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German names from Wolf's book


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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Pfannenstiehl     Maj (LtCol)  

Rittmeister (22.3.12) Maximilian Pfannenstiel (note spelling), born 26 May 1876 in Saargemünd. Prussian cavalry and general staff officer. Originally commissioned into the Royal Bavarian army on 11.6.98. Served in China with the expeditionary force and transferred into Prussian service in March 1902. His parent regiment for the next decade was Dragoner-Regiment 14. Entered the General staff in 1912 and retired to join the military mission in 1913. Charakter as a Prussian major on 28.12.16. Interestingly, he is shown as an Oberstleutnant in the 1935 officers' association list of DR 14 but I can find no evidence to confirm a Prussian or Wehrmacht promotion to that rank, so presumably his Ottoman lieutenant-colonelcy. He died on 2 May 1954 in Wiesbaden. Holder of the Hohenzollern Knight's Cross with Swords.



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Pfundt    Capt / Hptm (Maj)

Rittmeister der Reserve (8.12.14) Dr. phil. Kurt Pfund (note spelling), born 15 September 1874 in Reinholdshain, formerly of Saxon Train-Abteilung Nr. 12. Originally commissioned as a reserve officer in Train-Bataillon Nr. 12 on 19.7.01. Employee of the family milk business in Dresden. Died 8 January 1931 in Dresden. Ottoman awards: Silver Liakat with swords and war medal.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Pforte von der    LtCol / Obstltn 

Nothing to suggest that Saxon char. Oberstleutnant Max von der Pforte (21.03.1871 - 13.10.1946) served in the Mediterranean or Middle East. He was commanding Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 12 December 1916 to April 1917 and Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 181 for the rest of the war. Presumably, he picked up the war medal during his command of JB 12 in Macedonia.



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Mates, well done some interesting blokes there.

So many not mentioned in Wolf, I would love to confirm, buts that's another day, 


Pfützenreuter Otto    Kapt-Lt Marine    Kaiserliche Marine Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) - Topçu subayi (Artillery officer) shown Arty Officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Philipp    VzFeuerwerker (Ing) Marine    Ingenieuroberaspirant (officer candidate) Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  Plt Commander Bosphorus     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Phillipi Otto    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1917-18    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Pila Arnold    ObZahlmeister Marine    Oberzahlmeister (Paymaster) Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom)  to Straits Command Canakkale     1915-17    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Otto Philippi, born February 27, 1889, entered service April 1909, Marine-Zahlmeister June 10, 1916. Goeben and 5 M.A.A. from March or maybe April 1917 to October 1918.

Charakter as Marine-Oberzahlmeister May 30, 1920. Just one German decoration in early 1918… not the EK2 but rather Hesse’s Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Otto Pfützenreuter, born December 19, 1881, Crew 1900, Kapitänleutnant April 10, 1911, Goeben’s head (first) artillery office from June 1916 to the end of the war.

Charakter as Korvettenkapitän January 21, 1920. Out of service Match 8, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK1.

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Arnold Pila, born October 20, 1885, entered service April 1905, Marine-Oberzahlmeister November 30, 1915. Sonderkommando Türkei, Dardanelles detachment's paymaster from October (or maybe November) 1915 to July 1918, then seemingly returns to Germany as the paymaster to a torpedo boat training half-flotilla. (I say seemingly, as I'm not familiar with the torpedo boat training half-flotillas and where they were located.)

He remained in service postwar, so we have his WWI decorations in full: EK2 plus the Silver Liakat with swords and Iron Half Moon.

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Probably not the Philipp you’re looking for but you never know:

Eugen Philipp, born December 25, 1886, entered service October 1910. Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie February 18, 1916.

Sonderkommando Türkei (als Flieger) to April 1918. I. Seeflieger Abteilung to September 1918, Wasserflieger Abteilung Türkei to war’s end.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is just the EK2. Also, strangely, not shown as having completed aviation training in the 1918 Rangliste.

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Cheers Michael,

Yes Philipp is another strange one. the bloke you show I had as;

Philipp (Philip) Eugen    FähnrichzS to Lt deR MA Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Türkei) Observer (Beobachter) 8-14 - to Pilot Matrosenartillerie Airforce shown German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Chanak 5-15 to OC SFS Kawak (from Ruef) 7-17 to OC SFS Mersina 11-17 to 1 SFA 12-17 to SFS Holtenau 3-18 to SFS Chanak 8-18     1914-18    (born 1886 ) Kaiserliche Marine crew 1910 first OC SFS Mersina with 4x Friedrichshafen FF33L (1255, 1256, 1257 1258) & Friedrichshafen FF49 (1761 1762) 11-17 shown Friedrichshafen FF39 with FähnrichzS Liphard (P) in raid on Lemnos 24-9-18 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book awarded EK II  and Ottoman Lyakat and Medjidie Order 5th class & War Medal


Plenio E. (possibly Erwin)    Lt    Askeri inzibat subayi (Military Police officer (MP) possibly Infanterie-Regiment 146    1917-18    possibly (born at Lyck ) shown Unteroffizier 6Co/Infanterie-Regiment 146 WIA 1915 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Poggemeyer Friedrich    Zahlmeister (ObLt) Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando)    1914-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Pohl  Leo    Lt (Capt) to (Maj) Eng    Ingenieur - Istihkam Birlikleri basmüfettisinin emir subayi Genel Kurmay Emir subayi (Chief of Staff of the Engineer Alliance subcommittee) - shown OzbV Adjt to Inspector General of Ottoman Engineers and Pioneers to Maj Chief of Ottoman General Staff    1914-17    from Pionier-Bataillon10 RTG to Staff 1st Res Div Western Front (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Pommeresch Victor    ObLt Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Gun Captain in the Dardanelles    1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 3-15 and Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 10-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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3 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Cheers Michael,

Yes Philipp is another strange one. the bloke you show I had as;

Philipp (Philip) Eugen    FähnrichzS to Lt deR MA Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Türkei) Observer (Beobachter) 8-14 - to Pilot Matrosenartillerie Airforce shown German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Chanak 5-15 to OC SFS Kawak (from Ruef) 7-17 to OC SFS Mersina 11-17 to 1 SFA 12-17 to SFS Holtenau 3-18 to SFS Chanak 8-18     1914-18    (born 1886 ) Kaiserliche Marine crew 1910 first OC SFS Mersina with 4x Friedrichshafen FF33L (1255, 1256, 1257 1258) & Friedrichshafen FF49 (1761 1762) 11-17 shown Friedrichshafen FF39 with FähnrichzS Liphard (P) in raid on Lemnos 24-9-18 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book awarded EK II  and Ottoman Lyakat and Medjidie Order 5th class & War Medal

A couple of points: Fähnrich zur See (and Seekadett) are very specific ranks which were used only for regular navy line officer candidates. There was a year intake of Seekadetts, hence the use of Crew (year) to describe that group. After a year the Seekadetts get promoted to Fähnrich zur See. about 2 1/2 years later they are commissioned as a Leutnant zur See.

Eugen Philipp was never on that path, instead becoming a Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie. The warrant officer rank he would have held before being commissioned was either as a Vizefeuerwerker or a Vizeflugmeister. I don't have Wolf's book, but given Eugen Philipp's career path, a reference to a Vizefeuerwerker Philipp could possibly be to him.

As for the description:


Philipp    VzFeuerwerker (Ing) Marine    Ingenieuroberaspirant (officer candidate) Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  Plt Commander Bosphorus     1915-16

Vizefeuerwerker and Ingenieuroberaspirant are different warrant officer ranks/officer candidate ranks and on different career paths. Really not sure what to make of that.

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Victor Pommeresch, born February 27, 1892, entered service April 1911, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie March 12, 1915. Oberleutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie June 17, 1917.

Sonderkommando Türkei from early war to December 1916, then return to Germany.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration in August 1916 is just the EK2. Same in early 1918.

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Friedrich Poggemeyer, born March 24, 1891, entered service April 1909, Marine-Zahlmeister (Leutnant zur See equivalent for a paymaster) November 30, 1915. Poggemeyer bounces around in the theater from about October 1914 to September 1917 and then again in 1918. He‘s on Goeben from October 1914 or so to November 1915, then on General to May 1916 (given the date, his commissioning may have something to do with the transfer) then with the Turkish torpedo boats to Septmber 1917.

Poggemeyer then returns to Germany on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Große to June 1918, then returns to the theater with the Sonderkommando to the end of the war.

Out of service December 31, 1919 with Charakter of a Marine-Oberzahlmeister. German decoration in early 1918 is just the EK2.

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4 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

A couple of points: Fähnrich zur See (and Seekadett) are very specific ranks

Michael makes very valid points. The man canned be a Fähnrich zur See, Ingenieuroberaspirant and Vizefeuerwerker. He has to be one of them. As it was, Eugen Phillip held the rank of a Vizefeuerwerker der Reserve at the time of his commissioning. Wolf also shows him as a "Turkish" officer-candidate which does not really make sense. As the Bosporus defences were very much the province of the Sonderkommando and therefore if Phillip was already a Vizefeuerwerker, given the "one-up" principle of Ottoman promotions, he would have been an Ottoman 2nd Lieutenant. Of course, he could still have held the rank of a Obermaat on his initial deployment to the theatre. The translation of the rank of Vizefeuerwerker as (ordnance) in this case is poor and does not reflect what that rank denoted as a reserve naval artillery officer aspirant. I think in all probability, he is the Philipp referred to in the book.




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Cheers, You lean a lot on this site, thats the best part of using it.

FähnrichzS , I can;t remember where I saw that, nice pick up

As for Phillip, I think it maybe another case of missing name or using his given name, I was looking at possibly;

Kalekbrenner (Kalkbrenner (or Kalckbrenner) Phillip    OberIngenieur deR SW (Ing) Marine    ObIngenieur Leiter Stienia werft (Director Stenia Shipyard in Constantinople) 12-17    1917-18    (born 1878 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Marine-Oberingenieur der Seewehr I 1914 to Turkey 12-17  awarded Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd Class and EK II shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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2 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Kalekbrenner (Kalkbrenner (or Kalckbrenner) Phillip    


Marine-Oberingenieur d.R. Philipp Kalkbrenner was not in the theatre until the back end of 1917. He was not a member of the Sonderkommando but of the Mittelmeerdivision and had held his rank since 19 September 1914.



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10 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

I don't have Wolf's book, but given Eugen Philipp's career path,


please drop me a PM with your email address and I will send you the table from Wolf's book. No reason why you should not suffer also! :P



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Pohl  Leo    Lt (Capt) to (Maj) Eng  

Oberleutnant (17.2.14) and Ottoman captain Karl Heinrich Leo Pohl, born 3 September 1885 in Piscorsine, Wohlau district. Entered the Prussian army as a Fahnenjunker (aspirant officer) on 25 February 1904 in Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 5. Promoted to Fähnrich on 15.9.04  and was commissioned on 18 August 1905 with a Patent of 17.2.04. He briefly left service in 1909/10 returning to Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 10 on 18 October 1910. Member of the Liman mission and promoted to Prussian Hauptmann (Ottoman Major) on 18.6.15. Left service as a consequence of the post-war reductions on 31 January 1920 with the Charakter of a Major. He died in a Russian internment camp in December 1947.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Plenio E. (possibly Erwin)    Lt    


there was certainly a Leutnant Erwin Plenio, born 1 June 1895 in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 146. Promoted to Fähnrich on 24.4.15 and commissioned on 14.2.16 (provisionally without a Patent). He was subsequently granted a Patent of 23.6.16. He left active service on 20 January 1920. I cannot confirm that he was your man. However, the officers' association list of IR 146 from 1924 shows him a police Oberleutnant in Elbing. He seems to have been a Schutzpolizei field officer in WW2.



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Posted (edited)

Your right given that Wolf shows VzFeuerwerker and Feuerwerks (Ordnance) and not Ingenieuroberaspirant, that maybe my fault.

I record some 61 men, shown as Feuerwerks in Turkey during the war, and I may not have them all, but Eugen is the only man shown with philip in there names or at the Bosphorus?

Many of them are not in Wolf's book, or do I have first names for them, but that for another day.

Todays possibly another mistake in Wolf?

Pötrih or (Pötrich) see Böttrich    LtCol / Obstltn    to Commander 9th Div (replaced Kannengiesser WIA 8-15)     1915-16    (not identified)  shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Potschernik (Potschernick)    Maj z.D (LtCol) to (Col)     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - under Sanders 1914 - Traffic officer Ottoman GHQ - Ordular Ulasim isleri Basmüfettisi (Army Transportation Manager) - Ulasim Daire Baskani ve Ulusim isleri Basmüfettisi (Director of Transportation and Director of Transportation) - shown Inspector General of Turkish Military Transport    1914-18    (not identified) from Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr.1 (railway regiment) RTG to LtCol (Saxon) Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr 100 (23rd Div) Western Front 1918 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Preuß Paul    ObLtzS Dr Marine    Oberbaurat (Senior building officer) Shipyard Specialist Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Priess H    Capt / Hptm Dr    Stabsapotheker Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei     1916-17    shown in book by Klaus Wolf


I did find this man not in wolf that maybe him

Presse Paul    Oberbaurat Dr (Ing) Marine    Marineoberbaurat und Betriebsdirektor senior naval construction official departmental head for naval construction of the Mittelmeerdivision 10-15 to 11-16 - Silah ve mühimmat dairesinde kurmay subayi (Army officer in arms and ammunition) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate     1917-18    (born 1868 in Berlin died 1948) Kaiserliche Marine  RTG 11-16 to operations director naval construction at Wilhelmshaven after the war Ministerialdirektor (Vizeadmiral) 1-5-27 retired 1934 

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4 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Preuß Paul    ObLtzS Dr Marine    Oberbaurat (Senior building officer) Shipyard Specialist Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf


I did find this man not in wolf that maybe him

Presse Paul    Oberbaurat Dr (Ing) Marine    Marineoberbaurat und Betriebsdirektor senior naval construction official departmental head for naval construction of the Mittelmeerdivision 10-15 to 11-16 - Silah ve mühimmat dairesinde kurmay subayi (Army officer in arms and ammunition) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate     1917-18    (born 1868 in Berlin died 1948) Kaiserliche Marine  RTG 11-16 to operations director naval construction at Wilhelmshaven after the war Ministerialdirektor (Vizeadmiral) 1-5-27 retired 1934 

“Preuß Paul” would in fact be Paul Presse. See: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Presse

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13 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Pötrih or (Pötrich) see Böttrich


apparently Prussian Major (18.7.14), Ottoman lieutenant-colonel Sylvester Böttrich (1869-1940).  A footnote in the English translation of Erich Prigge's memoirs - "The struggle for the Dardanelles" says:

"Böttrich (in Turkish publications sometimes transliterated "Pötrih" from Ottoman documentation), eventually arrived late on 9 August"

Quite why Colonel Wolf inserted a meaningless Ottoman transliteration of a German name with no context or clue is bizarre.

Major Böttrich, a Prussian infantry officer had been railway operations staff officer before joining the Liman mission. Retired 20 February 1920 with the Charakter of an Oberstleutnant.



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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Priess H    Capt / Hptm Dr

Prussian Stabsapotheker (1.1.13) Dr. Hans Waldemar Prieß, born 25 August 1879 in Apenrode. In peacetime staff apothecary at the garrison hospital in Coblenz.

Died 14 March 1953 in Berlin as a retired Oberregierungsrat. Wrote a chapter in the book covering the military apothecary service in WW1 - "Die Deutschen Militärapotheker im Weltkriege"



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His doctoral dissertation of 1910:

Zur Kenntnis der Inhaltsstoffe von Fagara xanthoxyloides Lam
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: Priess, Hans Waldemar [Autor/in]
Veröffentlichung: Elmshorn: Koch, 1910
Medientyp: Hochschulschrift, Buch
Datenträgertyp: Gedruckte Ressource
Umfang: 46 S. 8"
  • Berlin, Phil. Diss. v. 17. Sept. 1910, Ref. Gabriel, Schwendener
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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Potschernik (Potschernick)    Maj z.D (LtCol) to (Col)  

Prussian Major (21.4.11) Josef Potschernick, born 9 March 1864 in Brauweiler. Last peacetime assignment as an instructor at the military technical academy in Berlin (Uniform of Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 1. Entered military service on 1 October 1883 and first commissioned on 16.9.85. Original member of the Liman mission as inspector general of military transport.

Promoted to Oberstleutnant on 6.6.16 and to Oberst on 20.9.18. Placed at disposal on 11 August 1919 and definitively retired on 24 November 1919.

Amongst his many orders an Hohenzollern Knight's Cross with Swords and the Ottoman Osmanie 3rd Class.

I am taking with a pinch of salt the reference to Saxon Grenadier-Regiment 100. He had been an Oberstleutnant since June 1916 and would definitively have been a regimental commander at that rank at that stage of the war. I can find no indication that he ever stepped foot in the regiment let alone commanded it. 

Died 27 February 1954 in Wiesbaden.



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Posted (edited)

Cheers, again nice pick ups

Todays to finish the "P's"

Prosch Friedrich    ObLtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz)     1914-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Not in Wolf

Putsche    Ober Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul (shown geschossabnahmeoffisiere (bullet inspection officers) Stenia    1916-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

Putzer     ObLtzS Marine    Adana'da kurulan Cemel Pasa kiyi koruma topçu birlikleri komutani (Established in Adana, Cemel Pasa coast guard artillery units commander) Firat Nehir Topçu Birlik.Komutani Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutani Emir subayi (Firat (Euphrates) River Artillery Unity Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces Commander) Batterie Dschemal Pascha (battery jemal pasha) (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) Mesopotamia 1918    1917-18    Kaiserliche Marine to Mesopotamia (not identified)?

also can you confirm if his man was in Turkey or during southern Front 

Puttkamer Alfred von    Capt / Hptm    unknown if in Turkey     unknown    (1882 in Jagow Prenslau died 1946) from Eisenbahn Regt No 1 awarded EK II & EK I with the Bulgian Military Service Order 4 Class & Ottoman War Medal  later WWII Gen-Lt zum Kommandant des rückwärtigen Armeegebiets 585 (Korück 585) to 408 Div 1942 to Führerreserve versetzt 1944 retired 1944

(it appears he show Eisenbahn Regt No 3 I know (Eisenbahnsonderkommando) Eisenbahn-Bau-Kompagnie 3, served in Turkey during 1916 to 1918, but that maybe me grasping at straws, he shows WWI service;

Kompanieführer im Eisenbahn-Regiment 3 1-15 to Eisenbahn-Bau-Kompanie 32 10-16 to Adjutant der Militäreisenbahndirektion (M.E.D.) 4 12-16 to Vorstand der Abteilung 8 der Militäreisenbahndirektion 8 11-17 to Stab der I. Abteilung des Eisenbahn-Regiments 1 und Kodeis AOK 8 1-18 

I did wonder if related to this lady

Puttkamer Thea von    Nurse    German journalist volunteer patient caregiver in Istanbul Military Hospitals during the Great War    1915-    (1882-1952) 

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