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German names from Wolf's book


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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Rohdewald August Heinrich Wilhelm (Pasha)     Col (Lt-Gen)  

Oberst (27.11.16) August Rohdewald, born 20 August 1866 at Detmold. Former cadet commissioned into Füsilier-Regiment 39 on 14 April 1885. At mobilisation in 1914 an Oberstleutnant (16.6.13) in the railways department of the general staff. His initial assignment in the war from 1 August 1914 was as commander of the military railways direction no. 1. On 27 November 1916 assigned as Quartermaster General of the Ottoman Army. Promoted to Prussian Generalmajor on 15.7.18 and returned to the West to the staff of field railways. Retired as Inspector of railway troops on 8 July 1919. Died 29 January 1945 in Düsseldorf.



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12 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Maybe Glenn will have better luck.

Hi Michael,

there was a Kapitänleutnant der Seewehr (then Reserve) Heinrich Röhr but absolutely no connection with the MMD or Sonderkommando.



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I wonder if Wolf got the two mixed up Rohde and Röhr as both seam to not be in the Sources?

it also leaves me wondering who the man named Rohde is?                                                                                                                                           

Rohde   Kapt (Maj) Marine    Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung at Gallipoli (replaced Kottwitz sick 10-15)  önce Geliboluda Çikarma Birlikleri komutani sonra Deniz kuvvetleri Komutanliginda Amiral subayi (before the Geliboluda Dispatch Units commander then the Navy Command Commander)

Possibly as mention Rohde Karl-Nicolaus


Rosenberger Wilhelm    Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO staff Commander of Dardanelles    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 4-15 and Ottoman Silver Imtiaz Medal 10-15 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Rosentreter Fedor    Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine    Torpedo officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914 - Instructor/CoCommander Ottoman Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis) supported defence of Dardanelles 4-15 to CoCommander "Barbaros Hayrettin" (Barbaros Hayreddin)    1914-15    (born at Danzig ) Kaiserliche Marine  reported sunk 8-15 by British submarine E11 off Bolayir north of the Gallipoli peninsula 21 officers and 237 sailors lost their lives RTG 8-15 illness serious nervous debility to SMS "Nassau" leicht verwundet WIA 1-6-16 Trommelfell (eardrum) at Jutland awarded EK II 4-15 retired Kor-Kapt a.D shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Not in Wolf

Rohrscheidt (Walter) or Gunter von    Maj    Generalstab - Ottoman General Staff departments (e.g. operations, intelligence, military history etc). - Genel Kurmay Baskani von Seeckt'in emir subayi Genel Kurmay 2. Baskani Tümgeneral Rohdewald. 1918'in son aylarinda Genel kurmay baskanligini Yarbay Bernhard von Eggeling üstlenir (2nd Chief of Staff to Major General Rohdewald and OzbV Adjt to the Chief of Staf to von Seeckt In the last months of 1918 LtCol Bernhard von Eggeling assumed the chief of staff)    1917-18    possibly Württemberg possibly Walter born 1975 at Berlin ) Prussian War Ministry to Infanterie-Regiment 329 lebte als Oberstleutnant a. D. in Braunschweig. Verf. militärhist. Schriften. Schriften awarded IC 2class KUK Order of the Iron Crown 3 class with KD and Military Merit Cross and Ottoman Silver Liakat medal with swords and War Medal

Rosenburg     LtzS deR Marine    shown 7th WO SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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Walter Rosenberg (note spelling), born December 26, 1891, entered service October 1914, Leutnant zur See der Reserve June 10, 1916, Goeben from April or May 1917 to the end of the war.

Out of service December 31, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Dr. Wilhelm Rosenberger, born June 4, 1878, entered service October 1902, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve July 9, 1912. On the staff of the commander of Dardanelles through September 1917, when he returns to Germany.

Out of service. December 11, 1918.  Looks to have been from Bavaria as his German decoration by early 1918 are the EK1 (unusual for a doctor) plus the Bavarian Militärverdienstorden.

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Fedor Rosentreter, born July 5, 1880, Crew 1899, Kapitänleutnant November 10, 1908, Korvettenkapitän April 24, 1916. Was likely on Goeben when the war began as her torpedo officer (and fifth senior officer overall). Runs the Etappe command in Constantinople through October 1914, then German commanding officer of the Turgut Reis through August 1915.  He then returns to Germany, becoming the battleship Nassau’s executive officer in February or March 1916 and with her at Jutland. He retires on August 18, 1916 because is reused later in the war without being reinstated to the active-duty officer list.

Rosentreter died on October 7, 1926. German decoration as of August 1916 was the EK2.

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You got me with Titania 

I quick look shows SMS Titania was lost early in the war, with an interesting history on the other side of the world.

What is the ship called Titania in 1917?

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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Rohrscheidt (Walter) or Gunter von    Maj  

Two different von Rohrscheidts.

Walter von Rohrscheidt, born 25 March 1875 in Berlin. Commissioned from the cadet corps on 22 March 1893 into Füsiler-Regiment 80. A Hauptmann (31.3.08) general staff officer who was attached to the War Ministry on 1 November 1913 with a definitive transfer on 17 February 1914. Initially serving with the General Staff (home establishment) in Berlin on mobilisation, he was assigned to various general staff positions. Promoted to Major on 19 August 14, he additionally held a battalion command in FR 80 and was a staff officer on Heeresgruppe Erzherzog Eugen. As far as I can determine, he had NO involvement with the Ottoman theatre. His last appointment shown in the army Ehrenrangliste is that of commander of IR 329. Charakter as Oberstleutnant on 30 November 1920.

Gunter von Rohrscheidt, on the other hand was the personal adjutant of General von Seeckt and an Ottoman Major. He was a Hauptmann in the Reitendes Feldjägerkorps (Mounted field courier corps). Jäger does not really describe their courier duties well. Born in 1883, in 1914 he was Leutnant (20.3.06) in the RFJK. Promoted to Oberleutnant on 8.10.14 and to Hauptmann on 18.12.15. He died in 1929.



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Römmich Ludwig    Lt    3Bty/16th FAR    1915-16    (1889 at Munster ) RTG illness dysentry shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Roßberger Hermann    Capt / Hptm    unit unknown    1915-    RTG illness 1915 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Röttgen    ObLt     Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - responsible for personal Matters (shown Ig under Peiper 1916) (shown Ingenieur by Wolf?) - Hilfsarbeiter hand und maschinenwaffen handgranaten (hand and machine weapons hand grenades) or (Small Arms and MG's) (under Kleinke 1916)     1915-16    shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Not in Wolf

Roßkothen (Rosskothen)    Lt    Deutsche Maschinengewehr-Abteilung der Heersgruppe F OC 606th MG Co (1916/17)    1916-    (not identifed)

Rosenau    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - Vorstand Rohmaterial (Board of Raw Materials) - Sect VIIIa Rohstoffversorgung Kohle und Koks (raw material supply coal and coke)    1916-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

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9 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Römmich Ludwig    Lt    3Bty/16th FAR    1915-16 

Sometimes I think there are not enough hours in the day to sort out this hideous book. I have spent another fruitless hour looking for a non-existent Prussian officer.

Here is the entry in Wolf:


Whoever Ludwig Römmich was (that is even if his his name is spelled correctly), he was not commissioned on 2.8.14. The fact of the matter is no Römmich was commissioned into the Prussian army during the war. As in previous hospital examples in the Wolf table, the so-called commissioning date will be the enlistment date. A grand total of ten officers were commissioned into Prussian line field artillery regiments on 2 August 1914, none into FAR 16.





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this is the closest I could find:

Friedrich Ludwig Roemmich (* 1849 in Meisenheim, † 1917 in Frankurt am Main) war als Kaufmann in Frankfurt am Main und Premier-Leutnant der Reserve nach seinem aktiven Dienst als Unteroffizier des 1. Hessischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 81 tätig (Deutsches Geschlechterbuch 86, 1935, S. 399-401).

That´s not him.

But then there is a Ludwig Römmich (1889 - 1918) listed on the Frontflieger-page. The birthyear is the same as in the book.

He is also listed there with these dates: Ludwig Römmich born 5th Aug 1889, died 13th May 1918. Previously Fuß Art. 12.


Following the lead in Wolf *1889 Münster, you´ll find:


Stadtarchiv Münster

Pers GE 1889-1893 / Geburtenregister 1889-1893, Nr. 1889 GE-Reg. Nr.: 893

(1889 GE-Reg. Nr.: 893) Roemmich, Carl Ludwig Hans Heinrich

So this should be "our" man. First FußArt 12 and then Luftstreitkräfte.

The Ehrenrangliste shows him under FußArtReg 12 (Metz) starting the war as Leutnant, dying as Hauptmann of the Fliegertruppe in or near Ribecourt.

The German loss list lists him under Ludwig Roemmler, OBERLEUTNANT, missing in action. He is listed in a Saxon loss list. So he might have still been with 12th FußArt (Saxon unit) and only been comanded to the Luftstreitkräfte.

He was commisioned or patented on 24th March 1910.

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2 hours ago, GreyC said:

Friedrich Ludwig Roemmich

Hi Grey,

indeed: the only Prussian officer of that name to serve. In the meantime I have found Herr Roemmich!

And as you say the Saxon Ludwig Roemmich has the same DOB and place of birth as in the book. Oberleutnant (13.3.16) Roemmich was awarded the the Knights' Cross of the Order of Saint Heinrich on 19 January 1917. He was commanding a battery at Verdun of Fußartillerie-Regiment 12 in February 1916. I cannot fathom what Wolf means by "16th Artillery Regiment". And as for the 2 August 1914 commissioning date????

Nothing I have places him in the Middle East. He did not have any Ottoman decorations.


may I suggest that we just try and deal with Wolf at the moment and attempt other officers once we have finished with this table?




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On 14/05/2024 at 00:26, stevenbecker said:


You got me with Titania 

I quick look shows SMS Titania was lost early in the war, with an interesting history on the other side of the world.

What is the ship called Titania in 1917?

Built in 1912, the Titania was a 1187 grt steamer used as an auxiliary hospital ship during the war under the name/destingnation G.


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Yes sorry, I got carried away with how good it was going.

I even checked the KUK list, but only one man close, was Romich Siegfried a Artz with the Inf Regt 4, but in Palestine with the Arty as RMO 9th Bty Motor-Mörser-Batterie

What I found strange was he commanded a Battery, of the what I think is the Ottoman 16th Arty Regt, not many Germans commanded Ottoman batterys of field Arty, only Regiments, while Germans did command Heavy Batteries.

Roßberger Hermann    Capt / Hptm    unit unknown    1915-    RTG illness 1915 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Röttgen    ObLt     Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - responsible for personal Matters (shown Ig under Peiper 1916) (shown Ingenieur by Wolf?) - Hilfsarbeiter hand und maschinenwaffen handgranaten (hand and machine weapons hand grenades) or (Small Arms and MG's) (under Kleinke 1916)     1915-16    shown in book by Klaus Wolf


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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Roßberger Hermann    Capt / Hptm    

Röttgen    ObLt     Feuerwerks (Ordnance) 

Unfortunately Steve, I have come up a against an absolute brick wall with these two. I suspect the name Roßberger is Saxon but I have nothing definitive. I shall continue to look but in the meantime, please submit your next tranche.




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Hi Glenn,

No Roßberger in the Deutsche Rangliste 1913 (which includes Saxony), nor in the Ehrenrangliste. Should have been in 1913 if active then. However:

In the Saxon Rangliste of 1914 there is one (and the only one in the whole Saxon army) Roßberger, Lt. d. R. with Feldartillerie-Regiment 77. He was patented Nov. 1911 and seems to have been a Einjährig Freiwilliger, as he is already listed as Reserveoffizier in the Saxon Rangliste 1912. The FAR 77 was garrisoned in Leipzig. If you look up Roßberger in the 1913 edition you find a Hermann Roßberger, bookseller. Now we have a Leutnant d. Res. Roßberger who served with FAR 77 in Leipzig and a bookseller by the name of Hermann Roßberger, the name given by Wolf for "his" Hauptmann. Maybe it is him? If he was promoted to Oberleutnant early in the war and then "uped" one because of the Turkish rule, we might have a match.



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Thanks mates, hopefully these will change but by the looks of it maybe not?


Roenick (Rönick) Arthur    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Rühl Philipp    ObLt - Capt / Hptm    1915'den itibaren (Since 1915)    1915-    (not identified)? shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Rühle    Capt / Hptm    Stabsoffizier att Ottoman General Staff     1915-16    shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Rümann Arnold     ObLtzS Marine    4th Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914 to Navigation officer     1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

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Arthur Roenick (note spelling) is another non-commissioned officer or  even warrant officer while in theater. He was born on May 15, 1892, and entered service in October 1911. Marine-Ingenieur only on July 18, 1918.

He’s on Breslau to March 1915 and then he goes to the engineering school, and I would have to assume that he emerges from that as a Marine-Ingenieuraspirant (= warrant officer). Spends some time on torpedo boats before heading to submarine school to be the chief engineer on a U-boat while still a Marine-Ingenieuraspirant or Marine-Oberangenieuraspirant (rather common late in the war). His last boat was the Flanders-based UC 79, listed to April 1918. He's another lucky guy. Looks like he for whatever reason, wasn’t on the boat when it sailed on March 20, 1918 for the English Channel. (There's no obvious replacement on the crew list.) UC 79 did not return, having hit a mine while home bound off Griz Nez (Straits of Dover on the French side). The wreck was found by the Royal Navy some months later, not identified, but also not reviled until the 1969 publication of Robert M. Grant’s U-Boat Intelligence.) The wreck was relocated by a group of French divers led by Alain Richard a few years ago; I was an advisor to the dive team. We used propeller marking to identify the wreck as UC 79 (long story).

In any case, Roenick leaves service on September 9, 1920.

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Naval officers named Rümann is another Wolf miss. Yes, there were two, Wilhelm (crew 1899) and Arnold (Crew 1904). Only one was in theater though. That would have Arnold; so basically combine Wolf’s entry for Arnold Rümann with his (misidentified) entry for Wilhelm Rümann and then add in some more stuff for 1918.

Correct would be: Arnold Rümann was born on December 2, 1884, Crew 1904, Oberleutnant zur See March 22, 1910, Kapitänleutnant October 17, 1915. Goeben to January 1915, then the commander of a Turkish torpedo boat and chief of a torpedo boat half-flotilla to January 1918. He then is in charge of a flat boat flotilla in the Sea of Azov to September 1918, when he assumes commander of the steamer Fleiß to the end of the war.

Arnold Rümann left service on January 31, 1922 with the Charakter of a Korvettenkapitän. His German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1.

[Wilhelm Rümann was a torpedo boat officer in Germany throughout the war, commanding the 11th Half Flotilla for most of the war; late in the war he commands the V and then the VI Flotilla of torpedo boats (=destroyers). Korvettenkapitän April 26, 1917. Stays in the navy postwar; interestingly his decorations do include the Iron Half Moon. Given his bio in the Ehrenrangliste, it’s not obvious why he received the decoration.)

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11 hours ago, GreyC said:

Reserveoffizier in the Saxon Rangliste 1912. The FAR 77 was garrisoned in Leipzig.

Morning Grey, I had already checked this guy. Unfortunately this was Studienrat Kurt Roßberger who later won the Saint Heinrich Order Knights's Cross in FAR 115.



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Ah, what a shame (for us).

Thank you.


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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Rühl Philipp    ObLt - Capt / Hptm    

Rühle    Capt / Hptm 

I think we can assume these two are the same.

Bavarian Leutnant (29.10.12) Philipp Rühl, born 8 April 1890 in Frankfurt am Main. Originally a reserve officer in 5. Feldartillerie-Regiment with a Patent of 7.1.14. He transferred into the career of an active officer on 11 August 1914 with his new Patent of seniority of 29.10.12 being awarded the same day. He was detached for service in the Military Mission on 8 November 1915 and employed in the general inspectorate of Ottoman field artillery. He was promoted to Oberleutnant on 17.1.17 and also to Ottoman captain on 14.12.16.  Posted back to the replacement detachment of 5. FAR effective 1 November 1918. Left military service on 14 February 1920 and awarded the Charakter of an Hauptmann on 13 December 1920. Holder of the Silver Liakat with Swords and the War Medal.



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Cheers Glenn, I had that funny feeling they were the same, just to close to each other.

Thanks Michael, yes my details on Wilhelm seam strange, mixed with Wolf I could not seperate the two, so that was good?

Rümann Wilhelm     LtzS to Kor-Kapt Marine    Torpidobot komutani olan (Torpedo Boat Commander) to commander of the Thassos class destroyers shown Kapt-Lt Ottoman Torpedo Boat Half Flotilla 1918     1914-18    (1881 in Hanover died 31-3-46) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1899 Colonial Service German South West Africa at Nama 1902 to Commander 11th torpedo boat semi-flotilla 1914-17 to V. torpedo boat flotilla 1917-18 awarded Prussian Order of the Crown 4th Class with Swords and EK II & EK I and Ottoman War Medal later WWII SS-Oberführer and Konteradmiral z.V Kriegsmarine Admin comd the Helgoland and Cuxhaven sections 1940 retired 1942 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Your right lucky for him, not so for Krameyer and Valentiner or any of the other OberMaschinist who took his place?

Today to finish off the "Rs" 

Runken Henry    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Rusche Hans    ObLtzS to Kapt-Lt Marine    6th Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) shown 1st WO SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Ruschhaupt Erich    Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO on Gallipoli 1915 to Rotkreuz-Lazarett in Bagdad 6th Army in Baghdad 1916 Mesopotamia to (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) (replaced Sandrock) 1-17 to 8th Army in Palestine 1917     1915-17    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf volontärarzt (volunteer doctor) 1903-05 

Glenn, I did not find this name, who also could be mixed with the Rühl (Ruhle), as I can not find any other details

Ruhse     Capt / Hptm    Filistin'de (in Palestine)

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Henry Runken, born September 8, 1892, entered service October 1913, Marine-Ingenieuraspirant (warrant officer rank and officer candidate, never a commissioned officer during the war) September 28, 1917; On Goeben from November or December 1917.

Out of service March 31, 1919. Charakter as Leutnant (I) February 2, 1920.

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Hans Rusche, born May 18, 1886, Crew 1906, Oberleutnant zur See September 19, 1912, Kapitänleutnant July 13, 1916. Goeben throughout the war.

Out of service November 22, 1919.  German decorations in early 1918 is the EK1.

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