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Glasgow Highlanders at Croiselles.


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My grandfather,Pte Thomas McQueen,  333005

was in 9th HLI.From what I can gather they were in trenches around Croiselles on 4th April 1917,again on 23rd April during heavy fighting back in trenches on 11th May with more heavy fighting on the 20th and once more in Croiselles area on24th June.

Would anyone have their position or trenches that cover these dates as want to incorporate them into a trip hopefully next year.

many thanks.

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I studied this fighting for a book a few years ago. Happy to share a few maps of the area by private message if desired. I think they were in support on 23 April and heavily involved in fighting on 20 May if memory serves. I'm not sure regarding the other dates as these were likely when they were holding the front line rather than attacking. 

Do you have any further information on Thomas and what happened to him?

Kind regards,



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Hi Colin…would love to hear anything at all re.this time.My grandfather,as I said,was shot through both thighs and eventually returned home to Uddingstone in Lanarkshire.At some period he was also exposed to gas of some kind which came back to haunt him later in life with horrible effects according to my Dad.He died an early death in 1940.

Previous to joining the 9th he was in Lanarkshire Yeomanry and Queens Royal Glasgow Yeomanry.Have you had your book published?
My e-mail ( address removed by moderator)

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Please use private messages to let Colin have your email address. 

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As with your other thread about September 1917, the WD of 100 Infantry Brigade for April and May 1917 is WO 95/2428/4. It is available on Ancestry and April starts on p 526/795. Lots of info for you and attached to the May WD is a map (p 617/795) showing the position of 9 HLI.


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