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Boy Soldiers of the Great War


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Having just read this book and having seen the TV prog recently. I thought the book was far more interesting. I think it was down to how the TV prog was pitched. The Cyril Jose letters were, for me, the highlight of the book. His transition from cheerful optimist to Haig basher were quite revealing.

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I have to admit that I have yet to read this book (I did enjoy 'Britain's Last Tommies' however). I have seen the TV programme which slightly put me off. I found it difficult to come come to terms with the number of underage soldiers he believed fought; I recall something like 1 in 8 soldiers were believed by van Emden to be underage.

Perhaps I should read it and find out!


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I have to admit that I have yet to read this book (I did enjoy 'Britain's Last Tommies' however). I have seen the TV programme which slightly put me off. I found it difficult to come come to terms with the number of underage soldiers he believed fought; I recall something like 1 in 8 soldiers were believed by van Emden to be underage.

Perhaps I should read it and find out!

Well Roxy, I think the book places more emphasis on the sheer numbers of underage recruits, than the TV prog ever did. It does provide some context missing from the TV though, with explanations about the crisis of March 1918 and it's part in lowering the service age for emergency purposes and the camps behind the lines where the underage soldier who wished to remain in France were quartered (one or two stories of "veteran" teenage boys questioning the older training instructors about "What did you do in the war Daddy?", brought a wry smile to my lips).

Worth it for Cyril Joses' letters alone- I presume they didn't have a picture of Cyril-hence his being omitted from the more visual medium of the TV.

The book even mentioned a Thomas Hartness, of the 11th Borders joined at 15, (who I am looking at a picture in a book on them right now) and believe me.... he looks young.

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One for the 'to buy' list then!

I was aware of underage enlistment; I recall seeing a photo of my great uncle in the Royal Scots and apparently only one of about 15 soldiers in the photo was over 17! I still find it difficult to accept the vast numbers van Emden talks/writes about. Still - see line 1 above!


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ALL the veterans I became friends with joined up underage.

Horace Calvert who is mentioned in the book was a great friend to me. What Horace never told me was that according to the book his Dad was called up!

Richard Van Emden said he met Horace at the 70th Anniversary of the Somme I had know Horace for a over a year before that and he sent me loads of pictures from that event.BUT in that time Richard has become a respected author and I became a Postie.

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  • 2 months later...

Definately enjoyed reading this book on Boy Soldiers of the Great War. Probably one of the better Great War books I've read this year.



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I had this book bought for me for Mothers day and as the mother of a young son, i will read it with great interest!!!

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I recently picked this up in a remaindered bookshop.

As previously mentioned by another poster, I had a few 'diffculties' with the opening pages. It struck me as a bit 'general' and not too well written.

But I persevered, and I'm glad I did. By the time I'd finished I felt I'd read one of the best books in years. Excellent.

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  • 2 years later...

One of my two favourite books on 1914-1918.

The other being Jutland 1916 by Nigel Steele and Peter Hart.



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