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German names from Wolf's book


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*Lindau Eugen    Lt    unknown (not identified) possibly see Lindenau    1916-    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Linke Kurt    WO (Ing) Marine    Ingenieurs-Aspirant Offiziers-Stellvertreter (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli) to UC 26 Flandern Flotilla U Boat     1914-15    (born at Berlin KIA 8-5-17) Tot shown bisher vermißt* (died) lost when tried to break through the Dover barrage unnoticed Rammed and depth charged by HMS Milne off Calais 26 dead and 2 saved shown LtzS (Ing) Kaiserliche Marine in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Linnenkamp August    Kapt-Lt Marine    SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Linnenkop    LtzS Marine    Watch Officer SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

*Lindenau von    Lt deR    Observer (Beobachter) to pilot 4-18 Airforce Flieger-Abteilung 301 shown (Jasta 55) Jagdstaffel 1 (F) 4-18 - Flieger-Abteilung 301     1917-18    photo shown in AEG C4 with Lt Wegener (O) at Jenin 12-17 (not identified)? (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen)

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9 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Linnenkamp August    Kapt-Lt Marine 

Might as well start with the least problematic.

Leutnant zur See (27.9.11) August Linnenkamp, born 10 October 1888. Crew of 1908 and as at 1 August 1914, the senior Leutnant zur See on SMS Breslau. Promoted to Oberleutnant zur See on 19.9.14, he served variously as a watch and radio telegraphy  officer and as the ship's adjutant. He left the Mediterranean Division in March 1916. Promoted to Kapitänleutnant on 18.9.18 and retired from active service on 22 November 1919. A sales representative in the metal industry in Dortmund following the war. Joined the Luftwaffe and was a Major (E) (1.7.35) and signals staff officer with Luftgaukommando XII, Wiesbaden in July 1938. Rose to the rank of Oberst in the Luftwaffe communications branch in WW2. Still alive in December 1969 according to the naval officers' association handbook.

And almost certainly your "Linnenkop".



Edited by Glenn J
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13 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Linke Kurt    WO (Ing) Marine  

Marine-Ingenieuraspirant Kurt Linke, born 12 June 1892 was only on SMS Breslau until March 1915 when he left to attend the engineer and deck officer school course. As he was not promoted to the rank of Marine-Ingenieuraspirant until 25.9.15, he presumably held the rank of Marine-Ingenieuroberapplikant (Obermaat) during his time on the Breslau in 1914/15. He had not been commissioned by the time of his death in action in May 1917. In the German edition, his rank is given as Marine-Ingenieur which is clearly incorrect.



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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lindau Eugen    Lt 

I am working on the assumption that this entry refers to Zeug-Oberleutnant Eugen Lindau, born 5 June 1874 in Königsberg. Initially commissioned as a Zeug-Leutnant on 9.5.06, at mobilisation he was a Zeug-Oberleutnant (18.4.13) on the staff of the artillery depot in Breslau. A veteran of South West Africa, he was promoted to Zeug-Hauptmann on 1.5.17. He remained in the Reichswehr following the war and was promoted to Major beim Zeugamt on 1.5.22. Died as head of the ordnance depot in Spandau on 12 January 1928. Holder of the Iron Cross 1st Class and the Ottoman war medal.




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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lindenau von    Lt deR  

There were two aircrew officers named von Lindenau in WW1 and both were active Leutnants:

Ernst Wolf (1893-1918) of Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 3 and

Friedrich Wilhelm (1894-1944) of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 24.

The former was killed in an air crash as an instructor in FEA 2 on 7 September 1918. The latter left service at wars end as an Oberleutnant. Served as a Polizei Major between the wars and served ultimately in WW2 as a Luftwaffe Oberst (1.6.40). Missing in action since 4 September 1944. 

Neither is mentioned in "Die Adler des Kaisers im Orient" As Ernst Wolf was definitely a pilot and flying instructor and had been serving as a pilot in Flieger-Abteilung (A) 228 in 1917, I would tend towards his younger brother Friedrich Wilhelm.



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courtesy German Luftwaffe career summaries 2023

LINDENAU, Friedrich-Wilhelm Kurt von. (DOB: 25.06.94 in Freiburg/Breisgau). 01.09.38 Obstlt.,
Kdr. KGr.z.b.V. 2. 15.11.39 Obstlt., appt Kdr. II./Grosse KFS Thorn (to 30.11.39). 22.12.39 Obstlt.,
appt Kdr. Bombenschule Anklam (to 02.09.41). 01.06.40 promo to Oberst. c.01.12.42 appt Kdt.
Lw.-Übungsplatz Malacky (to 1944). 1944 Oberst, Kdr. Flieger-Rgt. 53. 04.09.44 MIA vic
Mecheln. Buried in war cemetery Lommel. Son of Gen.Lt. Kurt von Lindenau

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11 minutes ago, GreyC said:

LINDENAU, Friedrich-Wilhelm Kurt von

Thanks Grey,

interestingly, he was still listed in the 20 April 1945 Rangliste of active generals. field officers and captains (albeit as missing). He was one of the most senior full colonels in the Luftwaffe (number 14) at this time.




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Pleasure. Found his father interesting, too. Died 1914 ca. half a year before the start of WW1 as Govenor of metz, left 1.000.000 marks in debt and was accused of having been involved in corruption with regard to acting as broker in an effort to sell titles. As the scandal was made public after his death, no consequences followed


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Cheers mates, some of these guys have deep back grounds


Lodder Gustav    ObLt to Capt / Hptm Marine    Feuerwerks Ordnance (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - Hilfsarbeiter Küsten und shiffsartillerie (coastal and ship artillery) 1916 (shown with Scholz under Peiper)     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 1-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Lorenzen Fritz    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1914-17    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Lothes Paul     Oberingenieur to Kapt-Lt z.D (Ing) Marine    OberIngenieurrat (Engineer Officer) (Military Mediterranean Division) MMD - responisible for Coal Supplies in Tekirdag RTG returned Command Oil Supplies in Iraq and Syria shown Stab (Ing) Euphrates River Det (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) Mesopotamia 1918    1914-16 1917-18     Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Lotze Konrad    Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    Stabsarzt (Staff Surgeon) (Military Mediterranean Division) MMD - MO in Canakkale shown MO U Boat Half Flotilla Konstantinopel 3-17 to 6-17     1916-18    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Fritz Lorenzen, born July 24, 1889, entered service April 1, 1909, Marine-Zahlmeisteraspirant (warrant officer rank and officer candidate) September 26, 1913. Marine-Zahlmeister November 30, 1915.

Goeben to October 1914, then to torpedo boat flotilla Constantinople  to January 1915, then back to Goeben through April 1917 when he goes back to Germany.

German decoration by early 1918 is the EK2.  Charakter as Marine-Oberzahlmeister May 30, 1920; date out of service not specified.

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Dr. Konrad Lotze, born April 14, 1878, entered service October 1901, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve January 27, 1911. arrives in theater September/October 1915 as the chief doctor of the Turkish hospital ship Bigali (Turkish major) to October 1917, when he returns to Germany.

Out of service March 9, 1920. Charakter as Marine-Oberstabsarzt der Reserve April 22, 1921. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Saxony’s Albert Order, suggesting that Dr. Lotze was very likely from Saxony.

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Gustav Lodder, born July 28, 1878, entered service April 1895, Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant October 19, 1914. Details are sketchy (no dates), but he’s listed in theater between stints at the Artillery Depot Wihelmshaven.

Out of service May 31, 1918 with charakter of a Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant.  German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 plus Dienstauszeichnung 2nd Class, and the Militär-Ehrenzeichen 2nd class.

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Paul Lothes, born March 26, 1870, entered service February 1890,  promoted to Marine-Stabsingenieur on April 10, 1911, is another of those out-of-service  officers reused during the war without being reinstated to the main active duty office list. Despite that status, he’s promoted to Marine-Oberstabsingenieur on June 19, 1918.

Lothes seems to have been used in theater from January or February 1916 as a coal and oil extraction specialist to the end of the war (head of the coal mine at Rodosto to February 1917, Iraq expedition to March 1918, then in charge of expanding coal and oil production in Syria to the end of the war).

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5 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Dr. Lotze was very likely from Saxony.

He seems to have been from Dresden, was born in 1878 and studied in Leipzig. Doctor title in 1901. Worked in Leipzig before the war. Not in Leipzig or Dresden in 1920.


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8 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

suggesting that Dr. Lotze was very likely from Saxony.

Good point. Georg Richard Konrad Lotze was born in Dresden, He studied medicine at Leipzig and Heidelberg and practiced both before and after the war in Dresden. He was still listed as a practicing doctor in the 1938 Dresden address book. A Konrad Lotze, born 1878 died in 1945 in Dresden so, I assume that was he.

"Der Krieg in Türkischen Gewässern" also shows him as the medical officer of the U-Boat half-flotilla from 17 March to 30 June 1917.

Holder of the Ottoman war medal.



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15 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

is another of those out-of-service  officers reused during the war without being reinstated to the main active duty office list. Despite that status, he’s promoted to Marine-Oberstabsingenieur on June 19, 1918.

If I might expand on this theme. Generally speaking a retired officer, either "außer Dienst" or "zur Disposition" who at mobilisation opted for further service was not returned to the status of an active (i.e. regular serving officer). Any further promotions were usually of the Brevet (Charakterisierter) variety and in official documentation, the officer concerned continued to be termed by his rank with the appropriate retired status. Officers "at disposal" already holding a Charakter rank one higher than their substantive rank were granted a Patent of seniority in their higher rank to effect a promotion. Please find below an extract from the Marine-Verordnungsblatt issue of 1 February 1918 gazetting Herr Lothe's 18 January 1918 elevation to the Charakter of a Marine-Oberstabsinenieur a.D. It will be seen that although his official status was as a retired officer (a.D.), for the period of his mobilisation service, he was considered to be "at disposal" (z.D.) and consequently received a further substantive promotion to Marine-Oberstabsinenieur a.D. on 19 June 1918.

Paul Heinrich August Lothes was born in Kiel and died on 15 July 1941 in retirement in Hamburg.





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Cheers nice one.


Lübben Theodor    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book (not identified)?

Lukranka Johannes    Stabsingenieur (Ing) Marine    StabsIngenieur (Engineer Officer) Watch Officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Lustig Max    Lt Dr    Financial Specialist     1916-    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

To finish off the L's 

Not in wolf

Lutz     ObLt    Ballon-Abwehrkanonen-Zug shown Flugabwehr-Kanonen-Batterie auf Kraftwagen 15 (Flakzug) replaced Fulda - at 8th Army in Palastine

Lütz     ObLt    702nd Bn - OC Infanterie-Geschütz-Züge 701) (4x 77mm guns) (2x 105mm Mountain How) see Orbat 1917 Yildirim ordusunda 702. Birlik Topçu (Artillery) subay (Arty comdr 702Bn)

Lyncker     Maj    Alman Genel Kurmayinin Istanbul'daki Temsilcisi (Representative of the German General Staff in Istanbul)    1917-18    (not identified)? spelling name?

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Theodor Lübben, born February 23, 1894, entered service October 1913, Marine-Ingenieuraspirant September 1, 1917. Another individual that wasn't even yet a warrant officer-level officer candidate when in theater — Lübben was on Goeben from March or April 1915 to September 1916, when he goes to the Engineering and Warrant Officer School. After promotion to Marine-Ingenieuraspirant, he looks destined to be the LI on a U-boat. 

Out of service September 2, 1919. Charakter as Leuntant (I) February 2, 1920.

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Johannes Lukrawka (note spelling), born October 3, 1876, entered service February 1, 1894. Marine-Oberingenieur January 27, 1911, Marine-Stabsingenieur April 16, 1915. From January or February 1915, chief of the electric installation on Goeben.

German decoration by early 1918 is the EKI (no surprise there given his position) plus and the Order of the Crown and the Dienstauszeichnung 3rd Class prewar.

Out of service November 24, 1919 with charakter as a korvettenkapitän (I).

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12 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lyncker     Maj  

Major (22.3.15) Karl Lyncker, born 13 June 1876 in Speyer. Commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 88 on 18.8.95, progressing to the general staff and in 1914 performing a stint of regimental duty as an Hauptmann (22.3.10) and company commander in Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 37. Finally on the staff of the chief of staff of the field army. Charakter as an Oberstleutnant a.D. on 18 October 1921 with permission to wear general staff uniform.

Died 19 June 1961 in Obermoschel.



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17 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Lustig Max    Lt Dr    Financial Specialist

Tricky. A not particularly helpful description of this guy's branch or duties.

There was, however only one Dr. Max Lustig serving as a commissioned officer in the Prussian army in WW1:

Leutnant der Landwehr Paul Max Richard Lustig of Landwehrbezirk I Berlin who was promoted to that rank on 4 January 1916. Born on 31 July 1881 in Berlin, he was a Berlin lawyer.



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He had studied law in Jena. His doctoral dissertation 1909 had nothing to do with finances, as it seems, reading its title:

Das Recht am bürgerlichen Namen

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4 minutes ago, GreyC said:

nothing to do with finances,

Hi Grey,

and therein lies the problem. We are dealing with a possible poor translation of his duties/position. He does not appear to be included in the German language edition. I would not even rule out some form of Austro-Hungarian official!




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A piece of land owned by the lawyer Max Richard Lustig *1881 was sold by court order near Berlin in the 1930s.


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No luck on the two Lütz or Lutz  guys?

I did find this bloke in the Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945

LÜBBEN, Theodor. (DOB: 23.02.94). 01.10.39 Maj.(Erg.O.), trf from Fl.H.Kdtr. (See) Borkum to Fl.H.Kdtr. (See) Norderney. 07.04.43 with Fl.Pl.Kdo. 101/XI (See), trf to Fl.H.Kdtr. 126/XI and appt Kdt. 01.08.44 promo to Oberst. shown Quartiermeister im Stab eines Fliegerkorps awarded Deutsches Kreuz in Silber and Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse mit Schwertern

As to Max Lustig what would his service rank be, some thing like "Rechtsanwalt" or Rechtsberatung (Legal services) (Rechtsdienste)


Mackensen Erich    Oberingenieur (Ing) Marine    OberIngenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Mahlstedt Stefan    Capt / Hptm    Feldmagazin Inspektor with Provisions office in Istanbul    1915-18    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Martinengo Carlos    ObLt    Irak'ta (in Iraq) German Irakgruppe Mesopotamia - shown Ottoman Ministry of War to Area Commandant in Iraq     1916-18     Mesopotamia (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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