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Private Ewan Henry Stevenson died pow

Dirty Harry

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im having great fun (not) attepting a translation... here is what I think it says





EWAN, Henry Stevenson, 41960


Central Information Bureau of the Prussian Ministry of War

die erkennungamarken wurden dor liste nach geordnet

The dog tags were ordered according to the list


Ewan, H                              Nr.41960, Jn Fus,. Erk Mrk Wurde v Kriegslazarett Laz I Brussel durch S L  (Zentralstelle für Nachlasssachen) ohne  weitere Angaben uber  d.vJnhaber, ob dieser tot,


No. 41960, Jn Fus,. Erk Mrk Was transferred to the war hospital Laz I Brussels by S L (Central Office for Probate Matters) without further information about the owner, whether he was dead, 26-02-1918. File 18553/W




jn fus i take it Inniskilling Fusiliers but erk mrk ????


im assuming he died of wounds???


any help be really great !




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His Pension Card states he died 21/8/17 'whilst P/W' if that helps


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7 hours ago, Dirty Harry said:

No. 41960, Jn Fus,. Erk Mrk Was transferred to the war hospital Laz I Brussels by S L

Erk(ennungs) M(a)rk(e) [ ID Disc/Dog Tags ] were transferred by Lazarette 1 Brussels via S 1 etc

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Thanks for the information guys !

Charlie does that mean he was at a war hospital in Brussels?





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6 hours ago, Dirty Harry said:

Charlie does that mean he was at a war hospital in Brussels?

Yes it does. The discs were sent by the war hospital in Brussels to the central probate office which then sent them to the central information office.

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