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was that the one where the guy was gazetted for a VC just before his CO,his mate,got killed & he tore it up ?


You got it Dave.

I remember watching it as a kid with my grandfather and have been trying to get hold of it for years.

I suppose 20 years aint that long a wait!!!!!!!!!!



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your right ..john mills was'nt in went the day well..

just looked up his film list and dont know where i got that from..

Also looked up the cast list and no one even looking like john mills..

So Went the day well still stands for.....thora hurd...

Ha Ha..

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Thora Hird The Heroine, you mean!

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I've been thinking about this for a few days now. If I could only have one film I think it might have to be Reach For The Sky.

This wasnt an obvious choice for me when I started but when I thought about it this is the film I always have difficulty tearing myself away from whenever it is on.

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  • 1 month later...

A few of my faves:

Battle of Britain - I must have seen this film about 50 times, but I still feel the urge to watch it again and again...

Stalingrad - Unremittingly bleak, but then how else can a film about Stalingrad be!

Hells Angels - I love this film, even though it's quite clear that it's stitched together from bits of the silent and the talky versions. The cinematography is great, the flying sequences are some of the most iconic ever put on celluloid, and I find it genuinely moving.

Wings - I would kill to see this film performed live with an orchestra. How many other 2 and a half hour long silent films keep the attention gripped nowadays? The stunts are amazing, I've heard that several pilots were killed or seriously injured filming it and that doesn't surprise me at all. Modern CGI just can't compare with a real camera, in a real aircraft, being flown by real WW1 pilots.

Blue Max - (I love my aviation films) This has a nice grubby and cynical feel to it that I think captures the butchery of the war in the air quite well. George Peppard is admirably ruthless, and I quite enjoy the whole class issue thing going on between him and the other German officers.

Aces High - This is basically Journey's End in the air, but it's alright.

Band of Brothers - I do own the entire series and I do enjoy it, but I find the way the soldiers are portrayed as being so heroic quite tiresome at points. I'm not doubting the heroism of individual soldiers, but ultimately they were just normal people and I think elevating them to the status of heroes takes something away from their achievement.

I think there are some quite big gaps in the war film pantheon. No film has ever really captured the essence of one of the really big battles of the Great War, unless I'm missing something. Most films about the land war seem to centre around a few bored people sitting in a dugout talking about how awful the war is, before they go over the top and get cut down.

I don't think the spectacle of a Napoleonic era battle has ever really been captured successfully either. 'Waterloo' is a valiant attempt, and it succeeds in terms of scale, but it just never seems to get going. A lot of those present at Waterloo who were veterans of many different campaigns described it as the most bloody they ever fought, but seeing some people marching about and then falling over doesn't quite capture the carnage.

I'm happy to be enlightened though if anyone can suggest any good ones!

I'd like to see a decent film about Borodino, unless one already exists. I saw a clip from 'War and peace' about the battle that looked quite good. Zamayoski in '1812' says that no battle equalled the carnage of Borodino until the Somme so it'd be quite interesting to see it on film.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

Just finished watching "A very long engagement", taped from SBS Sydney.

Magnificient film, some really good battle scenes, top marks in my opinion.

Sorry guys in OZ, didn't know it was on until just going to bed that night, otherwise would have made mention on the forum.



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'Das Boot' was excellent and atmospheric, 'The Beast' about a Russian tank crew in Afghanistan is another good one which never gets much airtime.


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After some thought these are my top ten favorite war films

1 A Bridge to far

2 Zulu

3 Band of Brothers

4 Saving private Ryan

5 Full metal jacket

6 We were soldiers

7 All the kings men

8 Gallipoli

9 Cross of iron

10 The longest day

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