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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Trying to Identify these Soldiers


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Hi All, 


Apologies if this is in the wrong thread. However I recently came across this remastered image and I am keen to see if anyone has identified any of these soldiers in this image already?


The gentlemen third from the right, strikes a resemblance to my great grandfather, but I am not sure. I know for a fact that my great grandfather was KIA at the battle of the Somme on the 23rd July 1916. However I am not sure what the date this image was taken. 


My great grandfather was a Corporal of the Gordon Highlanders  4th Battalion. I can't see any way to identify the division of these soldiers, other than the crest on their caps, but even that I am not sure what it is. 


If anyone has any info, it would be great to know. Either way, it would be great to identify these heroes!


Thanks in advance. 


Wood - Somme.JPG

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There are a couple of R Artillery cap badges visible so, given the subject of the photo, is say they're all likely to be gunners. Certainly no one there is wearing Cameron uniform (different cap, kilt, etc) 

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2 minutes ago, Meglin said:

...The gentlemen third from the right, strikes a resemblance to my great grandfather, but I am not sure. I know for a fact that my great grandfather was KIA at the battle of the Somme on the 23rd July 1916. However I am not sure what the date this image was taken. 


My great grandfather was a Corporal of the Gordon Highlanders  4th Battalion. I can't see any way to identify the division of these soldiers, other than the crest on their caps, but even that I am not sure what it is...


They are all soldiers of the Royal Artillery - either RFA, RGA, etc. So if you great grandfather was only ever in the Gordons I think you can rule out it being him:


Royal Artillery | National Army Museum

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It’s a great picture!

What was your grandfathers name

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Thanks for all the responses! Great to get some idea of who might be depicted in the image. Interesting none the less. 


@Alisonmallen62  My great grandfather was Cpl Frank Love Wood (Service Number: 3678/4) he died at the battle of the Somme on the 23rd July 1916 on the High Wood front. It was great to be able to see his name on the Thiepval Memorial in France.  Do you know anyone or have any connection to the Gordon Highlanders?

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No connection to Gordons though when a teenager in the 70’s up in Scotland met a bloke in my first job whose father had been a Gordon Highlander - John Blackie - too young to have asked a lot about him really - wonder what the soldier with the hammer and saw was doing!

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