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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Driver F Jackman RFA


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Hello Everyone

Trying to help a friend trace the service career of his grandfather who served in the Boer War:-

46111 Driver F Jackman 39 Bty RFA

My friend believes that he also served in the Great War with the artillery, but I have not yet found an MIC that matches up. Can any Pal give me any pointers

All The Best


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Well, RFA = Royal Field Artillery, so that part makes sense.

Are the details given his WW1 ones? The number certainly looks like it. If so, you are extraordinarily lucky in that you know he served with 39 Battery - most artillery medals docs do not give the unit.

39 Bty was part of XIV Brigade RFA, which was a regular army formation that was part of the 4th Division. It went to France very early, joining battle at Le Cateau on 26 August 1914.

The battery moved to XIX Brigade in February 1915. This was another regular army formation, part of 27th Division. In November 1915 it moved to Salonika where it then remained.

Hope that gives you something to work on.

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Many thanks for that

All The Best


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Have checked the MICs for that service No & it does not match up with Dvr Jackman. The family assure me that the service details are for the Boer war.

All The Best


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