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Bayonet Identification

adrian 1008

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A sort out of the man cave has revealed this bayonet, which I ask colleagues help in identifying


Apologies if it is not within scope









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It’s a British Pattern 1907 bayonet.

it fits the Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield rifle.

Standard British bayonet of the Great War. Yours was made by Wilkinson and looks like it is dated October 1915 (10 ‘15)


Edited by 4thGordons
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Thank you


There are some marks on the other side would they add anything further do you think ?

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The marks on the other side will probably be an X (this signifies the blade passed the "bend" test) and a crown/letter/number which is an inspector's stamp showing it had been inspected. And a "broad arrow" acceptance stamp.

It is also possible that there are numbers like '20 (apostrophe and two digit number) which are reissue/reinspection dates (year so '20 would be 1920).

If there is anything else - that might add some information but the above would be completely standard.


(DOH! and I see the picture of the other side now - looks all very normal - apologies I skimmed by it in haste)

Edited by 4thGordons
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