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German names from Wolf's book


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Dr. Erich Ruschhaupt, born September 14, 1875, entered service April 1894, Marine-Stabarzt der Seewehr 1. December 12, 1908; transfers to the Reserve so a Marine-Stabarzt der Reserve from August 18, 1916. At Gallipoli with the Schiller Battery, September 1915 then Red Cross Hospital, Baghdad as its head doctor to May 1917,  when he returns to Germany.

Of service November 30, 1918. Charakter as Marine-Oberstabarzt der Reserve September 10, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 1st Class.

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Todays again Naval officers which Wolf seams to have a problem with

Sägler    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Saling Paul    LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) to SMS Breslau (Midilli)  to Anatolia    1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Salzwedel Gerhard    ObLtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom)  to OC MG unit at Ariburnu possibly Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung (Naval Shore Det) to Adjt Coastal Inspectorate 1916 RTG returned Army Group Yildirim and Syria and Mesopotamia - Ariburnunda makinalitüfek bölük komutani (Machine gun company commander in Ariburn)    1914-17  1918-    Kaiserliche Marine WIA 12-8-15 at Gallipoli awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 10-15 shown in book by Klaus Wolf (not identified)?

Sandrock Wilhelm    ObAssistenzarzt  deR Dr Marine    Oberassistenzarzt MO SMS Goeben (Yavuz) to MO Iraq Flotilla under Ney 12-15 (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) to 1-17     1915-  1916-    Kaiserliche Marine to Mesopotamia German-Jewish naval staff doctor shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

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Dr. Wilhelm Sandrock, born November 28, 1882, entered service April 1901, Marine Oberassistenzarzt der Reserve January 27, 1911, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve January 27, 1916. Goeben and then “Irakfl. Bagdad” from September 1914 to January 1917, when he returns to Germany.

Out of service on December 6, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is just the usual EK2.

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Gerhard Salzwedel, close but not quite. Born April 28, 1891, entered service October 1912, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie March 12, 1915, Obereutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie June 17, 1917.

Salzwedel is with the Sonderkommando from essentially the beginning of the war to June 1917, then to the IX M.A.A. (wherever that was at the time, very likely out of theater) through January 1918 when he returns to the theater. He with the Heeresgruppe Falkenheim to February 1918, the Heeresgruppe Syrien und Mesopotamien to September 1918 when he starts the trip back top Germany.

Out of service November 30, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Paul Saling, born September 25, 1893, entered service October 1908, Leutnant zur See der Reserve June 10, 1916; not of warrant officer rank in May 1914. Goeben to June 1915, the U-boat Half-Flotilla Constantinople to September 1915, then Breslau to December 1915. He then with the Sonderkommando in Asia Minor to April 1916. He then leaves the theater, first on Nautilus then the newly-commissioned Leutnant zur See der Reserve goes to submarine school, and after he's assigned pretty much everywhere: U 82 (High Seas Fleet) for the last two months of 1916, then on UB 38 in Flanders through September 1917, then back to the Med, serving on the Adriatic-based U 47, UB 68, and UC 20 until the end of the war.

Out of service December 9, 1918. German decorations in early 1918: none (!) despite his time on submarines.  Would presume he would pick up at least a EK2 if not the EK1 plus a u-boat War Badge later in 1918.

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5 hours ago, stevenbecker said:


Todays again Naval officers which Wolf seams to have a problem with

Sägler    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Ugh. There’s no “Sägler” in the Ehrenrangliste. A possibility would be a Maschinist (engineering warrant-officer) but that would be hard to prove or disprove.

Also worth noting that “Segler” is the German word for a sailor with a “Segle” being a sail. Could Wolf have misconstrued something about sailors and turned it into an officer’s name???

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I was also looking at him possibly being

Ziegler und Klipphausen Johannes von    Stabsingenieur (Ing) Marine    StabsIngenieur (Engineer officer) 2nd WO (Ing) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918     1915-18    (born 1874 died 29-7-30) Kaiserliche Marine (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

But with Wolf you never know

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Cheers Michael,

He must have left UB 68 before Donitz took over in July and was lost in Oct 1918.

He served under some great U Boat commanders in those years (Adam and Heimberg)

Todays again Naval officers, sorry Glenn and Michael

Sarraxin     LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EKI 4-16 shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schack Walter    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schade Johannes    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1915-16    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Schade Werner    ObLtzS Marine    Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) and Ottoman Gunboat "Peyk-i Sevket" - Yavuz gemisinde subay (Officer on the SMS Goeben (Yavuz) shown 2nd WO SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine  later WWII Assistant Naval Attache in Istanbul 1941 shown in book by Klaus Wolf 


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Walter Schack, born January 1, 1894. entered service April 1913 wasn't a commissioned officer during the war and only reached warrant officer rank as a Marine-Zahlmeisteraspirant on January 27, 1917. He was on Goeben to January 1916, then back to Germany for he rest of 1916, and spends 1917 and 1918 on the Danube.

Out of service March 9, 1920. Charakter as a Marine-Zahlmeister June 12, 1920.

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Werner Schade, born August 2, 1888. Crew 1908. Oberleutnant zur See September 19, 1914; Kaptänleutnant June 19, 1918. He briefly the German commander on Peyk-i Sevket (September and October 1914) before transferring over to the Goeben, where he remained for the rest of the war.

Out of service November 14, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Albert Sarrazin, born August 21, 1895. Crew 1913, Leutnant zur See September 18, 1915. Goeben and the Gallipoli landing detachment as a platoon commander from about May 1915 to May 1916 when Herr Sarrazin is assigned to the small minelayeing submarine UC 15 in the Black sea. UC 15 does not return from a November 1916 mission to lay mines off Sulina. The boat’s fate remains unresolved to this day.

Sarrazin’s German decoration in August 1916 was the EK1.

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Johannes Schade, born February 17, 1887. entered service October 1907. Marine-Ingenieur October 13, 1914. Marine-Oberingenieur April 26, 1917. He’s on Breslau from about August 1915 to April 1916, when he returns to Germany to train to do the U-boat thing. He’s on U 97 and survives the war.

Out of service November 24, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.


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Cheers Michael,

I had that man under other spelling 

Sarrazin Albert    LtzS Marine    UC 15 Constantinople Flotilla 1916 U boat    1915-16    (born at Köslin KIA 30-11-16) shown vermißt MIA * died Lost for unknown reason probably off Danube's mouth 16 dead (all hands lost) possibility that she hit one of her own mines when attacked by the Romanian torpedo boat Smeul or that she struck one of the mines laid there by SMS Breslau (Midilli) on 4-5-16 Kaiserliche Marine 

Interesting that Johannes Schade would end up on U 97 under Mohl, another former Military Mediterranean Division MMD officer on the Breslau 


Schäfer Wilhelm    ObLtzS Marine    SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1915-16    (born at Alzey Hessen ) Kaiserliche Marine  leicht verwundet (minor wounded) WIA 22-7-16 in action against Russian dreadnought Imperatritsa Mariya and several destroyers 100 miles North of Sinope Black Sea awarded EK II 4-16 shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schaller Friedrick     LtzS Int Rat Marine    Verwaltung (admin) depot Ship "General"     1915-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Scheele K. (possibly Richard Scheel)     Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO unknown unit    1916-18    (possibly born 1878 )  (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schelle Martin    ObLtzS Marine    Torpedo Officer SMS Breslau (Midilli) to Ottoman Torpedo Boat     1915-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

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Dr. Karl Scheele, born May 20, 1884 (140 years ago today!), entered service October 1908, Marine-Oberassistenarzt der Reserve June 17, 1915. Goeben from December 1915 or Maybe January 1916 to September 1918, then returns to Germany.

Out of service December 9, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Martin Schelle, born January 18, 1888, Crew 1906, Oberleutnant zur See September 19, 1912, Kapitänleutnant July 13, 1916. Breslau to November 1915, when he goes to submarine school and goes on to command UC 33 and then UB 65. UB 65 is an operational loss (no survivors ) on or after July 4, 1918 off Padstow, Cornwall. The wreck was identified 20 years ago through propeller markings. I know Dr. Axel Niestlé and Innes McCartney, the main people involved in the identification. 


German decoration in early 1918 is the EK1.


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3 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Cheers Michael,

I had that man under other spelling 

Sarrazin Albert    LtzS Marine    UC 15 Constantinople Flotilla 1916 U boat    1915-16    (born at Köslin KIA 30-11-16) shown vermißt MIA * died Lost for unknown reason probably off Danube's mouth 16 dead (all hands lost) possibility that she hit one of her own mines when attacked by the Romanian torpedo boat Smeul or that she struck one of the mines laid there by SMS Breslau (Midilli) on 4-5-16 Kaiserliche Marine 

Interesting that Johannes Schade would end up on U 97 under Mohl, another former Military Mediterranean Division MMD officer on the Breslau

I’m working on a book that reassess all 178 German submarine losses. Note that UC 15 did get to its assigned mining laying area, as four mines were later swept up there in April and May 1918. Possibilities to explain the loss of UC 15:

1. Own mine, as in the a mine drops out of the chute and deploys immediately, taking out the stern of the U-boat. This is a known loss mechanism that accounted for at least five UC class boats (UC 12, UC 32, UC 41, UC 42, and UC 44) and quite possibly a sixth (UC 2).

2. Other operational loss. UC 15 sailed with UB 14 on November 13, 1916 to operate off the Rumanian coast. UB 14 was forced to abort because of heavy weather.

3. Getting into some other minefield along her path.

4. There’s a Rumanian sinking claim of sorts referenced on Wikipedia, but it’s kind of vague and haven’t been able to come across exact details.

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Posted (edited)

Yes I saw that 

After completion, UC-15 joined the Constantinople Flotilla and became the Flotilla's only minelaying submarine[6] in November 1915, after her sister ship UC-13 was accidentally grounded and subsequently destroyed by her crew. In November 1916, UC-15 was sent on a minelaying mission off the Romanian port of Sulina and never returned, being sunk by her own mines.[7][8] This was probably caused by an encounter with the Romanian torpedo boat Smeul, whose captain surprised a German submarine near Sulina in November 1916, the latter reportedly never returning to her base at Varna. This could only be UC-15, whose systems most likely malfunctioned after being forced to submerge in the shallow waters, upon encountering the Romanian torpedo boat.[9

also this

Dimitriu Radu 07/11/2023

UC-15 sunk on November 1916 off Danube's Sulina mouth after deploying a mine barrage. It is possible that she hit one of her own mines, being surprised on the surface and attacked by the Romanian torpedo boat Smeul. The acoustic image of the wreck discovered on August 2018 9 nm NE of Danube's Sf. Gheorge arm mouth by magnetics suggests that it could actually be UC-15, but further investigations are necessary in order to have a certain identification. Read more at wrecksite: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?290114

list show crew of 14, but lists shown 16 men on her when lost

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Wilhelm Schäfer, born October 5, 1889, Crew 1909, Oberleutnant zur See May 2, 1915. Arrives in theater September or October 1915 on Breslau, nominally attached to October 1916 but badly wounded in action on July 22, 1916. In hospital to April 1917, then becomes a torpedo boat officer in Germany and Flanders.

Schäfer is promoted to Kapitänleutnant on February 15, 1920 and leaves service on August 17, 1925.

German decorations is the EK2 by August 1916. He adds Hesse’s Allgemeines Ehrennzeichen by early 1918, and the EK1 at some later date.

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54 minutes ago, stevenbecker said:

Yes I saw that 

After completion, UC-15 joined the Constantinople Flotilla and became the Flotilla's only minelaying submarine[6] in November 1915, after her sister ship UC-13 was accidentally grounded and subsequently destroyed by her crew. In November 1916, UC-15 was sent on a minelaying mission off the Romanian port of Sulina and never returned, being sunk by her own mines.[7][8] This was probably caused by an encounter with the Romanian torpedo boat Smeul, whose captain surprised a German submarine near Sulina in November 1916, the latter reportedly never returning to her base at Varna. This could only be UC-15, whose systems most likely malfunctioned after being forced to submerge in the shallow waters, upon encountering the Romanian torpedo boat.[9

also this

Dimitriu Radu 07/11/2023

UC-15 sunk on November 1916 off Danube's Sulina mouth after deploying a mine barrage. It is possible that she hit one of her own mines, being surprised on the surface and attacked by the Romanian torpedo boat Smeul. The acoustic image of the wreck discovered on August 2018 9 nm NE of Danube's Sf. Gheorge arm mouth by magnetics suggests that it could actually be UC-15, but further investigations are necessary in order to have a certain identification. Read more at wrecksite: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?290114

list show crew of 14, but lists shown 16 men on her when lost

Minelaying U-boats don’t just randomly decide to hang around where they just laid a bunch of mines.  I might take the Smeul sinking claim more seriously if there was a specific date attached to it. “November 1916” is just too broad a time frame…

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Posted (edited)


Yes agreed

I thought these types laid there mines under water, not on the surface?

If they do find her, I think your right , that she maybe lost due to one of her own mines

As to the stories about UB 65 and the Yank sub are just strange?

I take it you can't find

Schaller Friedrick (Friedrich)    LtzS Int Rat Marine    Verwaltung (admin) depot Ship "General" 

Most of these details came from another source then Wolf, and mentions depot Ship "General" (int Rat) what ever that is?

Wolf gives no details, other then sub Lt and 1915

Todays again Naval officers?

Schenk Friedrich    LtzS to ObLtzS Marine    Commander Navy Labor Det Istanbul to OzbV Adjt to Kapt-Lt Baltzer Transport Officer (Transportabteilung) for German Soldiers 1918 (shown ObLtzS dienstgrad beigelegt 4-12-17)    1916-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf & US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Scherz Gustav    LtzS Marine    Adjt and Watch officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) to Obsver on Bay of Saros at Canakkale and later Ottoman 4th Army shown 4th Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schierhorn Otto    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1914-15    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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Otto Schierhorn is another guy that was neither a commissioned nor even a warrant officer while in theater. Born on October 10, 1891, entering service October 1911, Schierhorn is on Breslau to March 1915. He then goes to the Engineering (and Warrant Officer School) and in September 1915 should have emerged from that as a Marine-Ingenieuraspirant. He’s then on the battleship Markgraf to October 1916 (and should have been at Jutland) before going to submarine school. He’s the LI on UC 58 in the Baltic and later with the High Seas Fleet. He’s then assigned to the new construction U 166, which isn’t complete before the war ends.

Schierhorn is promoted to Marine-Ingenieur on July 18, 1918. Out of service November 24, 1919.

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Gustav Scherz, born December 11, 1890, Crew 1910, Leutnant zur See September 19, See 1912, Oberleutnant zur See March 22, 1916, was indeed on Goeben the entire war with two short exceptions:

• Five weeks with the Dardanelles landing detachment in 1915

• Five weeks with a coastal observation station in the Orphenia Gulf in 1917.

German decorations by early 1918 is only the EK2. 

Promoted to Kapitänleutnant on January 1, 1921. Out of service on September 30, 1921.

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Friedrich Schenk, born September 19, 1876, entered service October 1899 but with a seniority date as a Leutnant zur See der Reserve of May 28, 1915. Yes, Schenk gets a commission but that’s secondary. His first assignment in the Ehrenrangliste provides a clue:

He’s in command of the Irmingrad to February 1916. The Irmingrad was a German 4211 grt cargo steamer built in 1907 that ended  up in Turkey when the war started, where it was soon used as a naval transport. In the 1914/15 edition of Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Irmingrad’s master is listed as… F. Schenk. So Herr Schenk was a ship captain that retained command of his vessel until it was bombed by Russian seaplanes and sunk on February 6, 1916 near Zonguldak. Irmingrad is refloated on February 21, 1916.

Schenk then becomes an advisor to the head of the rail transportation command Constantinople through September 1918,. when he serves on maritime advisor to the Military Commission Constantinople until the end of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. Charakter as an Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve August 16, 1920.  Despite his reserve officer rank, Schenk isn’t included in either the 1916 or 1918 Rangliste.

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7 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schaller Friedrick (Friedrich)    LtzS Int Rat Marine    Verwaltung (admin) depot Ship "General" 

Most of these details came from another source then Wolf, and mentions depot Ship "General" (int Rat) what ever that is?

Friedrich Schaller was a Marine-Intendanturrat (Int Rat). A senior official of the Intendantur (logistics) branch of the naval administration  with the rank insignia corresponding to a Korvettenkapitän. Born 22 October 1876 in Nürnberg. Entered the naval administration on 19 July 1906 and by the outbreak of war was a Marine-Intendanturrat with seniority of 3 May 1913 having previously held the Charakter of that rank since 1 October 1910. He was on the staff of the MMD from June 1915 for the entire war. He remained in the navy following the war rising to the rank of Ministerialdirigent (Konteradmiral) at naval supreme headquarters, retiring on 31 March 1940. He died on 25 November 1942 in Berlin. A Bavarian Landwehr officer, holding the rank of Oberleutnant (25.8.13) in 1914.

Ottoman awards: Medschidie 4th Class, Liakat in Silver with Swords, War Medal.



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You never know who turns up on these lists

Todays back to Army officers?

Schierstaedt (Schierstädt) von    LtCol (Col) Cav    1st Composite (Lütfü) Müretteb or Mürattep) Division 10-18 - 1915-1918'de 5. Ordu'da müfreze Komutani (Commander in detention in the 5th Army) shown Commander of Independant Cavalry Bde 7-18 near Amman    1915-18    (died 1919) PoW 10-18  (not identified) shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schlee Hans    Maj    Commander Osmanie station - Istanbul Osmaniye'de Büyük Telzis istasyonu sefi (Large radio station in Osmaniye Istanbul) (Sig unit)     1915-18    (not identified)? from Telegraphen-Bataillon 3 shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schleip (Johann)     Chefarzt Oberstarzt (Col) Dr    Chief physician German hospital Constantinople 1915    1915-16    (possibly born 1880 died?) Bavarian shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

Schlette     Lt    Technischer Sekretar (technical secretary)    1915-16    shown in book by Klaus Wolf 

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