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Suggested books - 2nd Ypres?


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I'd appreciate any recommendations, suggested reading specifically on the second battle of Ypres or more broadly on Ypres in general - preferably 1914-1915 period. 


I read Alan Palmer's The Salient which provided broad brush overview. 


Thanks in advance

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1915 The Death of Innocence by Lyn Macdonald covers 2nd Ypres in some detail - granted most is with eye witness accounts

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I can recommend John Dixon's book 'Magnificent But Not War' The Second Battle of Ypres 1915 (Pen & Sword).

It provides a wealth of detail.

Also the Official Histories and associated maps for the periods you are interested in.


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I recommend the books by Jürgen Schmieschek and Andrew Lucas about the Saxons in Flanders.



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Welcome to Flanders Fields: The First Canadian Battle of the Great War: Ypres, 1915 by Daniel Dancocks was the second book I read on the First World War in general, and it has sparked an interest in 2nd Ypres. I have a few issues with the events/conclusions, which is why I bought George Cassar’s newer book on the Canadians at 2nd Ypres. I haven’t read it yet, but it might be of interest to you. 

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8 hours ago, Jervis said:

I'd appreciate any recommendations, suggested reading specifically on the second battle of Ypres or more broadly on Ypres in general - preferably 1914-1915 period. 


I read Alan Palmer's The Salient which provided broad brush overview. 


Thanks in advance

Here are a few downloads if you like; Duguid's (only) volume of the "History of the Canadian Forces, 1914 - 1919 http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/oh-ho/index-eng.asp (the appendix can also be downloaded) and Edmonds' "Military Operations France and Belgium 1915" (volume one)  https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.210675
For first Ypres Edmonds' second volume on 1914   https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.210674

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' Gas ! : Battle for Ypres 1915 '  by J.L McWilliams and R.J Steel

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I second Alan Jones: Dixon's "Magnificent, but not war" is for the me THE reference on 2nd Ypres.


If you read French, I can also recommend Yves Buffetaut's Ypres, 22 Avril 1915: Bretons, coloniaux et Normands dans l’enfer des gaz, YSEC, Langres, 2003



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