

I can't help with the quote, but can you say what it is you're working on producing?



Shsh! A long way to go yet and I don't want to tempt fate!



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I may be off the beam here, but wondering if it might be in one of the Lark Rise to Candleford books by Flora Thompson.


If you can remember a specific phrase, it may be worth searching in Google Books with that.

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9 hours ago, seaJane said:

I may be off the beam here, but wondering if it might be in one of the Lark Rise to Candleford books by Flora Thompson.


If you can remember a specific phrase, it may be worth searching in Google Books with that.

Thank you for your efforts.


Apologies, I really am struggling with this one, particularly as I don't think I saw the original but someone else quoting it.

The phrase which I do remember is something about the names of the "The laird's (or squire's) son and minister's(or vicar's) son" being at the top of the memorial i.e. those two in the same phrase.


I will look at the newspaper reports of the dedication of the memorial I want apply it to. Perhaps I saw it there.



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Sounds more like something inspired by a line from "The Absent Minded Beggar" by Kipling.



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