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What's the difference?


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What's the difference between the Royal Field Artillery and the Royal Horse Artillery?


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Basically, the former supported the infantry in the field and the latter supported the cavalry. At the start of the war RHA therefore had lighter field guns firing smaller shells - the 13-pounder versus the 18-pounder used by the RFA. In addition, the RFA incorporated light howitzers into its arsenal. There would have been differences in organization but I am not so familiar with these details.


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Thanks to both of you.

When I had my brief sojourn with the army in Aldershot in 1967, the RHA were stationed nearby and I always thought their unit sounded good.


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In practice, and of necessity once trench warfare set in, the RFA was used in support of the infantry on the Western Front. The 18-pounder became the standard field gun as well. In the Battle of Cambrai for example, some RHA batteries operated in support of the infantry. They were pushed forward in support of the advance, along with colleagues in other branches of the Royal Regiment of Artillery.


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Pardon my ignorance but did they both use horses to move the guns around ? For some reason I had this thought that the RHA used horses and the RFA used motorized transport but I suspect that I am wrong. In which case some stars to the RFA may be found to farrier ranks ?

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