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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Little Crosses at the Foot of the Hill


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Little Crosses at the Foot of the Hill.

Newspaper cutting dated Feb 13 1915.

Posted this as I found it interesting - Thought I would share it with this Forum.




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It's an interesting article, especialy when viewed in the general assumption of todays generation, that no one ever knew what was going on at the front due to censorship.

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I find the article very interesting ... a couple of questions ...

1 - Newspaper, which one and when? I can't believe it would be in a real newspaper during the war.

2 - It sounds much too simple and direcet to be a real RFA Officer ... maybe a literate, anti-war agitator, yes ... something sent back or made up by a socialist newspaper ...

3 - The odd number given for the survivors is too exact for an observer ... as a public speaker, I know that if you're going to make up a figure, make it an odd number ...

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I'm not sure if I agree with your assertion.If you look on 12 Febraury 1915 you'll see I have posted my Uncle's death announcement which a Forum Member kindly sent me.

From an article in the same paper in the latter stages of the War.

"Lieutenant James Gray,another Courier former apprentice has been hearing from his fellow-apprentice"Jimmy" and in the course of an interesting letter,says-Jimmy sends his regards to everyone in the Courier Office.Fancy him fighting in France,and already twice wounded;Wilkie Cowan fighting in Salonika,and laid aside several times with malaria;Jimmie White lying wounded in Scotland,after severe service;Johnnie Souness,in his soldier's grave;Willie Logan,who has seen all sorts of fighting and is now I believe,on the Tanks;David Scott who,although a mere boy,went out early in the war,and had a German bullet through his shoulder and neck before he was seventeen;Jamie Henderson-alas "missing" now for about a year-and there is myself,wounded at St Quentin,and now killing time in Ireland.I've just been telling Jimmy Aitchinson that we never dreamt of these things as we pushed the old Courier up the station brae on Friday mornings.It would be romantic but for the cloud of tragedy overshadowing it all".

A different and more open Society?


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In answer to your questions

It appeared in my Local newspaper The Herts and Essex Observer.

Generally the paper had WW1 articles of local interest - Locally born soldiers letters and KIAs etc

But the paper also had a weekly 1/2 page with covered general war stories usually under a general title of 'Incidents of the War'.

I have no reason to quetion the authenticity of the article - but each to there own opinion.



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