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German names from Wolf's book


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15 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

He should also have later qualified for the U-boat War Badge.

Indeed, he did :)




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Ernst Kreiger what dates was he on UC 23 as Wachoffizier 

The only Wachoffizier for UC 23, I have is Paul Groeger from Aug 1917 to 1918

So he must be before that date?

Also what about "Lecturer at the Navy Academy at Canakkale" or Deniz Harp Okulu, but that was in Istanbul, unless a sub branch was at Canakkale?

Then again maybe the wording is incorrect and it should be the Naval High School (Deniz Lisesi) on an island in the Sea or Marmara, during the war under German control with;

Böcking Kurt    Kapt-Lt Marine    Instructor Marine Schule Halki  (School) shown commander Deniz Lisesi (Naval High School) or Imperial Naval School (Mekteb-i Bahriye-i Sahane) on Heybeliada Island Sea of Marmara 8-17 to 11-18     1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine trained naval cadets for the Turkish Naval Academy shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Todays possibly harder

Kühne     ObLt    OzbV ADC (Adjt) to Maj Willmer at Kiretch Tepe     1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kümmerling (or Christoph)      Wachtmeister    Offiziersstellvertreter (Deputy officer) Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) see Christoph    1915-16    awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 12-10-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Christoph (see Kümmerling)    Wachtmeister    Offiziersstellvertreter (Deputy officer) Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) see Kümmerling    1915-16    awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 12-10-15  (not identified) another who could not be found in the records under that name and details? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Küssner Lotar (Lothar)     LtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) - Mines clearance command - in special forces in Istanbul mines 1-15 to 10-18 - 1st Mine Sweeping Sqn in Istanbul     1915-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Küster     ObAssistenzarzt (Kapt) Marine    Oberassistenzarzt Medical Coastal Inspectorate     1915-16     Kaiserliche Marine awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 10-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book (not identified)?

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Lotar Küssner, born October 11, 1895, entered service November 1913, Leutnat der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie February 25, 1918, so most of the time in theater he wasn't yet an officer. He’s listed as with the minesweeping division Bosporus from January or February 1915 to June 1916, then with the Sonderkommando Türkei to January 1918, then back to the minesweeping division Bosporus for the rest of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920.

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Prof. Dr. Hermann Küster, born June 2, 1879, entered service April 1, 1899, is another messy one. Marine-Underarzt der Seewehr 2 on March 31, 1903, promoted to Marine-Assistenarzt der Seewehr 2. on October 13, 1914,  Marine-Oberassistenarzt der Seewehr 1. on June 17, 1915, Marine-Stabsarzt der Seewehr 1. on August 20, 1917.

March 18, 1915, travels to Constantinople, Fort Sed ul Bahr and Fenisheher (Dardanelles), medical officer to November 1916, then apparently leaves theater.

Zur verfugung to March 1917, out of service March 1, 1917 (note his promotion to Stabsarzt is after going back out of service).

German decoration in by August 1916 is the EK2, not change by early 1918.

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Kurt Böckling, born March 4, 1886, Crew 1904, Kapitänleutnant October 17, 1915. on cruisers Kolberg and Regensburg to May 1915. He's in theater from August or September 1917 to the end, listed as first zir Verfugung of the Mittelmeerdivision then German commander at the Turkish naval school at Halki. The exact date he gets to Halki isn't specified in the Ehrenrangliste.

Out of service July 14, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is just the EK2.

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1 hour ago, Michael Lowrey said:

is another messy one.

and it gets messier! 

His promotion to Marine-Oberassistenzarzt on 17 June 1915 was "provisionally without a Patent". He received his substantive promotion to that rank on 22 July 1917 with seniority of  9 July 1912 which pre-dates his original commissioning date to Marine-Assistenzarzt and also after he left active service. Holder of the silver Liakat with swords and war medal.



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I take it this bloke can't be found?

Kühne     ObLt    OzbV ADC (Adjt) to Maj Willmer at Kiretch Tepe     1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book


I notice the write up in Wiki of;

Hermann Küttner (born October 10, 1870 in Berlin ; † October 10, 1932 in Munich ) was a German surgeon and university professor. Navy Senior Surgeon General 1920 

Are we talking about the same man?


Küster Erich    WO (Ing) Marine    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) Mühendis Subay     1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine RTG illness 11-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Landmann Gustav    Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery    1916-17    possibly Matrosenartillerie Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Landsberg     Kapt-LtzS Marine    Pilot Airforce shown 1st Aircraft Company at Gallipoli (1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk) possibly German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Chanak?    1915-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book (not identified)?

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Prof. Dr. Hermann Küttner is very much a different guy than Prof. Dr. Hermann Küster. To put it simply, Küttner was one of the very top surgeons in Germany around this time.

Küttner was a Geheimer Medizinalrat and listed as à la suite of the medical branch of the Kaiserliche Marine with a date of rank in the Ehrenrangliste of January 27, 1913 as  a Marine-Generalarzt (Kapitän zur See equivalent in the medical branch).  He was a consulting surgeon during the war at several hospitals in the V and VI Korps area, then in the same with role with the Marinekorps Flandern. He’s not in theater according to the Ehrenrangliste.

Charakter as Marine-Obergeneralarzt on January 26, 1920. Decorations are the EK1 plus stuff.

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Erich Küster, born August 31, 1884, entered service October 19104, Marine-Ingenier October 18, 1912. Marine-Oberingenier October 17, 1915.

Goeben, watch engineer to December 1915, then back to Germany. Ends the war as (seemingly) the second engineer as he acts when necessary as the acting LI on the cruiser Karlsruhe II.

Out of service: September 9, 1920. Charakter as Kapitänleutnat (I) on December 10, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Gustav Landmann, born March 6, 1885, entered October 1906, Oberleutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie January 27, 1915. Sonderkommando Türkei January or February 1916 to June 1917.

Out of service January 21, 1920.  German decorations in ear;y 1918 are the EK2 and Hesse’s Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen.

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14 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Landsberg     Kapt-LtzS Marine 

Given the catalogue of errors, misspelt names, incorrect ranks and branches of service and double entries thus encountered, it will come as no surprise to learn that no naval officer of the name Landsberg existed. In my opinion yet another botched misspelt double entry for the officer who is listed on the same page, with the same rank and the same unit: "Lieutenant-Commander"???? Walter Langfeld, born 20 February 1886. Crew of 1904 and a Kapitänleutnant since 17.10.15. With the See-Flieger-Abteilung of the Sonderkommando from July 1916 to July 1917. Retired 24 December 1919.

Incidentally, why is the rank of Kapitänleutnant translated as a Lieutenant-Commander? A German naval Kapitänleutnant is the equivalent of an army Hauptmann (captain) and therefore more accurately broadly the equivalent of a British or US naval Lieutenant.



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1 hour ago, Glenn J said:

Incidentally, why is the rank of Kapitänleutnant translated as a Lieutenant-Commander? A German naval Kapitänleutnant is the equivalent of an army Hauptmann (captain) and therefore more accurately broadly the equivalent of a British or US naval Lieutenant.

Except that the Royal Navy at the time very much did equate the rank of Kapitänleutnant to a Lieutenant-Commander. See for, example, the Royal navy’s official history series The Naval Staff Monograph. Just randomly, from NSM 18, page 320:

On March 18 Lieut.-Commander Steinbrinck left Zeebrugge in U.C.65 to perform another of his striking cruises in the Irish Sea.

Otto Steinbrinck was a Kapitänleutnant at the time.

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48 minutes ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Except that the Royal Navy at the time very much did equate the rank of Kapitänleutnant to a Lieutenant-Commander. See for, example, the Royal navy’s official history series The Naval Staff Monograph. Just randomly, from NSM 18, page 320:

Because they got it it wrong in a publication a century ago is not an excuse for still getting it wrong now. 




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38 minutes ago, Glenn J said:

Because they got it it wrong in a publication a century ago is not an excuse for still getting it wrong now.

They didn't get it wrong in a single publication. (And the Naval Staff Monograph is a huge multi-volume  official history series that had many people working on.) They got it wrong in many, many publications because The Royal Navy at the time simply regarded a Korvettenkapitän as equaling a Commander and a Kapitänleutnant as equaling a Lieutenant-Commander. Full stop.

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Well Michael,

then we must agree to disagree.



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Either way interesting

Glenn, he was one of the next ones on the list, what I had on him;

Langfeld (Langenfeld) Walter    Kapt-Lt Marine    Pilot Airforce OC German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) 9-15 to SFS Kavak seaplane detachment 1-16 - Bogazlar Özel güçleri Deniz Uçus birlikleri komutani (Strait Special forces Sea Flight troops commander) Deniz kuvvetleri Bogazlar uçak filolari komutani (Naval Strait Boats aircraft fleet commander) - shown 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk in Wolf    1916-    Kaiserliche Marine Commander of the Navy Straits aircraft fleets (not identified)? (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

So that clears him up.


Lange    Capt / Hptm (Maj)    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Lecturer at Ottoman War Academy to Stabchefs CofS 10th Corps at Erzerum - CofS 10th Corps Caucasus 1914/15 Askeri Akademi'de Ögretmen Sivas'ta 10. Kolordu Kurmay Baskani (Military Academy Teacher Sivas 10th Corps Chief of Staff)    1914-15    (died 1942) RTG to Generalstab 9th Army for the Romanian Campaign 9-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Lange    Capt / Hptm (Maj)    General Stabsoffizier 9th Div    1915-    RTG illness shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Lange Paul    Capt / Hptm (Maj)    Head of the Ottoman Navy Music Corps - Musikabt.Exp.korps    1915-17    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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10 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lange Paul    Capt / Hptm (Maj)  


please see the attached link which gives a decent overview of this chap's life. Not so much a professional soldier or sailor but very much a professional musician.





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14 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lange    Capt / Hptm (Maj)  

I think both your Langes are the same guy.

Hauptmann Ernst Lange, born 1880, active Prussian infantry and general staff officer. Originally commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 27 on 18.8.99. He was transferred to Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 18 on 13 February 1906. Attended the war academy, qualifying for the general staff and was a general staff Hauptmann (22.3.13) when he entered Ottoman service with the Liman mission in 1913. Promoted to Major on 15.2.18, he is listed as the Ic or general staff officer with responsibility for intelligence matters on the staff of the German 9th Army in 1918. He initially remained in the army following the war and is shown as at 1 October 1919 as a battalion commander in Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 6 and later Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 103. Retired in his substantive rank of Major and granted permission to wear the uniform of the general staff on 21 July 1921.



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Yes I had the same idea 9th Div or 9th Army 


Lehmann    ObLt    Pilot Airforce 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk at Dardanelles     1916-    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Lehmann or Leman    Capt / Hptm (LtCol)     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Commander Model Artillery Regiment to advises artillery at Gallipoli to Artillery Training Regiment to LtCol 24th FAR (24th Div) also shown 25th FAR (25th Div) 1916-17    1911-18    (died 1939) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Lierau Hermann    Kapt-Lt Marine    Commander of the Depot Ship "General"     1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

While not in Wolf this man showed up

Ledeboer    Korv-Kapt (Kapt-Lt) Marine    Admin Stab officer Stab MMD (Mittelmeer-Division) (Military Mediterranean Division) under Rebeur-Paschwitz 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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Rudolf Ledebor, born February 21, 1883, Crew 1901, Kapitänleutnant December 9, 1911. Torpedo boat officer that comes to theater July or August 1917 with the Mittelmeerdivision to the end of the war as an admiralty staff officer.

Out of service November 24, 1919 with Charakter of a Korvettenkapitän. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1, Lübeck’s Hanseatic Cross, Mecklenburg-Schwerin's  Militärverdienstkreuz 2nd Class, and Mecklenburg-Schwerin’s Verdienstkreuz für Auszeichnung im Krieg 2nd Class.



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Hermann Lienau (note spelling), born September 15, 1868, entered service September 1899 with an October 1891 data in parenthesis, Kapitänleutnant March 21, 1905, out of service at some point before the war. Lienau is another of those out of service officer used during the war without being reinstated into the main active duty officer list.

Detachment head on the steamers Könginin Olga and General in Constantinople from August 1914 to December 1916. Member of armistice commission for the Black Sea 1917/1918.

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9 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lehmann or Leman    Capt / Hptm (LtCol)  

Hauptmann (10.9.08) Alfred Hugo Lehmann, born 29 July 1872 in Berlin, formerly of Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 35. Originally commissioned into Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 1 on 18.8.92. A member of the so-called Goltz Mission which preceded that of General von Liman. He retired from Prussian service on 12 January 1911 and entered Ottoman service that year. Retired as an Oberstleutnant. Died 8 May 1939 in Berlin.



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Herr Lienau entered the navy on 3 October 1891. He was promoted to the rank of Vizesteuermann der Reserve on 20.1.94 and commissioned as a reserve officer in the rank of Unterlieutenant* zur See on 21.10.95. He became a regular naval officer on 30 September 1899 with a new Patent of seniority as a Leutnant zur See of 16.2.97 and was promoted the following year to Oberleutnant zur See on 9.4.00. He did not remain in active service long after his promotion to Kapitänleutnant (21.3.05) and retired on 10 June 1905.

* A rank in use until 1899 and thereafter replaced by Leutnant zur See..



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lehmann    ObLt    Pilot Airforce 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk at Dardanelles


I fear Herr Lehmann maybe a dead-end. I have checked the German aviation casualties of WW1 and "Die Adler des Kaisers im Orient" and nothing jumps out. Unfortunately, Lehmann is a very common surname. We were luckier with Hauptmann Alfred Lehmann. The nearest I could find was Paul Leim, who was in the theatre but not until 1917 with FA 300.



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I afraid you maybe right Glenn, I have a number of such men (Airforce) but little on most

Ladwig Ernst    Gefr    Ground crew Airforce Flieger-Abteilung 303     1917-18    (1891 at Görsdorf Angermünde ) verwundet WIA 6-9-17
Landefeld (Baudefeld) Walter    Flieger    Ground crew Airforce Flieger-Abteilung 301     1917-18    (1898 at Königshütte ) vermißt MIA 20-9-18 possibly PoW (20-9-18) when airfield at Jenin over run
Landgraf Georg von    Lt deR MA Marine    Observer (Beobachter) Matrosenartillerie Airforce I. Seeflieger-Abteilung - Seeflugstation SFS Varna 11-16 to SVK 1-17    1916-17    (born 1879 at Homburg ) Kaiserliche Marine from Bayern
Landsberg     Kapt-LtzS Marine    Pilot Airforce shown 1st Aircraft Company at Gallipoli (1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk) possibly German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Chanak?    1915-18     (not identified)? on one by that name possibly see Langfeld (Langenfeld) Walter  Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book
Lang Georg    Flieger / Pnr    Ground crew Airforce Flieger-Abteilung 304b     1917-18    (1884 at Ludwigsfeld Oberb. ) Bavarian in Gefschaft (in prison) possibly PoW (20-9-18) when airfield at Afoule over run
Lang Wilhelm    Flugzeugober maat Marine    Airforce possibly German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Sewastopol    1917-18    (1889 at Gera died 8-11-18) at Sewastopol cause not stated? Kaiserliche Marine 
Lange (Friedrich Wilhelm)     Flug-Ob-Maat Marine    pilot Airforce I. Seeflieger-Abteilung to Seeflugstation SFS Constanza 12-16 to SFS Holtenau 1-18 to SFS Kawak 3-18 to SFS Holtenau 6-18 to SFS Odessa / SFS Sewastopol 10-18    1916-18    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II  and Bulgiarian Medal
Lange (Friedrich)     Lt deR MA Marine    Observer (Beobachter) Matrosenartillerie Airforce I. Seeflieger-Abteilung - Seeflugstation SFS Xanthi 12-17 to LFS Kiel 2-18     1917-18    (born 1886 ) Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II
Langfeld (Langenfeld) Walter    Kapt-Lt Marine    Pilot Airforce OC German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) 9-15 to SFS Kavak seaplane detachment 1-16 - Bogazlar Özel güçleri Deniz Uçus birlikleri komutani (Strait Special forces Sea Flight troops commander) Deniz kuvvetleri Bogazlar uçak filolari komutani (Naval Strait Boats aircraft fleet commander) - shown 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk in Wolf    1916-    (born 1886 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1904 Commander of the Navy Straits aircraft fleets (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book
Larbig Georg    Flieger    Feldflieger-Truppe possibly Ground crew Airforce Flieger-Abteilung 300     1916-    (born at Archfeld Eschwege ) schwer verwundet (seriously wounded) WIA 1916 possibly when 2 pilots and 8 groundcrew WIA when bombed by 14 Sqn RFC & 17 Sqn RFC in air raid on airfield at El Arish 18-6-16  

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