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German names from Wolf's book


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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

But was he a civilian with a SNCO rank (Kadett/Fähnrich) as many were?

Hi Steve,

possibly. This from the 1918 edition of the Austro-Hungarian edition of the Court and State Handbook.




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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Jäckl Ernst    WO (Ing) Marine  

Does not ring true. It is spelt Jäckle in the book. Neither works. Possibly Torpedo-Maschinist (1.12.13) Jäckel.



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Cheers again

Glenn I did think he may be this man

Jaeckh (Jäckh) Ernst     Kanonisirt Prof Dr Journalist     publicist Foreign Office and the War Ministry - German propagandists of the German-Turkish alliance travelling throughout Turkey reported after a visit from the German Commander on the Dardanelles shown German-Turkish Freindship House in Istanbul worked for his Nachrichtenstelle für den Orient (news agency for the Orient)    1914-    (1875 in Urach died 17-8-59) also recognized the danger for the Armenians shown in book The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire wrote books "Der Austeigende Halbmonde" staunch Anti-Nazi migrated to UK and to USA

But who knows with Wolf and the translations


Jansen    Maj Marine    Ordnance (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul  (shown Ie under Peiper 1916) and Sect II Schwere (Fuss) Artillerie     1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Janson Gerhard von     Kor-Kapt (LtCol) Marine    Türkiye Özel Güçleri Kurmay Baskani sonra Yildirim Ord. Deniz Birlikleri Komut (Turkey Special Forces Staff Chairman Yildirim after the Order. Marine Corps Command) Intelligence Commander of German troops in Dardanelles & Marine Corps in the region 1917-18 chief of staff of the Sonderkommando - shown staff Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) under Adm Usedom RTG returned Commander Naval Det of the Yildirim Army Group - shown Staff Officer Stab der Heeresgruppe Jildirim 1917-18 shown Admiral Stab officer der Euphrat Flussabteilung (Commander of the Euphrates River Detachment) 1918    1914-16  1917-18    (not identified)? awarded EK I and Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 31-3-15 and Gold Liakat Medal 21-11-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Joerss (Jörß)     Offizier Stellvertreter Marine    (Vizefeuerwerker) Deputy Ordnance Technician (Fort Orhanié) at Dardanelles - Coastal Artillery took command when Lt Woermann killed 15-2-15    1914-15    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book page 87 not in lists (not identified)? 

Joerss (Jörß) Karl     ObLtzS Marine    Gunnery Officer Ottoman Cruiser "Hamidiye" or "Hamadiye" and SMS Goeben to Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Baty Commander RTG 1916 returned to Adjt Straits Command Canakkale 1916 RTG 1917 returned Straits Command Istanbul 1917     1914-16 1916-17 1917-18     awarded EK II 3-15 & EK I 10-15 and Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 3-15 and silver Imtiyaz Medal 10-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book (not identified)? 

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Jörß x 2 not quite as described above. In fact, I very strongly suspect they are one and the same.

Karl Jörß born April 15, 1890, entered service October 1911, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrsoenartillerie March 12, 1915, Oberleutnant der Reserve der Matrsoenartillerie June 17, 1917. German decorations: EK1 by August 1916. Out of service: January 21, 1920.

Karl Jörß enters the theater in August or September 1914. He's listed with “Hamidiye” but it’s not the ship, but rather a fort of the same name. That’s not a surprise, given his branch of service. He’s listed there through June 1915, when he moves to “Intepe” through January 1916.  He’s then an adjunct to the commander of the Dardanelles to April 1917, and then an adjunct to the commander of the Bosporus to July 1918, when he leaves the theater.

Note the date of promotion to Leutnant. The officer candidate that took over for Woermann likely was Karl Jörß, who was only promoted to Leutnant der Reserve the following month.


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Gerhard von Janson, born January 23, 1881, Crew 1898, Korvettenkapitän January 27, 1915. He arrives in theater in August or September 1914, as the I. Admiral Stab officer to May 1915, when he assumes command of the German Dardanelles detachment, a position he holds to February 1917. He then returns to Germany as the battlecruiser Hindeburg’s navigator until July 1917.

Von Janson is then in Syria with the Army Group Falkenhahn, as its Admiral Stab officer and commander of its naval detachment. He then returns to Germany again, this time as the battlecruiser Derrflinger’s executive officer. Out of naval service March 17, 1919. 

German decorations are the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 3rd Class with Swords on March 16, 1917 (the intermediate step between the EKI and the Pour le Mérite — only 320 awarded to Kaiserliche Marine officers; the number includes army officers attached to the Marinekorp Flandern), EKI and the Bavarian Militärverdienstorden 4th Class with Crown and Swords. Prewar decorations are the Order of the Red Eagle and the Order of the Crown plus the Ottoman Osminieh Order.

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On Paul Ippen: He’s apparently one of five Austrians (along with Viktor Pietschmann, Dr. Otto Hübner, Albert Bildstein, and Alexander Maksymowics) sent to Turkey early in 1915 to serve as ski instructors (!), with Pietschmann given the Ottoman rank of major wit the rest being captains.

See: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=236019

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13 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

On Paul Ippen: He’s apparently one of five Austrians

Nice one Michael.

Now we are chasing Austrian civilians in a list of German officers! :wacko:



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Yes I have most of these blokes

Bildstein Albert    Capt / Hptm    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)    1915-    (1888 - 1974) KUK (no identified?)
Bilgeri Georg    Maj deR (Col)     KUK commander Mountain and Ski School shown Autotruppe (MT Co)     1916-18    KUK from Feldjagerbatail Nr 19 awarded Ottoman War Medal 
Hübner Otto    Capt / Hptm    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)    1915-    KUK  (not identified) 
Ippen Paul    Capt / Hptm    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)    1915-16    (1884 - 1958)  KUK  (not identified) 
Maxymowicz Alexander    Capt / Hptm    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)    1915-    KUK (not identified)? 
Piçman    Dr    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)        
Pietschmann Victor    ObLt deR (Maj) Dr    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)    1915-    KUK from Bosnisch-Hercegovinische Infanterieregiment No 1 - biologist and reserve officer
Polka    Maj    KUK Ski instructor to train the Ottoman Ski Bn to 3rd Army (Caucasus)    1915-16    opened a workshop to produce the necessary materials and in the winter of 1915 - 1916

also these Germans

Schreiber    ObLt deR (Capt)    Instructor German Ski Command Turkey (3rd Army (Caucasus) Ski troops    1915-16    to Turkey 2-16 mentioned by Grimm in book "Berge als Schicksal" 
Hertz    ObLt deR (Capt)    Instructor German Ski Command Turkey (3rd Army (Caucasus) Ski troops    1915-16    to Turkey 2-16 mentioned by Grimm in book "Berge als Schicksal" 
Krause-Weilheim Karl    Capt / Hptm    Instructor German Ski Command Turkey (3rd Army (Caucasus) Ski troops    1915-16    from 1st Train Battalion - mentioned by Grimm in book "Berge als Schicksal" 
Paulcke (Paulke) Wilhelm    Capt / Hptm deR (Maj)     Deutsche Offiziere in der Türkei to 3rd Orduda (kafkasya) Kayakli birlikler komutani (3rd Army (Caucasus) Ski troops commander) sent to the Ottoman Empire to train ski formations there    1915-16    (born 1873 at Leipzig died 5-10-49) a German geologist avalanche researcher and pioneer of alpine skiing and military ski mountaineering in Europe Prof at the Technical University in Karlsruhe from 3Co/Reserve-Jäger-Bataillon 14 leicht verwundet (minor wound) WIA 8-14 to Turkey Caucasus 2-16 awarded Order of the Crown 4th Class and Russian Order of St. Anne 3rd Class wrote many books mentioned by Grimm in book "Berge als Schicksal" shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

I never put two and two together that one could be the other. as the believe one was German and the other Austrian?

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Nice pick up here Michael, 

The continued mix up by Wolf or the translator, of Navy and Army officers is well known by now, and names should be checked on both to be 100% as you are and picking them up where I missed these.

I take it this bloke can't be found either?

Jansen     Maj Marine (if that or Army?)


Jordan    ObLt Marine    (Waffen- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul und Artilleriedepot in Karagatsch) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul and Artillery depot in Karagatch 1916    1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book and shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

Jungels    Stabsarzt (Maj) Dr    Deutsche Militärmission in der Türkei - Saglik Daire Baskani ve Sahra saglik Hizmetleri Baskani (Numan Pasayla birlikte) (Head of Health Department and Head of Health Department of Field (together with Numan Pasa) - Shown Staff Surgeon CofS Ottoman Sanitiary Services Stabsarzt    1916-18    (not identified)? shown "Jungels with years of experience in colonial wars and a chief of staff of the chief of the Turkish field sanitary service" in book by von Sanders shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Jürgens Emil    ObLtzS Marine    Ordnance Armaments office     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 7-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

some not in Wolf

Jörtz     LtzS Marine    Çanakkale'de Yavuz toplari komutani (Yavuz collective commander in Çanakkale)    unknown    (not identified)? 
Jordan    Lt    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Stab Iraq Command att Suleiman Askari Bey Ottoman forces at Basra 1915 and served in Expedition Klein in Persia Mesopotamia 1914-15    1914-15    (not identified)? German archaeologist
Jung     ObLt    Filistin'de (in Palestine)    1917-18    (not identified)? 
Justi Karl     Capt / Hptm    Yildirim ordusunda görevli (Yildirim Army attendant)    1918-    (not identified)? possibly see Capt Justin
Justin    Capt / Hptm    Staff officer        shown in photo with Yusuf Al Ursan at Bedouin Sheikh in the Jordan 1918 

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Emil Jürgens, born July 24, 1883, entered service April 6, 1899, Feuerwerks-Leutnant April 27, 1915. Arrives in theater at an unspecified date. Out of service November 9, 1916 (not sure what that is about, illness?). The only German decoration I see as of August 1916 is the Dienstauszeichnung 2nd class; no EK2 listed, though he might have gotten one at a later date.

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Heinz Jung, born August 10, 1893, entered service April 7, 1915, Leutnant zur See der Reserve August 20, 1917. On Turkish torpedo boat from about July 1915 to November 1918, Muavenet to October 1916, then listed as the commander of Taschos and then Samsun to November 1918.

He transfers to Sevastopol torpedo boat flotilla in November 1918 and dies at Sevastopol on November 9, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Oldenburg’s Friedrich-August Cross 2nd class.

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And the guy listed above Heinz Jung, who he probably was well acquainted with:


Walter Muhl, born May 19, 1893, entered service May 1915, Leutnant zur See der Reserve August 20, 1917. He almost immediately appears in theater, being listed on the steamer General to June 1915, before being listed as a watch officer on the Turkish torpedo boats Numume and Samsun to March 1918. He’s then an adjunct with the transportation detachment in Constantinople and the U-boat force there.

Given this bio, I'd assume he had some sort of merchant marine background. Out of service November 27, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Oldenburg’s Friedrich-August Cross 2nd class.

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Jungels    Stabsarzt (Maj) Dr  

Stabsarzt (16.6.10) and Ottoman major Dr. Johann Jungels, born 8 May 1877 at Patschkau, Silesia. Initially commissioned as an Assistenzarzt on 12.9.02. Served in Southwest Africa from 1904 to 1908 winning both the Red Eagle and Crown Orders 4th class with swords. On 17 December 1908 transferred to the Schutztruppe in German East Africa, where he was still serving in 1914. He was placed at disposal on 8 September 1914 and presumably joined the military mission soon thereafter. He was awarded the Hohenzollern House Order Knight's Cross in November 1917. He finally retired on 18 September 1919. Dr. Jungels died in 1932.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Jordan    ObLt Marine  

Prussian army Feuerwerks-Leutnant (6.5.13) Heinrich Jordan, born 7 December 1883. Promoted to Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant on 27.8.18. He remained in the post-war Reichsheer and was serving at the Ordnance office in Königsberg. However as a consequence of the reductions was released from service on 15 April 1921. He was however, almost immediately re-employed as a charakterisieter "Hauptmann beim Zeugamt" on 15 June 1921. He was still serving in the Reichsheer in the late twenties. He is probably your other Jordan as well.




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On 31/03/2024 at 00:15, Michael Lowrey said:

Jörß x 2 not quite as described above. In fact, I very strongly suspect they are one and the same.

And I would further add that I suspect Herr Jörtz is the same guy also.



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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Justi Karl     Capt / Hptm  

Württemberg Oberleutnant (5.8.14) Karl Justi, born 7 April 1885 at Ludwigsburg. Active officer in Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 119. Originally commissioned on 18.8.05.  Promoted to Hauptmann on 18.8.15. Latterly staff officer at Army Group F. Returned to his parent regiment as a supernumerary on 10 February 1919. Retired 3 January 1920. Charakterisierter Major a.D.

Died 1938.

Portrait from the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. I should think Justin is the same officer.




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I show 

Muhl Walter    Torpedo Boots-Maat deR Marine    Einjährig Freiwilliger - II. Torp-Div 4. Abtl. 8. Komp - Ottoman Torpedo boat "Kütachja“ or "Kütahya" sunk in Black Sea to LtzS Navigation Officer Ottoman Destroyers "Numune-i Hamiyet" and "Samsun" to depot ship "General" and Ministry of Marine Adjt shown Ottoman Torpedo Boat Half Flotilla 1918    1915-18    (born at Kiel ) schwer verwundet (badly wounded) WIA 13-9-16 shown sunk 14-9-16 by mine north of Karaburun Black Sea awarded Oldenburg’s Friedrich-August Cross 2nd class and EK II shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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Cheers Interesting look at the last names in the "J"


Kabant     Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Pharmacy (Apotheker)    1915-16    (not identified)? RTG economic problems shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kagerah Alfred     Kapt-Lt Marine    Flotilla Commanders 1915 to Turkish Torpedoboat flotilla Black Sea 8-18 - shown Commander 1st Ottoman Torpedo Boat Half Flotilla 1918    1915-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine awarded Ottoman War Medal shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kahl von    Capt / Hptm Dr    the Commission for Coal Mining and Raw Materials    1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kahle    Maj (LtCol)    Genel Kurmay Silah Dairesinde görevli (General Staff officer) - Ottoman Armaments Office and Deputy Inspector of Armaments Inspectorate 2ic to Peiper     1915-18    (not identified)? awarded EK II 11-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Alfred Kagerah, born April 7, 1885, Crew 1903, Kapitänleutnant April 16, 1915. Commander of a Turkish torpedo boat from March or April 1915 to October 1915 then also the commander of a torpedo boat half flotilla through August 1916. Then head of the “Flachdampfer” flotilla in the Black Sea to the end of the war.

Out of naval service November 22, 1919. German decoration by early 1918 is the EK1.

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16 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Kahle    Maj (LtCol) 

I have a bad feeling about this current crop! Michael has sorted out Alfred Kagerah but the other three have issues.

Lets deal with the one that is immediately fixable:

Prussian army Hauptmann (27.1.09) Albert Kahle, born 24 June 1873 in Cottbus.  In 1914 the administration director of the powder factory in Spandau. He was originally commissioned into Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 2 on 27.1.93. He was promoted to Major on 24.7.15. The 1 February 1916 Ordnance Rangliste shows his as "detached to Turkey". Retired 25 April 1919. Charakter as an Oberstleutnant a.D. He was still alive in 1942.

Wolf then confuses his later career with that of Major Anton Kahl (who also served in the military mission), formerly the adjutant of the artillery depot inspectorate, who remained in the Reichsheer retiring as an Oberst in 1927. He died in 1938.

I think the other two are classic Wolfisms. I have never encountered a von Kahl or Kabant for that matter. The von Kahl may be Anton Kahl?



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Hopefully these maybe better, but you never know?


Kaiser Johann    Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine    Ordnance (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul (shown II under Peiper 1916) shown sect VII - Geschoss abnahme abnahme vorschriften depotwesen arbeiter (Floor acceptance acceptance regulations depot system workers)    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 9-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kaltenborn-Stachau (Kalternborn-Stachaus) von    ObLt Eng    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) att to Kress with Desert Force Comd in Sinai as Mine warfare officer to mine the Suez Canal 3-15 to Engineer unit at Gallipoli - Pionier-Abteilung Gallipoli    1915-    RTG illness shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kastner Felix    ObZahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster)  (Oberzahlmeister) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914 - Muhasebe Subayi (Accounting Subasi) - shown SMS Goeben to Oberzahlmeister Div Secretry MMD (Military Mediterranean Division)     1914-16    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

possibly harder

Keller     Stabsarzt Dr    Stabsarzt Medical (Surgeon)     1915-17    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Johann Kaiser, born April 25, 1873, entered service April 1891, Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant April 27, 1912. Date of arrival in theater not specified but with the Sonderkommando Türkei.

German decoration by early 1918 is the EK1 plus the Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, which was awarded prewar.

Out of service March 20, 1920. Promoted to Charakter of a Feuerwerks-Kapitän on April 18, 1920.postwar, works for the navy as a civilian with the title of Marine-Stabsingenieur.

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Felix Kastner, born July 6, 1879, entered service April 1898, Marine-Oberzahlmeister April 18, 1908, Marine-Stabszahlmeister June 28, 1916.

Goeben to December 1914, then with the Mittelmeerdivision more generally to December 1916 when he returns to Germany. German decoration by early 1918 is just the EK2.

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And I stumbled across this guy:

Phlipp Kalkbrenner (or Kalckbrenner per the 1918 Rangliste), born November 24, 1878, entered service April 1900, Marine-Oberingenieur der Seewehr I September 18, 1914. Head of the Stenia Shipyard in Constantinople from December 1917 to the end of the war. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2 plus the Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

Out of service November 23, 1918. Died December 29, 1922.

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Cheers Michael,

I only had him as;

Kalekbrenner     OberIngenieur (Ing) Marine    ObIngenieur Leiter Stienia werft (Director Stienia shipyard) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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