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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Another war diary extract


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Again from the war diary for the 8/KRRC. The battalion is the Arras sector and receives order to pack up and move - the question is what is the phrase used below in connection to the horses and mules?

thanks in advance.


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Muffled? Frankly it looks like muffed to me, but muffled would make more sense IF they were moving on a metalled road close to the front - hooves make quite a noise, and I've no doubt a sharp eared German forward observer (or whatever they were called) would take it as a sign of relief and bring down a few whizzbangs.

Further opinions from the more knowledgeable should be sought!


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Muffled is the word. Is was common practice to muffle the hooves of horses and mules, normally with hessian, for night movement , within range of the enemy.

Terry Reeves

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Thanks to all - muffled it is...

All the best

Mike S

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