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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Recently online in the Internet Archive (Archive.org): Some Divisional and regimental histories


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Some further recent additions to the Internet Archive.  The title/links have been copied, so I hope the underlying links work. Click on the titles.

The History of the Northamptonshire & Rutland Militia: Now the 3rd Battalion (Militia) of the Northamptonshire Regiment, from 1756 to 1919 [1924, British Army] During the First World War the Battalion was engaged in duties in England and became a training battalion, with drafts of recruits constantly joining, and drafts of partially trained men constantly being sent to the Expeditionary Forces. The Battalion as an entity did not serve overseas.

The Unbreakable Coil [1923, 2rd Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, British Army] by Anderson. Western Front

Personal accounts

Letters of a Headmaster Soldier [1919, British Army] by Lawson. Western Front

Tom Garner’s First World War Diary 1915-1919. With British Forces in Russia, with RNAS Armoured Cars and the Machine Gun Corps

A Traveller in News [1925] by Beach Thomas. He was a war correspondent. Western Front

The Life of Lieut.General Sir James Moncrieff Grierson [1923, British Army] by MacDiarmid. Lieut.-General Sir James Moncrieff Grierson died suddenly aged 55, on 17 August 1914 when in command of the 2nd Army Corps (British Army) in France in the early days of the First World War.


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Another tremendous collection - many thanks.


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Thank you for posting Grierson’s story Maureen.  You might recall he was the great former staff officer and author of the books mentioned a few days ago, and has been considered in the past as the what if officer, who might have achieved great success in the war had he lived, so it’s great to see him included.

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Some further recent additions to the Internet Archive.  The title/links have been copied, so I hope the underlying links work. Click on the titles.

Historical Records of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Volume 3 [1908-1919,1st- 4th Battalions, British Army]. Western Front, Salonica, South Russia (Caucasus), post war Occupation of the Rhineland.

Historical Records of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Volume 4 [1914-1931, 5th-11th Battalions and others, British Army] Western Front, Salonica (only 2 pages), post war Occupation of the Rhineland.

(both these volumes mentioned in concurrent posts)

Miscellaneous  1917 German Map of the most important French prison camps, labour detachments and military hospitals. Karte der wichtigsten französischen Gefangenenlager, Arbeitskommandos u. Lazarette.


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