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The best book to carry for the Gallipoli August offensive.


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I'm heading back to Turkey in May for another trip to Gallipoli. 

This year I'm travelling very light so I want some opinions on the best book to carry which gives me a good account of the events without lugging around a volume of the official history. I intend to walk both the Suvla front and the Sari Bair Range so if there is a single book it would be an advantage.



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Both of Mark's suggestions are highly recommended and taking the pair only adds 900grm to your luggage

If you're lucky with your dates you may even run into the author while you're there

and if your a little less lucky, then yours truly :blink: instead


The second half of Steve's ANZAC - Sari Bair  offers help and guidance with walking tours, including No.3 Rhododendron Spur - which is a MUST - see pages 210>

and try to include The Farm if you can

Another enlightening walk is Taylor's Gap


Let's hope for good weather  




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Hi Guys 


Thanks for your recommendations.

Last year I carried Steve's Suvla Offensive and as you have said it is an excellent book. I will also include the other book on this trip.

Last May the nights were cool but the days were great with little rain so here's hoping for another good journey.




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