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German names from Wolf's book


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1 hour ago, stevenbecker said:

Schleip (Johann)     Chefarzt Oberstarzt (Col) Dr 

Dr. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Schleip, born 22 December 1872 in Freiburg im Breisgau in Baden. Civilian head doctor at the German Hospital in Constantinople from 1909 to 1919. No indication he ever held German military rank. Oberstarzt is a very poor entry in the table; a rank that did not exist in Imperial times and introduced on 31 March 1934! Died 13 February 1960 in Freiburg im Breisgau.



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2 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schlette     Lt    Technischer Sekretar

Friedrich Schlette, born 1872, a junior technical official of the naval administration with seniority in rank from 30 May 1914. Although this class of official did not hold a "determined military rank", his badge of rank was broadly equivalent to an Oberleutnant zur See (one rosette on the shoulder board). 




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12 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schlee Hans    Maj

Bavarian Oberleutnant (7.3.12) Hans Schlee, born 22 December 1880 in Bayreuth. Active signals officer who in 1914 was attached to the Prussian communications technical testing commission in Berlin. Promoted to Hauptmann without a Patent on 23 October 1914 and received a Patent as such on 9.8.15. Assigned as inspector of the  Ottoman field telegraphy branch and later to the staff of 5th Army in the Dardanelles. Charakter as Major on 11 October 1920. Holder of the Medschidie Order 3rd Class, Silver Liakat with Swords and the War Medal.



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13 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schierstaedt (Schierstädt) von    LtCol (Col) Cav  

Major (27.1.13) Georg von Schierstaedt, born 1 November 1864. Active Prussian cavalry officer. Major and second in command of Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 4 in 1914. Ottoman colonel and holder of the Hohenzollern Knight's Cross with Swords. Charakter as Oberstleutnant on 22 March 1918.

Died 19 November 1919 in Berlin.



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Todays back to Naval Officers and maybe not

Schmidt Arthur    Oberingenieur (Ing) Marine    Oberstabsingenieur (Engineer officer) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914 - Mühendis Subay and Ottoman gunboat "Peyk-i Sevket"     1914-16    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schmidt Hans Martin    LtzS Marine    SMS Breslau (Midilli) to SMS Goeben (Yavuz) - Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung at South Group at Gallipoli (Naval Shore Det) commander MG Detachment I att 19th Div at Kabatepe (Gaba Tepe) 10-15 to Det II at Kritia (Kirthe) 12-15 - Çanakkale'de Güney gurubunda Makinali tüfek bölük komutani (In the Southern group in Çanakkale the machine gun division commander)     1915-16    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 30-11-15  shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schmidt Kurt    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer officer) Torpedo Boat Flotilla     1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schmiedicke Erich    FähnrichzS to ObLtzS deR Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) to German depot ship "General" to SMS Breslau (Midilli) and Naval Shore Det Obsver officer shown der reichs einkaufskommission zur verfügung gestellt (made available to the Reich Purchasing Commission) 1918    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

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Erich Schmiedicke, born May 13, 1887. Entered service October 1, 1912. Vizesteuermann der Reserve November 25, 1913 (reserve warrant officer and commissioned officer candidate rank); Leutnant zur See der Reserve January 27, 1916; Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve September 17, 1917.

Schmiedicke just kind of bounces around all of the place in the theater. He’s on Goeben through when he gets his commission in January 1915. He’s on General, Breslau, and Goeben at various point to March 1917 while also doing shorter stays in Romania and Asia Minor. After that, he becomes the head of the transportation for the Turkish nutrition agency to August 1918, then with the Bulgarian fleet in Varna for the rest of the war.

German decoration is early 1918 is just the EK2. Out of service June 8, 1919.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Hans Martin Schmidt, born June 7, 1893, Crew 1913, Leutnant zur See September 18, 1915. He’s briefly on Breslau in September 1915, before transferring over to Goeben, Schmidt serves with the Gallipoli landing detachment from October 1915 to January 1916, before returning to Goeben. He goes back to  Germany in December 1916.

Oberleutnant zur See January 7, 1920, Out of service January 28, 1920. German decoration is early 1918 is just the EK2.

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Kurt Schmidt, born September 2, 1886, entered service April 1908, Marine-Inegenieur der Reserve July 18, 1918, so definitely not a commissioned officer when in theatert. On Turkish torpedo boats from September or October 1914 to March 1916, then returns to Germany and serves on the Von der Tann to June 1918, when he goes to submarine school.

Out of service December 18, 1918.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Arthur Schmidt, born March 23, 1888, Marine-Inegenieuraspirant September 28, 1911, Marine-Inegenieur October 13, 1914, Marine-Oberinegenieur April 26, 1917. Herr Schmidt is on Goeben to March 1916 (exception: he’s detached to head the coal detachment Schefketil in December 1915 and January 1916.)

Schmidt then goes to submarine school, and ends up as the chief engineer of U 62 and then U 162.

Out of service September 9, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1  (unsurprising, as U 62 was a very successful boat) and Brunswick’s Kriegsverdienstkreuz.

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Cheers Michael,

Intersting fellows there.


Schmitz Kurt    ObLtzS Marine    Adjt to Commandant SMS Goeben (Yavuz) shown Adjt SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1915-18    (born at Duisburg ) Kaiserliche Marine leicht verwundet (minor wound) WIA 18-5-17 at Seddelbahr Gallipoli shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schmücker (Schmücke) F.    Assistenzarzt Dr    Assistenzarzt (Physician Leutnant) Hekim Tegmen MO at Istanbul and hospital at Beirut Feldlazarett     1916-18    (not identified)? shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schneider Carl (Karl)     ObLtzS to Kor-Kapt (LtCol) Marine    Admiralstabsoffizier beim Marineoberkommando in Der Türkei - Straits Admiralty staff officer in the marine Special Forces staff of the Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) der Kaiserlichen Marine in der Turkei - Bogazlar Deniz Özel birliklerinde Amirallik kurmay subayi (Naval Staff officer at the Marine Special troops of both straits) - staff officer to Admiral Usedom 2-15 att Observer Airforce with Serno (P) Gallipoli 3-15 att 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk 3-15 later possibly German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung)     1915-18    (1881 - ) Kaiserliche Marine Admiralty staff officer in the Special Forces shown Rumpler B1 with Capt Serno (P) based at Chanak Kale first flight over the Dardanelles to Tenedos 17-3-15 awarded EK II 26-3-15 and 4-6-15 and Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 31-3-15 and Silver Imtiaz Medal 17-12-15 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) (not identified)? shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schoede (Schöde)     ObAssistenzarzt  Dr Marine    Oberassistenzarzt Medical MMD (Military Mediterranean Division)     1916-    shown in book by Klaus Wolf

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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schmücker (Schmücke) F.    Assistenzarzt Dr   

Schoede (Schöde)     ObAssistenzarzt  Dr Marine  


Schoede/Schöde is nonsense. No naval medical officer of that name. Checked the Schroeder/Schröders and that does not work either.

Only two Schmückers held commissioned medical rank and only one with the initial F.

Feldhilfsarzt (17.6.16) Friedrich Schmücker (Landwehrbezirk Soest). Promoted to Assistenzarzt d.R. on 23.4.17. Had served with Feld-Lazarett 1 of the IX. Armee-Korps. Practiced medicine in Essen following the war.



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schmitz Kurt    ObLtzS Marine  

Fähnrich zur See (23.12.14) Kurt Schmitz, born 10 May 1895 in Duisburg and crew of 1914. From July 1915 on SMS Goeben until wars end and commissioned on 13 July 1916 (without a Patent). Relative seniority amongst his peer group assigned on 20 February 1917 although still without a Patent. Released from service on 9 September 1920 on granting the Charakter of an Oberleutnant zur. Reserve officer in WW2 attaining the rank of a Korvettenkapitän der Reserve. Served on the TIrpitz. 

Awards: EK1, Medschidie 4th Class, Liakat in Silver with Swords, Ottoman life saving medal and war medal. Still alive in 1970 and living in Essen-Bredeney.



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schneider Carl (Karl)     ObLtzS to Kor-Kapt (LtCol) Marine 

Kapitänleutnant (27.3.09) Karl Schneider, born 10 August 1881 in Hirschberg, Silesia. Crew of 1899. With the Sonderkommando from January 1915 throughout the war. Admiral's staff officer (ASTO), promoted to Korvettenkapitän on 13.1.17. Held the Ottoman rank of a lieutenant colonel. Retired 29 January 1920. Returned to service in WW2, serving as the harbour and inner fortress commandant at Dunkirk from May 1940 until wars end. Promoted to Kapitän zur See on 1.4.44. British POW until March 1946. Died 6 June 1966.



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Cheers Glenn,

I did wonder where Wolf gets some of these name from?

The next few maybe the same?


Scholle    LtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1915-    (not identified)? shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Scholz Emil von    LtzS to Kapt-Lt Marine    Searchlight and Feuerwerks (Ordnance) officer at Dardanelles to Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate (shown Ia under Peiper) in Istanbul - Sect I Küsten und shiffsartillerie (coastal and ship artillery) 1916 later Kapt-Lt     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 12-10-15 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schröder (Schroeder)    Capt / Hptm (Maj)    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - 1. Malzeme Nakliyat Taburlari Komutani Halep ve Mersin'de Cephe gerisi Kom. (1st Material transport battalion Commander Aleppo and Mersin'de Cephe rest back Kom.) - shown 1st Model Army Train battalion 1914 att (Transport) Rear Zone Command at Gallipoli 7-15 to Inspector of Army trains in Aleppo and Mersina LofC    1914-17    (not identified)? from Rittmister Train No 9 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Schultz (Schulz) Hans Ernst    ObLtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) in LMSD Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) 9-15 and Mines clearance command - Commander of a Minesweeper Mine of Istanbul Strait to Artillery officer in the Anatolian poplar 1916 command officer under the command of the Bosphorus 10-16 RTG returned to Instructor at the Ottoman Navy Academy 1917-18     1915-16 1917-    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 27-1-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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On 25/05/2024 at 22:39, stevenbecker said:

Schröder (Schroeder)    Capt / Hptm (Maj) 

Rittmeister (18.10.12)  Ludwig Schroeder, Ottoman major formerly of Train-Bataillon 9 in Rendsburg. Member of the Liman mission. Originally commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 54. Final Ottoman posting as inspector of Trains of Lines of communication Alleppo and Mersina.

Compulsorily retired as a consequence of the post war reductions with the Charakter of Major on 3 February 1920.

Sorry, no time for the others today. Tracking this guy down took an age!

Best wishes


Edited by Glenn J
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Interesting mate no worries

I did have these two, but with the name being a common one then there must be many like it?

Schröder (Schroeder) Ludwig (Fritz)    Dr    Unit unknown     1917-18    shown with Ottomann War Medal Later WWII Generalarbeitsführer RAD-Div Mecklenburg

Schröder Ludwig Karl Hermann von    Kapt Lt Marine    Unit unknown     unknown    (born 1884 at DoW 28-7-41) after aircraft accident in Serbia Kaiserliche Marine from ObLtzS SMS Preußen 1914 to Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Markgraf 1915 to Marine Corps Flanders 1917 awarded Royal House Order of Hohenzollern and EK II & EK I and Breman Hanseatic Cross and Ottoman War Medal to KaptzS 1930 to VizAdmiral 1934 to General der Flakartillerie Luftwaffe 1937 later WWII appointed SS Gruppenfuhrer as Militärbefehlshaber Serbien (military commander of Serbia) 1941 father Admiral Ludwig von Schröder the Marinekorps Flandern (not identified)?

when you can is fine

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Emil Scholz (not Emil von Scholz), born April 6, 1877, entered service April 9, 1894,  Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant  October 24, 1910, Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant April 29, 1916. Listed as being on munitions ship B (= Württemberg), then with the Sonderkommando Türkei (no additional details provided).

German decoration in early 1918 is the EK1 and a prewar Dienstauszeichnung 3rd Class. Out service March 8, 1920. Charakter as Feuerwerks-Kapitän April 18, 1920. Joins the navy postwar a civil servant (marine Stabsingenieur).

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9 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Schröder (Schroeder) Ludwig (Fritz)    Dr 

Hi Steve,

I was having another look at Herr Schroeder; tricky, as the name is rather widespread.

It does appear that Ludwig Schroeder was indeed the later Obergeneralarbeitsführer, born 13 March 1877. Commissioned into the infantry on 17.12.96 into Infanterie-Regiment 54, he had a brief sojourn to the cadet school at Oranienstein before entering Infanterie-Regiment 142 and finally transferring into the train branch on 10 April1906 (Train-Bataillon 18)

Died 6 July 1960.



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Hans Ernst Schultz, born April 22, 1895, Crew 1913, Leutnant zur See September 19, 1915. Just after being promoted to officer rank, Schultz was assigned to the Sonderkommando Türkei as the commander of a minesweeping boat through May 1916, then he's at Fort Anatoli Katwak through October 1916. He then becomes an adjunct to the Bosporus commander to April 1917, when he leaves the theater to go to submarine school. He’s on U 24 briefly before being posted to the brand-new UB 70, which was assigned to sail to and then operate from the Austrian ports in the Adriatic.

UB 70 left Germany under the command of Kplt. Johannes Remy on April 16, 1918. On May 2, the submarine torpedoed the French steamer Valdivia (1,794 grt, built 1905) 45 miles southwest of Cape Spartel, Morocco. The British intercepted a radio message from UB 70 on the 5th after crossing through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean. The Royal Navy thought that UB 70 was lost soon after the May 5 transmission, and presumed the cause was a May 8 depth charge attack by the destroyer HMS Basilisk (Lt. Walter Fallowfield) and the armed yacht USS Lydonia (Lt. Cmdr. Richard McCullough) north of Algiers. This attack was, however, against U 38 (Kplt. Clemens Wickel), which was only lightly damaged and returned to base. There’s no other strong ASW that might account for UB 70’s disappearance; loss to an operational cause is a very real possibility.

German decoration in early 1918 was the EK1.

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On 25/05/2024 at 22:39, stevenbecker said:

Scholle    LtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Breslau (Midilli)   

I think almost certainly another clumsy double-entry for Martin Schelle listed earlier in this thread.



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Yes Michael, Schultz appears to have followed Remy from U 24 to UB 70

Interesting the Wreck site does not show the 32 men lost on her, only Remy and a Funker Hagen, the other 30 names are lost?


Schum     ObAssistenzarzt Dr Marine    Oberassistenzarzt MO MMD (Military Mediterranean Division) - to Bulgaria    1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Schütze Arnold    Kor-Kapt (Maj) Marine    1st Officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) - Yavuz gemisinin 1. Subayi (1st Substation of Yavuz ship)    1918-    (not identified)? to many to confirm? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Schwab Martin    FähnrichzS to LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914 to Ottoman Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis) and Cruiser "Hamidiye" or "Hamidie" to Iraq Flotilla under Ney 12-15 Mesopotamia    1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine to Mesopotamia awarded EK I 1-11-15 (not identified)? to many to confirm? shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schwabe Fritz    Lt Eng    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) possibly Offizierstellvertreter Ingenieuroberaspirant    unknown    (not identified) shown in book by Klaus Wolf

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Dr. Heinrich Schum,  born July 10, 1884, entered service March 12, 1902, Marine-Oberassistenzarzt der Reserve January 27, 1912, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve September 16, 1916. Schum arrived in theater in December 1915 or January 1916 and was the chief physician at the naval hospital at Varna through April 1917, then he returns to Germany.

Out of service on December 31, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

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10 hours ago, Glenn J said:

I think almost certainly another clumsy double-entry for Martin Schelle listed earlier in this thread.



I was thinking exactly the same thing.

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Arnold Schütze, born July 23, 1879, Crew 1899, Kapitänleutnant March 27, 1909, Korvettenkapitän July 13, 1916. Markgraf as the torpedo and then navigation officer to February 1917, then became an airship officer, commanding L 58 and L 64 through September 1918, when he becomes Goeben’s first (executive) officer.

Out of service November 5, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is just the EK2.

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Martin Schwab is this guy: https://uboat.net/wwi/men/commanders/318.html

He was born on March 17, 1892, Crew 1911 (top of his class), Leutnant zur See August 3, 1914, Oberleutnant zur See April 26, 1917. Goeben through September 1914, then on the Hamidie through April 1915. He then apparently is used as a watch officer on small Constantinople-based submarines through August 1915, though the boat numbers listed in the Ehrenrangliste don’t make sense. Schwab then Iraq River detachment through August 1916. He then returns to Germany to undergo submarine training. His first combat U-boat assignment is on U 94; he becomes the boat’s commanding officer in March 1918.

Out of service March 6, 1920. By August 1916, he had both classes of the Iron Cross.

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