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18th Labour Company


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I have recently spent some lockdown time going through a lot of old postcards that one of my grandfathers sent from France. There are dozens of them because my grandmother kept every postcard and letter she ever received. Most of them just say "From somewhere in France" or "near Belgium" presumably to avoid being stopped by the censor. So all I had were dates, all of them 1917...


Until yesterday when I found  the only postcard with useful information on it. It was send to him by his wife and has his full address and number.  His name was Edwin Eades from Clapton in London.




I see that he was in the 18th Labour Company. The "Long Long Trail" website tells me about the Labour Corps, but does not have much detail about what they actually did.  From this date and address, is it possible to find out where he was and what he was doing there?


Any hints would be gratefully received.



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I believe that it is actually a reference to the Queen's' 18th Infantry Labour Company, which in 1917 became 126th Labour Company of the Labour Corps. See two-thirds of the way down this page: https://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/regiments-and-corps/the-labour-corps-of-1917-1918/labour-companies-of-the-labour-corps/



Edited by Chris_Baker
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Medal index card shows 

Queens Regiment Labour Coy and Labour corps

LCC  Record of Service show an Edwin Eades working in Tramways. Also says he served in France for 16 mnths 

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126 Coy

Formed as 18th Infantry Labour Company Queen’s Regiment

13 Mar 17

Arrived France 3 Officers 483 ORs

1 Jul 17

38 Gp (126, 128, 148, 150, 154, 161 & 171 Coys) – attached to 1st French Army under control of DADL VIII Corps – rations are to be collected from the nearest British railhead accommodation to be supplied by the French. – 5th Army Diary

3 Jul 17

126 Coy – 36 Gp sos to ROUSBRUGGE 1st French Army – 3rd Army Diary

4 Jul 17

126 Coy – tos ESQUELBECQ no tents, transport or rations. – VIII Corps Diary

7 Jul 17

38 Gp – complete 126, 128, 148, 150, 154, 155, 161 & 171 Coys – VIII Corps Diary

11 Jul 17

126 Coy – ESQUILBEC – working for the French – 4th Army Diary

14 Jul 17

38 Gp – Letter from French 8th Army thanking for the work undertaken in the French Zone (126, 128, 148, 150, 154, 155, 161 & 171 Coys). – GHQ Diary

23 Jul 17

126, 150 & 171 Coys – tos 31 Gp – XVIII Corps Diary

25 Jul 17

Reorgansation: - XVIII Corps Diary

31 Gp – 1 Canadian Bn and 32, 73, 126 & 159 Coys and 6 Bn RE (705 Coy)

31 Jul 17

XVIII Corps: (1 RE, 1 BWIR, 1 Cdn, 2 CLC, 20 White) – 5th Army Diary

59 Gp (Army Gp) – 40 & 144 Coys

                                 13 & 48 Coys CLC

           (Corps Gp) – 6 BWIR,  25, 72, 75, 104, 121 164 & 174 Coys

           (BG Railways) – 1 Cdn (A&B Coys),  6 RE (705)

                                       37, 73, 126 & 159 Coys.

           (Lt Railways) – 45, 65, 91, 101, 141, 148 & 198 Coys

9 Aug 17

31 Gp – XVIII Corps Diary

126 Coy - 28?/A.27.c.6.1

1 Sep 17

126 & 159 Coys – tos – X Corps Diary

1 Sep 17

126 & 159 Coys (XVIII Corps) and 91 Coy (XIV Corps) and 102 Coy (XIX Corps) – all sos to 2nd Army – 5th Army Diary

1 Sep 17

126 Coy – tos 28/N.5.a.6.9 from 5th Army – DICKEBUSCH BG railway extension – 2nd Army Diary

1 Sep 17

Tos 30 Gp – building railway embankments – 30 Gp Diary

25 Sep 17

Making gun emplacements – 30 Gp Diary

28 Sep 17

Unloading trucks and building dug-outs – 30 Gp Diary

29 Oct 17

126 Coy – 36/B.10.a.8.8 – roads – VIII Corps Diary

15 Nov 17

X Corps move to FRUGES duties handed over to Capt Oakley of II ANZAC Corps (Units? 3 (Alien), 45, 93, 111, 120, 126, 136, 134, 158, 193 & 706 Coys and 739 Area Coy and 75 Coy CLC) – X Corps Diary

16 Nov 17

Handed over area to 1 ANAC Corps – VIII Corps Diary

65 Gp – 4 (Alien), 5, 48, 81, 102, 111, 126, 135, 138, 162, 168, 195, 733 Coys all sos to 1 ANZAC Corps.

3 May 18

31 Gp – 10, 38, 67, 126 & 191 Coys and 754 & 833 Area Coys – tos from Australian Corps.   – IX Corps Diary

6 Apr 18

Det 126 Coy – move from RUM CAMP to WINTON CAMP – IX Corps Diary

8 Apr 18

Orders for Withdrawal – IX Corps Diary

1.        All  coys concentrate on BERTEHACRE 27/Q.28.b in two stages

Stage 1  - 126 Coy – to move to BERTHEN (27/R.22.c)

Stage 2 - All coys move from halting places to BERTENACRE (27/Q.28.b) where they will concentrate West of GODEWAESVELDE – BERTENACRE – TRIEUSHOUK road and more than a mile from BRETENACRE.  Gp HQ located at 27/Q.28.b

10 Apr 18

126 Coy – move from HEKSKEN to work at FUSEVILLE Dump – IX Corps Diary

12 Apr 18

126 Coy – move from HEKSKEN to WAGENBRUGE – IX Corps Diary

21 Apr 18

Units remaining in IX Corps: - IX Corps Diary

27 Gp – ½ 51, 64, 121, 126 & 129 Coys – all move to ABEELE – defences all sos to VIII Corps 25 Apr 18

25 Apr 18

Rejoin VIII – VIII Corps Diary

38 Gp (STEENVOORDE) – Det 51, 64, 121, 126 & 129 Coys

8 May 18

126 Coy – working for XXII Corps but remain in 27 Gp – VIII Corps Diary

12 May 18

All Units – 27 & 66 Gps – 20, 51, 64, 66, 111, 121, 126, 129, 134, 703, 705 & 719 Coys and 759 & 832 Area Coys and ? – sos to XXII Corps due to VIII Corps move to CHALONS – VII Corps Diary

5 Jun 18

66 Gp – 58, 118, 126, 134, Det 192 & 705 Coys – VII Corps Diary

7 Jun 18

66 Gp – 27/P.4.b.4.8 – VII Corps Diary

126 Coy – 27/J.29.b.1.9. – roads

10 Jun 18

Instructions from GHQ reference the arming of coys.  Up to 400 rifles per coy and 150 rounds of SAA.  The following sectors of the defence Line: - VII Corps Diary


66 Gp – 26, 58, 118, 126, 134, 140 & 154 Coys

12 Jun 18

66 Gp – 27/P.4.b.4.8 – VII Corps Diary

126 Coy – 27/J.29.b.1.9. – roads

28 Jun 18

39 Division – XV Corps 66 Gp – VII Corps Diary

66 Gp – 26, 46, 121, 126, 134 & 140 Coys to defend line

30 Jun 18

66 Gp – 26, 58, 126, 134, 140 & 154 Coys – sos to XIX Corps – VII Corps Diary

30 Jun 18

Following coys transferred in situ from VII Corps to XIX Corps – 2nd Army Dairy

66 Gp – 134, 140, 126, 26, 154 & 58 Coys

30 Jun 18

66 Gp – (26, 58, 126, 134, 140 & 154 Coys) tos from VII (II?) Corps – XIX Corps Diary

18 Jul 18

40 & 126 Coy – working at STEENVOORDE – XIX Corps Diary

5 Sep 18

126, 140 & det 40 Coys – located RENINGHELST – XIX Corps Diary

10 Sep 18

126 & 134 Coys – excellent work despite adverse weather. Civilian also working steadily clearing debris in RENINGHELST – XIX Corps Diary

3 Oct 18

126 Coy – location ZILLEBEKE – DGT roads – XIX Corps Diary

4 Oct 18

126 & 134 Coys – move to 28?/I.21.a.cent – XIX Corps Diary

3 Nov 18

126 Coy – move to 29/O.1 – XIX Corps Diary

16 Nov 18

Following units sos over to 5th Army: - 2nd Army Diary

XIX Corps

32 Gp – 19, 25, 31, 40, 43, 58, 91, 126, 130, 140, 143, 184 & 188 Coys

29 Nov 18

Following units tos from XIX Corps: - XV Corps Diary

43 Gp – ROLLEGHEM including 126 Coy – SWEVEGHEM

30 Nov 18

43 Gp – 92, 111, 126, 130, 144, 197 & 728 Coys and 748 Area Coy and A Coy Cape Coloured – XV Corps diary

17 Dec 18

Following sos to Labour Commandant MENIN area: - XV Corps Diary

43 Gp – 126, 130, 197 & 728 Coys and 748 Area Coy and A Coy Cape Coloured

2 Jan 19

126 Coy – TOURNAI – 5th Army Diary

24 Jan 19

XV Corps – Lab Comdt MENIN: - 5th Army Diary

(2 white, 4 Area, 4 CLC, 5 PW, 1 Cape Coloured)

43 Gp (COURTRAI) – 126, 130 & 728 Coys and 1 Coy Cape Col

                                     367 PW Coy and 748 Area Coy

19 Mar 19

126 & 728 Coys – to cadre – GHQ Diary

31 Mar 19

COURTRAI Sub-Area – No 5 Salvage Area Diary

43 Gp MENIN – 64, 94, 121, 126, 130, 198 & 728 Coys

                            ¾ 3rd & ¼ 4th Alien and 1 Coy Cape Coloured

                            45 Coy CLC and 367, 369 & 370 PW Coys

22 Apr 19

COURTRAI Sub-Area – No 5 Salvage Area Diary

43 Gp (MENIN) – 64, 94, 126, 130, 198 & 728 Coys

                               ¾ 3rd & ¼ 4th Alien

                               45 Coy CLC and 69, 367, 369 & 370 PW Coys

8 Jul 19

126 & 728 Coys – PASSCHAENDALE – No 5 Salvage Area Diary

12 Sep 19

126 & 728 Coys – exhumation  – No 5 Salvage Area Diary

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Excellent info, the monsstar.

Beware: men of the Labour Corps were often moved between companies. It appears that he transferred into 126th Labour Company on its formation but it is not assured that he remained with it.

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