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David Rowe

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12 hours ago, Matlock1418 said:

I believe they did - though a lot of photos I can recall don't seem to show them.

This YouTube video by Great War Huts refers to them and show them on the right arm [for NCOs] - near the end if you haven't time to watch it all [c.7-10 mins - though I think the whole is worth it] .


Edit: Hooray, after all I have found a seemingly contemporary photo with ranks chevrons at this link https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kingsownmuseum.com%2Fphotogallery%2Fko2159-11.jpg&tbnid=AbwW9xFtYAZnIM&vet=10CIEBEDMoiAJqFwoTCLiNrfqT3_8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF..i&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kingsownmuseum.com%2Fko2159.htm&docid=linKHYeawvAYXM&w=460&h=304&q="hospital blues" ww1&ved=0CIEBEDMoiAJqFwoTCLiNrfqT3_8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF - on right arm as was mentioned in the video

and another https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.marlboroughhistorysociety.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F02%2F50.jpg&tbnid=7jDr98bqQN2C8M&vet=10CFcQMyiEBWoXChMIuI2t-pPf_wIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEBY..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.marlboroughhistorysociety.co.uk%2Fcollections%2Fworld-war-i-photographs-part-2%2F&docid=K-pND6N2WiieuM&w=1000&h=651&q="hospital blues" ww1&ved=0CFcQMyiEBWoXChMIuI2t-pPf_wIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEBY

and https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi2.wp.com%2Fwww.saintjohnslodge21.ca%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F11%2FCorporal_Donald_McLean-First_World_War-2-SaintJohnsLodge21-1662x2590-1-scaled.jpg%3Fresize%3D648%2C1010&tbnid=SWpdMIi1ep_ncM&vet=10CMEBEDMoigNqFwoTCLiNrfqT3_8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAG..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saintjohnslodge21.ca%2Fladysmith-masonic-history%2Fbrother-donald-mclean-one-of-our-veterans%2F&docid=HDeQK9RMLJN1wM&w=648&h=1010&q="hospital blues" ww1&ved=0CMEBEDMoigNqFwoTCLiNrfqT3_8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAG [though Canadians, let's not hold that against them] ... Enough photos for now I think. 

That said I have not found a LCpl [then again LCpl was a regimental appointment granted by a Bn CO, rather than a true NCO rank, so perhaps they lost their single stripe if in a hospital ??]

Thank you for this and I will have a look later today when I return home. The photograph I referred to in a previous post.

King St. in WWI.jpg

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1 hour ago, David Rowe said:

Thank you for this and I will have a look later today when I return home. The photograph I referred to in a previous post.

King St. in WWI.jpg

A slightly unusual photo capturing a surprising amount of detail.  Both the convalescencing soldiers appear to be wearing the cap badge of a fusilier regiment.

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3 hours ago, FROGSMILE said:

A slightly unusual photo capturing a surprising amount of detail.  Both the convalescencing soldiers appear to be wearing the cap badge of a fusilier regiment.

This was a postcard and I believe there was a series of them, but I only have one.

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4 hours ago, David Rowe said:

Thank you for this and I will have a look later today when I return home. The photograph I referred to in a previous post.

King St. in WWI.jpg

An excellent Youtube article and very informative. Thank you.

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Can I thank everyone who contributed to my question, your answers are greatly appreciated. I now need to see how I can incorporate the additional information into the article. Thanks once again.

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