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Royal Naval Chaplains (any denomination) - information request


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Hall, William.

Died 1916 HMS Venerable

1911 Census of England & Wales. HMS Collingwood. Chaplain and Naval Instructuctor. Married, aged 43, born Park House, Chipchase, Northumberland.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List :Possibly – lent for duty under Australian Government Chaplain and Naval Instructor William Hall, B.A.

Hainsselin, Montague Thomas

American, HMS Ajax 1913-1917.(As Montague Hainsselin)
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Ajax. Chaplain Montague Thomas Hainsselin B.A.

Hainsselin, Sydney

1911 Census of England & Wales. HMS Forte. Aged 44, born Stoke Damerel, Devon. Cof E Chaplain.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. H.M.S. Vivid, Devonport, Royal Naval Barracks.Acting Chaplain for Temporary Service Sydney Hainsselin, M.A.
Seniority 11 August 1914.

Harcourt, Guy Hanmer

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 26, single, born Newton Abbott, Devonshire. Clergyman, assistant to the head of the household, Reverend Herbert Ridley. Living at All Saints Vicarage, Clydesdale Road, Notting Hill, Kensington.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Duke of Edinburgh. Chaplain Guy Hanmer Harcourt, M.A.

Hartley, Richard Swanwick.

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 55, married, born Knaresboroogh, Yorkshire. Aboard HMS Renown.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Chaplain Naval Hospital Chatham.

Hastings, Francis George Burrows

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Minotaur. Chaplain Francis George Burrows Hastings, B.A.
Possible marriage Q4 1926 at Portsmouth to Vera C. Hanford.
Possible death aged 59 in Q1 1933 in the Eastry District of Kent.
1933 Probate Calendar – the Reverend Francis George Burrows Hastings of Sholdon Vicarage, Sholdon, Kent died 4th February 1933 at Walmer, Kent.

Heap, Howarth Arnison

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Egmont, also covers R.N. Hospital Malta, Dockyards Malta & Fort St. Angelo. Chaplain Howarth Arnison Heap.

Hewetson, George Hayton.

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 34, single, born Chester, Cheshire. Aboard H.M.S. Minotaur.
Died 1914 H.M.S. Bulwark – see previous post.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Bulwark. Chaplain George Hayton Hewetson, B.A.

Hewitt, George Hayward

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Duncan Acting Chaplain for Temporary Service George Hayward Hewitt, M.A. Seniority 5 August 1914.

Hicks, F.W.

St Johns College, Cambridge has the Rev F.W. Hicks, Chaplain RN who was wounded in France on a report covering 26th July 1915 to 29th August 1915. https://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Eagle/Eagle%20Chapters/War%20Lists/War_Lists_1910s.pdf

Hogan, John Edward.

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Britannia. Chaplain John Edward Hogan, M.A.
Chaplain The Reverend John Edward Hogan, M.A., has been placed on the Retired List. Dated 2nd February 1915.(Page 1321. The London Gazette dated 9 February 1915.)

Horan, Frederick Seymour

RNVR - survived https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/7688750

Howard, Thomas Godwin Charsley

1911 Census of England and Wales. Aged 33, single, born London. Aboard H.M.S. Fox.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Swiftsure. Chaplain Thomas Godwin Charsley Howard,M.A.

Hughes, Octavius Rutherford Foster

1911 Census of England and Wales. Aged 46, single, born Bangor, Wales. Aboard H.M.S. Tamar.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Chaplain Royal Marines Light Infantry (Portsmouth). Octavius Rutherford Foster Hughes, M.A


Icely, Frank.

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 47, married, a Clergyman of the Established Church, in the service of the Royal Navy, recorded living with wife, three children and two servants at 3 Cumby Terrace, Pembroke Dock.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Chaplain DY Pembroke. Frank Icely, M.A.

Ingles, Charles William Chamberlayne.

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 42, married, a clergyman of the established church employed by the Royal Navy, living with his wife at Albion Cottage, The Lane, Wyke Regis, Dorset.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Royal Marines Light Infantry (Depot Deal). Chaplain Charles William Chamberlayne Ingles M.A.


Irvine, Frederick Julius

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 34, single, born Belfast. Recorded aboard H.M.S. Venerable.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Hannibal. Chaplain Frederick Julius Irvine, B.A.


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Jackson, William Edward Gordon

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Theseus. Chaplain William Edward Gordon Jackson, M.A.

Jones, Arthur Benjamin

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard Depot Ship H.M.S. Hecla and for duty in Torpedo Boat Destroyers. Chaplain Arthur Benjamin Jones, B.A.

Jones, David Jonathan

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Euryalus. Chaplain David Jonathan Jones, B.Sc.

Jones, Francis Horace

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 37, single, born Shelton, Nottinghamshire. Aboard H.M.S. Highflyer. Chaplain CofE.
Staff of General Officers Commanding Royal Marine Brigade – survived.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Royal Marines Light Infantry (Depot Deal). Chaplain Frances Horace Jones,M.A.

Jones, Percy Herbert

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Vanguard. Chaplain and Naval Instructor Percy Herbert Jones, M.A.
Born 1854. Died 1941. https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/6858793

Jones, William Foster

1911 Census of England & Wales - probably. Aged 35, married, a Clerk in Holy Orders, born Aberystwyth, Wales, who was the lodging at 19 Cambridge Road, Walmer, Kent.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: H.M.S. Victory Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth. Acting Chaplain for Temporary Service William Foster Jones, B.A. Seniority 8 August 1914

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Kane, Thomas

1911 Census of England & Wales. CofE Chaplain and Naval Instructor. Aged 46, married, born Annaghmere, County Armagh. Aboard H.M.S. Queen.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: DY NH Chaplain and Naval Instructor Thomas Kane, B.A.

Kent, Thomas P.

1911 Census of England & Wales. Roman Catholic Priest, single, aged 49 and born Mitchelstown, County Cork. Head of the household at The Presbytery, James Street, Devonport.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Devonport: Roman Catholic Chaplain Thomas P.Kent

Kewney, George Stanley

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Drake. Chaplain and Naval Instructor George Stanley Kewney, B.A. The GRO index of armed forces and overseas deaths records him as having died aboard the Queen Mary in 1916. He was recorded as Chaplain and Naval Instructor.

Also https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/story/65877

Kilburn, Ernest Edward

1911 Census of England & Wales. Probably the 47 year old Clerk in Holy Orders, single and born Hampstead, London, who was recorded as the head of the household at St Saviours Clergy House, Northport Street, Hoxton, London, N.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.H.S. Rewa. Acting Chaplain for Temporary Service Ernest Edward Kilburn, M.A. Seniority 13 August 1914

Knapp-Fisher, George Edwin

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 25, single and a Clerk in Holy Orders, born Kensington, London, he was records as a boarder at 94 Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Chatham. Chaplain George Edwin Knapp-Fisher, M.A.
(Looks like he had a son, Edward George Knapp-Fisher who would go on to be a chaplain with the R.N.V.R. in WW2 and would subsequently become a Bishop).

Knight-Adkin, Walter Kenrick

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 30, single, born Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, he was recorded aboard H.M.S. Lancaster.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Conqueror. Chaplain Walter Kenrick Knight-Adkin, B.A.

Knowles, Wulstan

Roman Catholic Chaplain – see https://www.sconews.co.uk/feature/55278/fathers-in-arms/

“Dom Wulstan Knowles entered service in 1915 and after carrying out his work at lnvergordon ‘very conscientiously and  with  considerable  tact  and  efficiency*  left  the  navy  in  1920.” http://www.monlib.org.uk/papers/ebch/1998hagerty.pdf

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Landman (or Landmann), Leopold Hewetson

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Venerable. Chaplain Leopold Hewetson Landmann.,M.A.

“The Revd Leopold Hewetson Landman , who joined the navy as a chaplain used his proficiency as an oarsmen and boxer when at Oxford to set up sporting clubs for sailors on shore, and he also taught himself to play the violin as part of his strategy to be of use and get close to the men . He also pioneered regular shore services, organised cinema showings and also set up Sunday schools for navy children.”


Litchfield, William George

A Reverend William “J” Litchfield, aged 38, single, and born “Rugby, Surrey” was recorded as the Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Lord Nelson on the night of the 1911 Census of England & Wales.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. New Zealand. Chaplain and Naval Instructor William George Litchfield, M.V.O.,M.A.

Livingstone, Norman Murray

1911 Census of England & Wales. The reverend Norman M. Livingstone. M.A., aged 31, a Bachelor, born London, was recorded as the CofE Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Argyll.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Dido. Chaplain Norman Murray Livingstone, M.A., D.C.L. LL.B.

Lloyd, Harold Quintus

The 30 year old Rev. Harold Q. Lloyd, born New Cross, Kent and then unmarried, was recorded as the CofE Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Venus, (Captain Robert E.R. Benson) on the night of the 1911 Census of England & Wales.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Stationed the Devonport establishment, H.M.S. Impregnable. Chaplain Harold Quintus Lloyd, M.A.

Longridge, Michael

On the 1911 Census of England & Wales the 39 year old Michael Longridge, a married Chaplain in the Royal Navy, born Balham, London, was recorded as the head of the household at 5 Cotehele Terrace, Stoke, Devonport.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: DY Malta Chaplain Michael Longridge, M.A.

Lovett, Samuel Henry Wesley

September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Vengeance. Chaplain Samuel Henry Wesley Lovett, M.A.
The death of a 92 year old Samuel H.W. Lovett was recorded in the Surrey South-Western District in Q4 1961.
The 1962 Probate Calendar lists a reverend Samuel Henry Wesley Lovett of 10, Middle Avenue, Farnham, Surrey, clerk, who died on the 28th December 1961. Probate was granted to Dorothy Woodhouse Lovett, widow, and Joan Woodhouse Turnbull, married woman.

Lydall, Cecil Wykeham

1911 Census of England & Wales.Aged 38, single, born Marylebone, London, CofE Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Swiftsure.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List: Aboard H.M.S. Lion. Chaplain Cecil Wykeham Lydall,M.A.

Died 1916 HMS Lion https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/7665870

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Mann, Lawrence.

Roman Catholic Chaplain – see https://www.sconews.co.uk/feature/55278/fathers-in-arms/

“Dom  Lawrence  Mann  served  at  Nigg  Camp,  then  with  1st Cruiser Squadron, and in H.MS. Conqueror with the 2nd Battle Squadron in the NorthSea. Fr Mann*s appointment teminated in 1919 but he re-entered in 1920 and was placed on the retired list in October 1926. His commanding officers reported his assiduous approach to his duties and his popularity among the men. The men of HMS Erin presented Fr Mann with an inscribed chalice.” http://www.monlib.org.uk/papers/ebch/1998hagerty.pdf

Martin, William Neville

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 31, single, born Bradford, Yorkshire, Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Hannibal.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Dominion. Chaplain William Neville Martin,M.A.

Masefield, William Beech

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 26, married and a Clergyman of the Established Church, born Cheltenham, Gloucester. Recorded as the head of the household at Tittensor, London Road, Ascot, Berkshire.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Queen Mary. Chaplain William Beech Masefield, B.A.

William Beech Masefield (1884-1940) attended Jesus College from 1904 to 1907, after which he followed in his father's footsteps as a churchman, attending Lichfield Theological College in 1908-9. He was Curate of Rushden 1908-10 and Ascot 1910-12 before becoming a Chaplain in the Royal Navy serving on HMS Vanguard 1912-13, Queen Mary 1913-15 and Highflyer 1915-18.

Maidstone 1918-19, Apollo 1919, Royal Arthur 1919, Pandora 1920-21, Revenge 1921-4, and Vivid 1924-25.

He was Curate of Stoke Damerel 1925-26; Vicar of Hilderstone 1926-33; Rector of Stopham, Diocese of Chichester from 1933

He served as Air Raid Warden of Stopham Rectory, Pulborough, and was killed by enemy action on 4 October 1940, at Stopham Road. (Includes picture of him aboard HMS Highflyer said to date from 1918). http://ghgraham.org/williammasefield1884.html

Maundrell, William Herbert

Was the Chaplain of HMS Bedford when it hit rocks nears Japan in 1908 and was subsequently written off. He presided over the memorial service. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=WV-qCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT203&lpg=PT203&dq=William+Herbert+Maundrell+Navy+Chaplain&source=bl&ots=3wbTesQCzx&sig=ACfU3U11U3mYFZGFZ-zsNApZ-ZTU5zglbA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI0OOSh_P0AhUJAcAKHSBQAV4Q6AF6BAgcEAM#v=onepage&q=William%20Herbert%20Maundrell%20Navy%20Chaplain&f=false

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 34, single, born Nagasaki, Japan. Recorded as the Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Neptune.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Prince George Chaplain William Herbert Maundrell,M.A.

Mayne, Howard Bertram

Chaplain The Reverend Howard Bertram Mayne M.A. was awarded the Insignia of Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy – his name was on a long list of Royal Naval Officers recognised by the King of Italy in recognition of valuable services rendered at the time of the earthquake in Southern Italy in 1908. Permission was given to wear the decorations in April 1912. https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/28599/page/2702/data.pdf

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Shannon. Chaplain Howard Bertram Mayne, M.A.

McCarthy, James Desmond

1911 Census of England & Wales. Probably – aged 28, single, a Priest, born Queenstown, County Cork. Recorded at the Presbytery, 340 Commercial Road, St Georges, London E.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List  Shown as “Aboard” 191  - should be the establishment at Fishgard, but I could not find him. Chaplain James Desmond McCarthy, M.A.

McKew, Robert

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Cornwall. Chaplain and Naval Instructor Robert McKew B.A., B.D.

The death of a 72 year old Robert McKew was recorded on the Isle of Wight in Q4 1944. The 1945 Probate Calendar records that a reverend Robert McKew, of Danecourt, Victoria Avenue, Shanklin, Isle of Wright died on the 11th October 1944. Probate was granted to Maude Normand McKew, widow, and Sheila Wharton Bailey. https://probatesearch.service.gov.uk/Calendar?surname=McKew&yearOfDeath=1945&page=1#calendar

McQuade, Frederick

1901 Census of England & Wales. Probably the Revd. F.M. McQuade. Aged 35, Single, born Virginia ??. Recorded as the Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Vindictive.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. DY Bermuda Chaplain Frederick McQuade, B.A.

Metcalf, Francis William Rucker

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Cumberland. Chaplain and Naval Instructor Francis William Rucker Metcalf.,M.A.

The death of a 90 year old Francis W.R. Metcalf was recorded in the Folkestone District of Kent in Q2 1965. No obvious civil probate.

Moore, Charles.

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 42, Married, born Shardlow, Derbyshire and a Chaplain I.J.V. Instructor, R.N. Recorded as the head of the household at 19 Ulundi Road, Blackheath, Greenwich, London S E, Kent.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Navy Hospital Yarmouth Chaplain and Naval Instructor Charles Moore, M.A.

St Johns College, Cambridge has the Rev C. Moore, Chaplain RN on its' list of those that served.

Moore, John Walter Barnwell

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 24, single and born Hampstead, N.W. London. He is the head and only person living at 2 Beach Road, Southsea. His occupation is given as Clerk in Holy Orders, Curate of St Simons, Southsea.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Centurion. Chaplain John Walter Barnwell Moore, M.A.

Moreton, Arthur Cyprian

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Invincible. Chaplain Arthur Cyprian Moreton,M.A.

The death of a 70 year old Arthur C. Moreton was recorded in the Totnes District of Devon in Q4 1936. The 1937 probate calendar records that the reverend Arthur Cyprian Moreton of Dene Cot, Waterside, Paignton, Devonshire, died on the 14th December 1936. Probate was granted to Mabel Moreton, widow. https://probatesearch.service.gov.uk/Calendar?surname=Moreton&yearOfDeath=1937&page=1#calendar

Morgan, George William Faulconer

1911 Census of England & Wales. Revd. George W.F. Moran, single, aged 32, born Stoke Newington, London, Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Challenger.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Stationed the Devonport establishment, H.M.S. Impregnable. Chaplain George William Faulconer Morgan B.A.

Died 1916 aboard HMS Invincible.https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/7666904

Muller, Hugh Christian Andreas Sigvald

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 32, married, born Newquay, Cornwall, a CofE Chaplain with the Royal Navy. He and his wife were recorded as visitors at 3 St Mathias Terrace, Wellswood, Torquay.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. London. Chaplain Hugh Christian Andreas Sigvald Muller.,M.A.


Norregard, Arthur Henry Hermann Magnus

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Temeraire. Chaplain Arthur Henry Hermann Magnus Norregard,M.A.
St Johns College, Cambridge has A.H. Norregard serving aboard HMS Temeraire as a Chaplain on their War List.

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Palmer, Herbert Harrison

1911 Census of England & Wales as the Revd. Herbert H. Palmer. Aged 33, married, born Wells, Somerset. Recorded as the Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Inflexible.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Hyacinth. Chaplain and Naval Instructor Herbert Harrison Palmer, M.A.

The National Maritime Museum also have some items for him. https://www.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/rmgc-object-464047

Parker, John Cartwright

1911 Census of England & Wales. Probably aged 26, single, a Church of England Clergyman, born Probus, Cornwall. He was the Head of the household and only person listed at The Nook, Castle St, Launceston, Cornwall.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Berwick. Chaplain John Cartwright Parker, B.A.
A 59 year old Royal Naval Chaplain, John Cartwright Parker, would die on the 11th March 1943. http://www.theygavetheirtoday.com/royal-naval-chaplains.html

Peshall, Charles John Eyre

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 29, single, born Oldberrow, Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire. Recorded as the CofE Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Encounter.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Gibraltar. Chaplain Charles John Eyre Peshall, B.A.
Aboard HMS Vindictive at Jutland, survived.
Career including Chaplain to the Fleet, (1933-35) and Honorary Chaplain to the King (1934-35) on his Wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Peshall

Peyton-Burbery, Robert Jackson Peyton

On the 1891, (aged 9) and 1901 Census of England & Wales, (aged 19) as Robert J.P. Burbery. No obvious match on the 1911 edition.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Suffolk. Chaplain Robert Jackson Peyton Peyton-Burbery, M.A.

Sea Gallantry medal presented 25 November 1916: Rev Robert J.P. Peyton-Burbery, M.A., Chaplain, R.N., H.M.S. Suffolk.

‘On the 7th September 1915, the S.S. “Pollockshields” (of Sunderland) stranded on the reefs at Bermuda and during the night the vessel broke in two. On the following day a whaler manned by local fishermen was launched and managed to secure a line to the wreck. The boat then veered astern just clear of the surf and Mr. Peyton-Burbery swam over to her from the beach with a line. As it was impossible to take the boat alongside the wreck, the shipboard men were hauled through the water into the boat by means of a buoy with endless line attached, and the boat was then hauled towards the shore and the men were assisted ashore through the surf.’

Robert Jackson Peyton Peyton-Burbery was born on 27 October 1881, and educated at Christs’ College, Cambridge, gaining a B.A. in Special Theology. He was ordained as a Priest in 1908 by the Bishop of Winchester and became a Chaplain, R.N., on 22 June 1909. Peyton-Burbery served at sea as Chaplain to H.M. Ships Achilles 1909-10; Charybdis 1910; Astraea 1910-12; Euryalus 1912; Russell 1912-13; Suffolk 1913-16, and Crescent 1916-19. He retired from the Navy in 1928 and was Rector of St Mary’s, March, until 1968, and Rural Dean of March from 1937 until 1968 when he became Canon Emeritus of Ely, Cambridgeshire.

Peyton-Burbery volunteered for service again in the Second World War and was Assistant Chaplain of the Fleet 1939-41. At the Royal Military School at Thurlestone in 1944, when he was sixty-three, it was said that in spite of his age he was still playing rugby and hockey, and that few cadets could beat him at rope-climbing. He lived for some years in retirement in Hampshire, and until his death in 1977 he was believed to be the oldest living clergyman who had been a naval chaplain. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:xDy0EBmG2IEJ:https://www.dnw.co.uk/auction-archive/past-catalogues/lot.php%3Fauction_id%3D16%26lot_uid%3D50633+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-b-d

The death of a Robert Jackson Peyton-Burbery, born 27th October 1881, was recorded in the Chichester District of Sussex in Q2 1977.

Phelan, Stewart Joseph

1911 Census of England & Wales. Probably aged 32, a Roman Catholic Priest, born Dingle, County Kerry. He was one of a number of Roman Catholic Priests recorded living at The Presbytery, St Mary On The Mount, Church Road, Leeds.
He volunteered in 1914. http://www.theygavetheirtoday.com/rn-chaplains---rev-david-youngson.html

Died aboard HMS Black Prince 31st May 1916. https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/7666329
CWGC adds aged 37, member of the OMI.

He was the starting point for this old GWF thread. https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/179702-chaplain/

Phillips, Ernest Spencer

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 42, Single, Royal Navy Chaplain, born Ickleford, Hertfordshire. Recorded boarding at 3 Ordnance Row, Portsea, Hampshire.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Inflexible. Chaplain Ernest Spencer Phillips,M.A.

Aboard HMS Inflexible at Jutland – survived. https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.uk/lifestory/7668765

Phillips, William Thomas

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Bacchante. Acting Chaplain for Temporary Service William Thomas Phillips, M.A. (Hon. Chaplain R.N.V.R) Seniority August 1914.

Pim, John Bernard

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Sutlej. Chaplain John Bernard Pim, M.A.

Pitt, Arthur Henry John

September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Good Hope. Chaplain Arthur Henry John Pitt.
Died aboard H.M.S Good Hope 1914.

No additional details on CWGC. https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/2871860/the-rev-arthur-henry-john-pitt/

The 1914 Probate Calendar records that the reverend Arthur Henry John Pitt, chaplain of H.M.S. Good Hope died 1st November 1914 at Sea. Administration was granted to Mary Elizabeth Pitt, widow. https://probatesearch.service.gov.uk/Calendar?surname=Pitt&yearOfDeath=1914#calendar

Poignand, Cecil Willoughby

1911 Census of England & Wales. Aged 31, single, born Highbury New Park, London. Recorded as the Chaplain aboard H.M.S. Black Prince.
September 1914 Monthly Navy List. Aboard H.M.S. Dreadnought. Chaplain Cecil Willoughby Poignand, M.A.

Pollen, John

1911 Census of England. Probably aged 52, Assistant Roman Catholic Priest, born Paddington, London, who was recorded living at 114 Mount St. London W. At this time it seems to have been the centre of Jesuit activity in London. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_Immaculate_Conception,_Farm_Street

Roman Catholic Chaplain on H.M.S Warspite at Jutland,http://www.linda-parker.co.uk/naval-chaplains-in-the-first-world-war/

“During the battle a shell landed on the port side of the between decks position and a sheet of fire spread down the port side . This set on fire a casemate with 11 men inside . With a midshipman, Carey managed to help put out the fire with a hose, and was then asked by the midshipman to investigate how many men were alive. He found 5 alive, and reported “it was gruesome, because when I lifted them out, their flesh came away in my hands “. He administered morphia and found later that three of the men he rescued survived. The Roman Catholic Chaplain, Father Pollen was burned badly in this incident . Ship’s surgeon Gordon Ellis reported “Father Pollen sustained his burns through helping to rescue the men of the guns crew who on fire form the cordite. He is 56 years old but took the shock well.”

At Rosyth, an engine room artificer Thomas Collins was standing near to Carey as the wounded were carried off. “a stretcher was being carried past with a body completely swathed in bandages with on holes for a mouth , nose and eyes. As the stretcher passed we heard a voice saying ‘God bless Warspite’ and recognised it as that of Father Poland(sic) who was badly burned trying to save men from the 6inch battery deck when the cordite ammunition went off. Carey broke down and wept like a child.””http://www.linda-parker.co.uk/naval-chaplains-in-the-first-world-war/

Poole, J.T.

St Johns College, Cambridge has the Rev J.T. Poole, Chaplain RN who was wounded in France on a report covering 26th July 1915 to 29th August 1915. In a later list he is recorded with H.M.S. Cumberland. https://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Eagle/Eagle%20Chapters/War%20Lists/War_Lists_1910s.pdf

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  • 2 years later...

I am grandson of Rev Christopher Graham (listed in a previous post).  Attached is a list, with dates, of all the ships he served in in WW1.  Also attached is a photo, showing his medals, probably just before or just after he left the RN.  After WW1, he was appointed Rector of Cheddon Fitzpaine in Somerset.

He was awarded the OBE, but I can't identify the other medals - probably standard ones.  Sadly, none in the family seem to have them.  Can anyone help, please?

Revd C Graham RN Ships screenshot.png

Rev C Graham 2.jpeg

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What a wonderful photograph. I would expect three of those medals to be the "WW1 trio," that is the 1914 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.

I've looked in the London Gazette archive online and have found the 1906 record of his appointment and the 1919 award of his OBE in the New Year Honours (both below), but I haven't been able to find a service record. Screenshot_20240916_201558_Kindle.jpg.8b2a04b99e280b59a4bfaf53756d815b.jpgScreenshot_20240916_201651_Kindle.jpg.bb420005fa1c4b9ddf27da8108c77c5f.jpg


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Fantastic - many thanks.  Now for the missing one ....  One of the medals seems to have several bars.  I'm looking at forking out and getting his service record - watch this space!


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Just a thought, but the ribbon of the unknown medal ribbon looks like the Boer War ribbon.

Could he have served in the Army before entering the RN?

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1 hour ago, wallace2 said:

Just a thought, but the ribbon of the unknown medal ribbon looks like the Boer War ribbon.

Could he have served in the Army before entering the RN?

Aha - well spotted!  Grandpa did indeed volunteer in the Army in the Boer War - hadn't thought of that.  Which medal would that one be - the furthest from the OBE - I don't know how the ordering works?  Grandpa is top right in the photo - dated 1901 approx.  Also his citation.

1901 approx (Rev) Christopher Graham Back Right Volunteer for Boer War.jpg

1901 04 25 (Rev) Christopher Graham Boer War (1899-1902) Volunteer.jpg

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2 hours ago, seaJane said:

I would expect three of those medals to be the "WW1 trio," that is the 1914 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal

The RN Officers' Medal Roll (ADM 171/190/027) records that Chaplain Christopher GRAHAM MA RN was entitled to only the British War Medal (he had no WW1 sea service), and that this was issued to him at RN Hospital, Haslar (probably in 1921).

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50 minutes ago, horatio2 said:

The RN Officers' Medal Roll (ADM 171/190/027) records that Chaplain Christopher GRAHAM MA RN was entitled to only the British War Medal (he had no WW1 sea service), and that this was issued to him at RN Hospital, Haslar (probably in 1921).

Thank you for your help.

That’s really interesting! Confusing as well as he is wearing 4 medals plus OBE. So that’s one (?) Boer War and the British War Medal. I assume from what you say that Vulcan didn’t constitute sea service as she was moored and stationary off Dundee!

Moreover, if he didn’t get his BWM till 1921, the photo must be in or after that year.

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Not really my area of interest but I think from what I've read on the forum in the past is that after royal awards come gallantry awards, then service \campaign medals in a prescribed order, then long service and finally foreign awards. Civil awards are on the opposite breast. Don't know if the Navy did different and quite expecting to be shot down on this :)

I also believe the Boer War and earlier campaigns initially came before the Great War ones but this was subsequently reversed.

So if we think the second medal from the left is the Queens South Africa Medal and the medal fourth from the left is the British War Medal, that doesn't leave many options for the medal between them. In theory could be the 1914 or 14/15 Star but no evidence he qualified for one. It also seems too small.

The change in tone as a reult of the photographic paper, developing process and camera lens still contines to flummox me, but as a start for ten here we have him with a Miltary OBE, Queens South Africa Medal, 1914 / 1914-15 Star and British War Medal for comparison, (all sourced via Wikipedia \ e-bay).


No new IP is claimed for the above, and all image rights, if any, remain with the current owners.


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Many thanks! Time prevents me from doing any more on this for the mo, but I’ll share what you’ve all given me with my cousins on our zoom tonight.


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10 hours ago, PhilipM said:

Vulcan didn’t constitute sea service as she was moored and stationary off Dundee!

Not at Dundee during WW1.

Chaplain GRAHAM was appointed to HMS VULCAN on 16 June 1914. Although Navy Lists in 1913 and up to 18 May 1914 place VULCAN at Dundee, the wartime Admiralty ‘Pink Lists’ locate VULCAN as follows:

18 Jul 1914               Chatham – depot ship 7th Submarine Flotilla

5 Aug 1914               Leith – depot ship 7th Submarine Flotilla

1 Nov 1914               Leith – depot ship 7th Submarine Flotilla

30 Jun 1915             Forth – depot ship 7th Submarine Flotilla

1 Jan 1916                Leith – depot ship 7th Submarine Flotilla

From Sep 1916        Immingham – depot ship 3rd Submarine Flotilla

It would appear, therefore, that Rev GRAHAM spent his WW1 time in VULCAN alongside at Leith.  His following appointments to HMS GUNNER/Granton from Jun 1916 to 1919 mean he spent his entire war within three miles of the centre of Edinburgh. Hence no qualifying time for 1914-15 Star and Victory Medal. This might not be the first case of medals being 'self-awarded', as it were.

Edited by horatio2
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14 hours ago, PRC said:

Not really my area of interest but I think from what I've read on the forum in the past is that after royal awards come gallantry awards, then service \campaign medals in a prescribed order, then long service and finally foreign awards. Civil awards are on the opposite breast. Don't know if the Navy did different and quite expecting to be shot down on this :)

I also believe the Boer War and earlier campaigns initially came before the Great War ones but this was subsequently reversed.

So if we think the second medal from the left is the Queens South Africa Medal and the medal fourth from the left is the British War Medal, that doesn't leave many options for the medal between them. In theory could be the 1914 or 14/15 Star but no evidence he qualified for one. It also seems too small.

The change in tone as a reult of the photographic paper, developing process and camera lens still contines to flummox me, but as a start for ten here we have him with a Miltary OBE, Queens South Africa Medal, 1914 / 1914-15 Star and British War Medal for comparison, (all sourced via Wikipedia \ e-bay).


No new IP is claimed for the above, and all image rights, if any, remain with the current owners.


Further to your comment in para 3, last sentence.

In the photo of Rev Graham wearing medals I believe they are all miniatures. A bar with 5 full size medals would be much broader and longer.

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For what it's worth, according to the rolls on Ancestry Graham was entitled to the Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal and South Africa, 1901 clasps to the Queen's South Africa Medal.

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