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Battle of Arras 1917


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My ancestor pte 28705 James Rolland 2 KOSB also died on the 8 May 1917 south of Fresnoy Wood he was with 13 IB of 5 DIV 1st army, seems to have been a busy area.


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The 12 Glostershire (service) btn (Bristol) was part of the 95th brigade of the 5th division which formed part of the 1st army. the 95th brigade were alotted an area to the left of Fresnoy village with 13 brigade to its right.

Our stay on this front started badly, for in the first week Fresnoy was lost. This village formed a bulge in the line, and the 95th had at first to throw back a defensive flankon thier right, thogh the line was straightened out a bitin the first two or three days. Early on the 8th at dawn the Germans delivered a strong attack on the village, But three times in the space of two hours were beaten off by the MG's and rifles of the Glosters and east Surreys. followed by a quiet period. Then at 0630 an intense bombardment burst on the whole of the left and part of 13 brigades front, followed by an infantry assault. It was raining heavily at the timeand owing to the thick mist the SOS signals were not seenby our gunners. The Glosters on the left had thier entire line blotted out, and though the DCLImade a vigerous counter attack, the enemy pressed on, and forced back the Gloucesters back out of the village.

a counter attack was ordered for 1900hrs but enemy fire interfered with the getting of orders to the units. It was posponed till the next morning at 0200hrs

I hope this helps. it is taken from the book The Fifth Division In The Great War by Brigadier A H Hussey.


ps Sorry for the miss spelling of the regiment.

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My Fathers Uncle was killed at Arras 8 May, 1917. Corporal William Herbert Earle (37844

12th Bn., Gloucestershire Regiment). Corporal Earle was from Northleach, Gloucestershire.

Looking for any information on the Bristol Regiment, 12th Gloucesters Battallion or anyone who may have served here at the same time.

I have found a brief account of the battle on the night of may 7/8 1917 but not enough to complete my puzzle.

Any help would be appreciietd

Chris I have just read an article originally published in the daily telegraph in 1999 I think you may find it of great interest.

I will try and attach it to this thread. it is a wonderfull story and may answer a few of your questions.


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A map I have put on the forum before which gives some idea of the Arras area.



Malcolm would you happen to know where the 10 Royal Dublin Fusileers were fighting on 15 April 1917. I have seen the map I dont know what Division they were in Thanks Colin

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The 10th Dubs were in 63rd Naval Division which wasn't committed to the battle until 20th April at Gaverelle. I don't know where they were on 15th, War Diary will tell.



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hello pals my grandad was killed on the 13 .4. 17 in arras town he was with the 6th dorsets anyone got any information on the dorsets on that day 90 years ago or maps photos etc. tom

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  • 2 months later...

A pal of mine had an uncle killed on 23rd April at Arras, 6th Dorsets also. Corporal Harry Campbell Boothby, 11247. Would be interested to know the action on this day. He is supposed to be mentioned on the Lyons company memorial plaque which is in Nrth London now I believe?

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Not sure that Snow was altogether well regarded by his cadre of staff officers. If you read Armageddon Road, Billy Congreve dismissed him memorably (if a little unfairly) as a 'wet old hen'.

I guess you know that Dan and John Snow of TV fame are his grandsons. You could drop one of them a line.

Sorry, my mistake, make that Peter and John Snow are d'Oyly Snow's grandsons

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Your of course right, Snow was not well thought of by his juniors or some of his superiors, some of this was well founded. This thread was started back in 2003, I have come along way in my research since then, however, funnily I am still working on the Arras section!

I have spoke to and met the relatives of Snow.

Many Thanks


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Not sure that Snow was altogether well regarded by his cadre of staff officers. If you read Armageddon Road, Billy Congreve dismissed him memorably (if a little unfairly) as a 'wet old hen'.

I do not have a copy of this book and have not seen one either, could you tell me in what reference he makes this, that is what time etc. I have read some references from it that others have provided but that was in regard to Hubert Hamilton and his death.



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Ok but I wont have time to do this until the weekend. I think Armageddon Road, edited by Terry Norman (Kimber) may be a useful read for you, particularly in the 1914/1915 coverage. Highly perceptive and quite funny in parts too.

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Ok but I wont have time to do this until the weekend. I think Armageddon Road, edited by Terry Norman (Kimber) may be a useful read for you, particularly in the 1914/1915 coverage. Highly perceptive and quite funny in parts too.

many thanks


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Re Armageddon Road

Billy Congreve (3rd Division staff) makes disparaging observations on Snow from Dec 1915 onwards. Congreve was serving in the Ypres sector at the time. His March entries 1915 following the mining of St Eloi, he castigates the staff of the 27th Division and denounces Snow variously as 'that silly old man Snow' and 'Snow is about as much use as a wet old hen'. Criticisms of the 27th Division staff may be justified as there is evidence that counter attacks were ordered but wounded were not collected. Several of Billy Congreve's friends and relatives were killed or maimed in these attacks. I can send copies but you will have to let me know whether you want them

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