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1 hour ago, Moonraker said:

Of the First Canadian Contingent of 30,527 men, 18,495 came from the British Isles.




1 hour ago, john white said:


... What would the reason be for a greater proportion of British- born men in the Canadian Army?

Most of the men from the British Isles had settled in Canada in the 15-year wave of immigration that had preceded the Great War. The high numbers enlisting may in some part be attributed to patriotic fervour, though contemporary cynics suggest that some at least had failed to make a success of their new lives and had seized the opportunity to return home, see family members and perhaps remain in Britain after what some were predicting would be a short war.


53 minutes ago, Dai Bach y Sowldiwr said:

The stats in the link above quote these figures. Quite what the time span was I don't know:


Like Dai, I can't work out what time span the figures in his link refer to. Obviously they seem to contradict the one I gave, but I stand by it. A double-check led to a claim that at least half of the CEF (not just its First Contingent) was British-born.



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