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George Alfred Rose 80 coy M.G.Corps


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Hi guys,

I have been researching George Alfred Rose, 49217, M.G.C and earlier 2145 Rifle Brigade. I have found his service record and medal award files. He was also mentioned in despathes. 

Is there any way to discover what his act of Valor was? And which war diaries correspond to his service? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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Corporal Rose of the 4th Bn Rifle Bde was reported wounded in the Daily Casualty list published 11/10/1915. Would that be the wounding in his service record early May 1915??

You haven't given a date for the MiD? A mention may be for services as well as acts of valour?

Edited by charlie962
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20 minutes ago, charlie962 said:

a date for the MiD?

January 1919 https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/31152/supplement/1482

"General Headquarters, Salonika, 1st November, 1918. My Lord, 'I have the honour to submit herewith a list of the names of the Officers, Warrant Officers, Men and Nursing Staff, whose services I desire to bring to your Lordship's notice for gallant conduct and distinguished services rendered during the period from the 1st March to the 1st October, 1918. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient Servant, G. F. MILNE, Lt.-Gen., 'Commanding-in-Chief, British Salonika Force"


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9 minutes ago, charlie962 said:

Corporal Rose of the 4th Bn Rifle Bde was reported wounded in the Daily Casualty list published 11/10/1915. Would that be the wounding in his service record early May 1915??

You haven't given a date for the MiD? A mention may be for services as well as acts of valour?

Yes 10.5.15 he was admitted with a gun shot wound to the head. 

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Just now, charlie962 said:

Salonika War diaries have still not yet been digitised by National Archives..

Apologies for my lack of knowledge here. Learning as i go. A visit to KEW is required to read them?  

Thanks for your time guys, it is very much appreciated!! 

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The diary for service in France and Flanders


A regular soldier he joined the BEF 20.12.1914

Thie above diary covers his service up to his wounding and yes, to read the Salonica diary you will either need to visit Kew or pay TNA to copy it (expensive) or get a researcher to copy it for you.

It is also often  worthwhile ordering the next level diary I.e. 80 Brigade HQ for maps,operation orders etc.

There are readily available books on the Salonica campaign and research at the https://salonikacampaignsociety.org.uk

Sgt Rose along with thousands of others in theatre contracted malaria which was a significant factor in the campaign causing more casualties than losses incurred in fighting. 


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  • 1 month later...

Back again guys, i wondered if the attached page of George's service record makes any sense to anyone? I also read the 4th bn rifle brigades, war diaries from France 1914 and 1915 which appears to say they moved up near ypres by May 1915. George was shot on May 10th but his record says in Rouen, France. Did i miss a split in the battalion? Rouen is quite a distance from Ypres. If anyone is familiar with the 4th Rifle Brigades movement, i would appreciate any advice,



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9 hours ago, RobertQuinn said:

George was shot on May 10th but his record says in Rouen, France.

His record says he was admitted to 8 General Hospital at Rouen with a gunshot wound to the head on the 10th May 1915, reported the same day.  Probably not too serious as he was back at the Base Depot on the 21st May, in all probability on light duties or 'Base Details' until fully fit.  The intermediate locations on the evacuation chain, i.e. Field Ambulance, CCS do not appear to have been recorded for posterity. GSW was used for any penetrating wound caused by shot or shell.

As for the mystery drawing, a suggestion.  We know that in 1908 he was treated for syphilis and in 1909 gonorrhoea.  His record shows a large ulcer on the skin of his penis for the former.

One hopes the measurements are metric :blush:

You will have noted his original RB number is shown at the top of the sketch which is struck through and his MGC number entered.  We don't know why this was done unless it was in the course of salvaging the record. The diagram is a key to another document which was probably lost. Perhaps draw a veil over this part of a distinguished military career.

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1 hour ago, charlie962 said:

From time to time I've seen the outline of a man's foot in the record. I suggest these are boot sizes??

Every day a school day :thumbsup:


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4 minutes ago, kenf48 said:

Wouldn’t march very far with a foot that shape 

Possibly a dropped arch [flat-footed - which nowadays with a proper orthotic insole doesn't stop marching far] and possibly wearing a sock ??


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48 minutes ago, Matlock1418 said:

Possibly a dropped arch [flat-footed - which nowadays with a proper orthotic insole doesn't stop marching far] and possibly wearing a sock ??


Unfortunately his records indicate his medical problem was not with his feet but elsewhere. 

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I've heard of people who can't tell their a*** from their elbow, but this is ridiculous!

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