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I have the return portion of a 1917 combined leave and railway ticket for travel from Trowbridge to, presumably, France, as it's marked "Havre route only" and the original owner was a member of the RAMC at 2 Convalescent Depot, which appears to have been at Rouen for the whole war. [EDIT: not so, it was in Salonika in 1917.]


It's signed by a Colonel A A Sutton (???)*, with "DDMST of CRSE" rubber-stamped under his name. I'm guessing that  he was Deputy Director of Medical Services Transport (???) and that "CRSE" might denote "Chief Railway ?????


*I am reassured by finding an MIC to Colonel A A Sutton of the Army Medical Service, though I couldn't get to "preview" it.


I would appreciate informed opinion on what the initials stand for.

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Alexander Arthur Sutton was a career officer in the RAMC. His MIC (from Ancestry) is below2041090342_AASutton2(2)(640x436).jpg.133e30e6556e010b182b861a03802610.jpg.

I suspect this is him, but it seems that he served in the Balkans.



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Thanks for that speedy response, which pre-empts my concluding the opening of another thread  about No 2 Convalescent Depot!  In fact the ticket has "Salonika" both typed and rubber-stamped on on it.


You had more luck with the MIC than I did - the National Archives website is playing up a bit this afternoon.


(Must have been quite a trek from Trowbridge to Salonika in war-time.)

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20 minutes ago, Moonraker said:

the National Archives website is playing up a bit this afternoon.

Indeed it is!


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