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German names from Wolf's book


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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:


Yes Michael, Schultz appears to have followed Remy from U 24 to UB 70

Interesting the Wreck site does not show the 32 men lost on her, only Remy and a Funker Hagen, the other 30 names are lost?

The complete UB 70 loss list is available here: http://www.denkmalprojekt.org/u-boote/uboote_wk1/wk1_ub70.htm

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Thanks Michael intersting, I notice that there were two Kapt-Lt lost on U 93

Usedom Hans Leo von    LtzS to ObLtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo Sonderkommando Usedom Observation officer at Yeni Shehr Dardanelles 10-15 - Çanakkale Yenisehir'de gözetleme subayi (Tümamiral von Usedom'un oglu) (Surveillance officer at Çanakkale Yenisehir (Admiral von usedom's son) to U Boats lost in U 93 1918    1915-17    (1894 at Berlin KIA 17-1-18 or 15-1-18) Kaiserliche Marine from SMS Konig 1915 to Turkey 10-15 RTG 3-17 to U Boat School to IV Flotilla Wachoffizier (WO) U 93 under Kapt-Lt Gerlach (shown also Kapt-Lt Friedrich Burchardi on boat?) reported lost by apparent internal explosion on or after 17-1-18 off Hardleot France in the English channel with 43 dead (all hands lost) awarded EK II 21-12-15 & EK I 8-2-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book


Schwabe Fritz    Lt Eng    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) possibly Offizierstellvertreter Ingenieuroberaspirant    unknown    (not identified) shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Schwager Ottmar    Lt deR Funk    Fernsprech-Abteilung - Telefonla haberlesme birliginde (In telephone communication- (Sig unit) to Bulgaria 1917-18    1915-17    Bavern Bayern wrote book "Kleine Kriegsskizzen" shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Seckendorff-Aberdar Freiherr von     Capt (Maj)    Served in Ottoman Ministry of War  1915'den itibaren (Since 1915)    1915-    possibly related LtGen Adolf and or Gustav von Seckendorff and Friedrich-Karl Seckendorff-Aberdar Major 1. Ski-Jg.Div 7-44 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

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4 hours ago, stevenbecker said:


Thanks Michael intersting, I notice that there were two Kapt-Lt lost on U 93

Usedom Hans Leo von    LtzS to ObLtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo Sonderkommando Usedom Observation officer at Yeni Shehr Dardanelles 10-15 - Çanakkale Yenisehir'de gözetleme subayi (Tümamiral von Usedom'un oglu) (Surveillance officer at Çanakkale Yenisehir (Admiral von usedom's son) to U Boats lost in U 93 1918    1915-17    (1894 at Berlin KIA 17-1-18 or 15-1-18) Kaiserliche Marine from SMS Konig 1915 to Turkey 10-15 RTG 3-17 to U Boat School to IV Flotilla Wachoffizier (WO) U 93 under Kapt-Lt Gerlach (shown also Kapt-Lt Friedrich Burchardi on boat?) reported lost by apparent internal explosion on or after 17-1-18 off Hardleot France in the English channel with 43 dead (all hands lost) awarded EK II 21-12-15 & EK I 8-2-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Kapitänleutnant Helmut Gerlach was U 93's commanding officer from May 23, 1917 to the boat's loss. By January 1918, he was an experienced and pretty successful U-boat commander. 

Lateral entry to submarine command was common in the Kaiserliche Marine. Kapitänleutnant Friedrich Burchardi was one such officer that was on the path to become a U-boat commander. He’d completed submarine school and was going along on a patrol to get some combat experience before assuming command of his own boat. (He was junior to Gerlach.)

Hans Leo von Usedom, born October 5, 1894, Crew 1912, Leutnant zur See March 22, 1915, Oberleutnant zur See December 25, 1917.  He appears in theater in October or November 1915 as an observation officer at Yenischehir. He remains in that role to June 1916, when he becomes an adjunct to the German commander of the Bosporus  through October 1916. Hans Leo von Usedom then goes to submarine school, and is assigned to U 93 in March 1917.

The wreck of U 93 lies in the eastern English Channel off Hardelot, France. I was very involved in identifying the wreck (long story). The stern of the boat is blown off; the most likely cause is that one of the boat’s own torpedoes went off. The date of the loss is uncertain. U 93 was the boat that sank the French steamer Babin Chevaye on January 14 and must be created with sinking War Song the next day. Allowing for travel time to the eastern English Channel January 17, 1918 is the earliest that U 93 was lost.

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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Seckendorff-Aberdar Freiherr von     Capt (Maj)  

Bavarian Hauptmann (3.3.11) Karl Freiherr von Seckendorff-Aberdar, born 8 April 1874 in München. Active infantry officer serving as a company commander in 8. Infanterie-Regiment at the outbreak of war. Attached to the Ottoman war ministry effective 15 October 1915 until taken on strength of the 1. Ersatz-Bataillon of 5. Infanterie-Regiment on 27 April 1916. Further assigned to 27. Infanterie-Regiment where he had served as "leader" of the II. Bataillon and the entire regiment.

On 17 April 1917 placed at disposition status (health?). He had previously been on three months recovery leave.  Promoted char. Major z.D. on 27.2 18. Died 3 January 1948. 



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

chwager Ottmar    Lt deR Funk    

Bavarian Leutnant d.R. (2.12.14) Ottmar Schwager, born 29 February 1894 at Hassfurth a./W. In civil life a government construction official (Regierungsbaumeister). Entered service as a one year volunteer on 1 October 1908 rising to the rank of Vizefeldwebel d.R. on 23.4.10 in the Bavarian Telegraphen-Detachement.  At mobilisation appointed as an Offizierstellvertreter in Festungs. Fernprech Abteilung Germersheim. Served with various communications units and detached for service in the military mission on 25 September 1917. Promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 19 August 1918 with a Patent of seniority of 15.3.18.



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Thanks guys interest as always.

I had a felling that young Fritz Schwabe maybe not an officer, so not recorded.

Todays both naval and Army

Semmler Anton    LtzS deR Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) special forces 9-15 to Barrier and Mine pilot in the Dardanelles - Çanakkale bogazinda Mayin kilavuz subayi (Mine guide branch in Canakkale) 7-17 to Mayinarama guiding officer in the Dardanelles - shown as pilot on SMS Goeben (Yavuz) during sortie 20-1-18    1915-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine awarded EKII 3-16 shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Seyffert Hermann    ObZahlmeister Marine    ObZahlmeister Fleet Paymaster RTG returned to Ottoman Ministry of Marine shown OberZahlmeister Fleet Paymaster Stab MMD (Mittelmeer-Division) (Military Mediterranean Division) under Rebeur-Paschwitz 1918    1915-16 1917-18    Kaiserliche Marine from depot ship the cruiser SMS "Gefion" shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Siebeler     LtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Sievert (possibly Benno von)    Maj (LtCol)    Deutsche Militär-Mission Türkei - Intelligence officer Dept II Ottoman GHQ Haberlesme ve Istihbarat Daire Baskani (Head of Communications and Intelligence Department)    1916-18    (not identified)? to many to confirm? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

I was going to place this bloke, but since we have so much trouble with the Airforce blokes, then maybe not?

Seidler or Seydler or Sydler Frank     civilian / Unteroffizier (Lt)    Pilot Airforce att Dardanelles Flieger-Abteilung 2-15 later 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk at Çanakkale 5-15 (shown 18-3-15) RTG 9-15    1915-17    Bavarian (Shown German-Turkish Air Auxiliary Command at Czerneheviz in Hungary) pilots licence No 286 1912 first pilot ferried Rumpler B1 (R1) to Turkey 2-15 - first sortie in Rumpler B1 (R1) with Lt Hüseyin Sedat Bey (O) spotted Allied Fleet near Dardanelles 18-3-15 flew recce sorties over islands Tenedos Imbros and Lemnos during 1915 (Rumpler B1 (R1 - 315-993/14) was lost in crash 3-7-16) RTG 9-15 awarded Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th Class and EK II & EK I and Ottoman Silver Laikat Medal and War Medal (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown in book by Klaus Wolf

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5 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

I was going to place this bloke, but since we have so much trouble with the Airforce blokes, then maybe not?

Seidler or Seydler or Sydler Frank     civilian / Unteroffizier (Lt)    Pilot Airforce att Dardanelles Flieger-Abteilung 2-15 later 1st Aircraft Company Tayyare Boluk at Çanakkale 5-15 (shown 18-3-15) RTG 9-15    1915-17    Bavarian (Shown German-Turkish Air Auxiliary Command at Czerneheviz in Hungary) pilots licence No 286 1912 first pilot ferried Rumpler B1 (R1) to Turkey 2-15 - first sortie in Rumpler B1 (R1) with Lt Hüseyin Sedat Bey (O) spotted Allied Fleet near Dardanelles 18-3-15 flew recce sorties over islands Tenedos Imbros and Lemnos during 1915 (Rumpler B1 (R1 - 315-993/14) was lost in crash 3-7-16) RTG 9-15 awarded Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th Class and EK II & EK I and Ottoman Silver Laikat Medal and War Medal (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown in book by Klaus Wolf

The Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th Class is an award for officers and civilians of equivalent status. So if Herr Seidler/Seydler/Sydler really got that award, then he wasn’t an Unteroffiizier at the time; he had to have been an (Bavarian) officer.

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Anton Semmler, born January 2, 1892, entered service April 1914, Leutnant zur See der Reserve December 24, 1915. Semmler arrives in theater in September of October 1915 and is employed through the rest of the war (per the Ehrenrangliste) as the commander of a minesweeping boat, first with the I. Minesweeping Division on the Bosporus through and then the III. Minisweeping Disvision on the Dardanelles for the remainder of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK1.

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Hermann Seyffert, born September 4, 1866, entered service April 1884, Marine-Stabszahlmeister April 18, 1908. So, yes, Seyffert is a very senior navy paymaster. He arrives in theater in June or July 1915 and is attached to the Turkish naval ministry through May 1916, after which he soon ends up on Goeben, where he remains through March 1918, when he returns to Germany.

Marine-Obertabszahlmeister April 1, 1920. He becomes a civil servant for the navy.

Germany decorations in early 1918 are EK2 plus the Order of the Red Eagle 4th class, Order of the Crown, 4th Class, and a Dienstauszeichnung 3rd Class.

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7 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Thanks guys interest as always.

I had a felling that young Fritz Schwabe maybe not an officer, so not recorded.


My hunch would be that he might be another navy engineering warrant officer, a (Ober)Maschinist. The 1914 naval Rangliste’s Deckoffizier appendix includes a Maschinist named Schwabe. The same guy?

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6 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

My hunch would be that he might be another navy engineering warrant officer,

Hi Michael,

I was thinking along those lines. Wolf, however, in his table says army. Another one of his fabled engineers! I checked the Kiel address book for 1914 but unfortunately Maschinist Schwabe is not listed so could not cross-reference his first name.



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There is a F. Otto Schwabe, Torpedo-Ober-Steuermann listed in the Kiel Adressbook of 1914.


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4 hours ago, GreyC said:

here is a F. Otto Schwabe,

Hi Grey,

thank you for that. I had discounted him on account of his trade (Warrant officer torpedo specialist). But who knows with Wolf!!



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Seidler or Seydler or Sydler Frank  

I get the impression this chap only held an Ottoman commission. I can't find any confirmation that he was awarded the Bavarian Military Merit Order and he does not have a file in the digitized records of the Bavarian army at Ancestry.

The Sanke card spells his name as "Seydler".





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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Sievert (possibly Benno von)    Maj (LtCol)    D


Hauptmann z.D. (27.1.04) Ludwig Sievert, born 1 September 1869 in Freiburg, formerly of Landwehr-Bezirk Straßburg. Charakter as a Major z.D. on 10 September 1913 and Patent on 22.3.15. Already a semi-retired officer in a recruiting and replacement assignment before the war. Much decorated former active infantry officer and East Asian veteran. Ottoman lieutenant colonel in the intelligence department of the Ottoman supreme headquarters.




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1 hour ago, Glenn J said:

I get the impression this chap only held an Ottoman commission.


he and a few other German officers are mentioned here. He was active over Gallipoli.


and here

The Leutnant  Frank Seydler, born 11. Juli 1886 at Pucknow was one of the Alte Adler (pilot license before the outbreak of the war. No. 286 -- 09.09.1912  ) and 1914 already a reknown award winning pilot. He was awarded the EKII in 1915.

The folks at the Aerodrome Forum have him listed as flying for the Ottoman Air Force from 1915-17

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After Romania and Bulgaria uncovered the camouflaged deliveries for the airmen and passage was no longer possible, even with large bribes, the German-Turkish Aviation Relief Command was formed in Czernèheviz in Hungary. It was a small supply unit with an airfield near the train station there. The aircraft needed in Turkey were first transported there by rail in a disassembled state, reassembled, additional tanks installed and then flown over enemy territory (Serbia) and neutral territory (Bulgaria) to across the Turkish border to Edirne. There we refueled again and continued the approximately 200 kilometer route to the delivery point in San Stefano. The first aircraft to be transferred into Turkish service in this way was a Rumpler B I and was flown by Frank Seidler [sic!], who later served as a first lieutenant in the Turkish aviation force.




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Yes, I read to do that job they had to civilians, and are recorded as such for these operations, as a number were lost flying down to Turkey during the early months transiting those countries (Rum and Bulg then not part of the war) and even crashed in Turkey.

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Thanks for sorting Frank out, with so many conflicting details this does get mixed up at times.

I take it this man maybe also a NCO with Ottoman rank?

Siebeler     LtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Todays not much again on some?

Soleski Wilhelm     Lt    Pilot Airforce Flying Training School at San Stefano Yesilköy'de Uçucu birliklerde (Volatile in unit in Yesilköy)    1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Soller    Capt / Hptm (Maj)     Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - quality control and Sect VI zünder (igniter)    1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Spetzler    Lt Eng    Oberingenieur (Engineer officer) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul     1915-    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Sporleder    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer officer) Torpedo Specialist with Torpedo Boat Flotilla Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando)    1915-    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Ernst Sporleder, born May 4, 1883, Marine-Ingenieur der Reserve September 18, 1915. Mittelmeerdivision, unspecified role, January or February 1915 to September 1915, then with the Turkish torpedo boats through January 1916. Per the Ehrenrangliste, out of service February 28, 1916. That said, he shows up in both the August 1916 and February 1918 Ranglisten. German decoration in both is the EK2.

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20 hours ago, GreyC said:

born 11. Juli 1886 at Pucknow

Incidently the contemporary source (the journal Flugsport) erred with the name of his birthplace. Her was born in Pucknen, district of Ragnit, East-Prussia. In 1921 he was a landowner and had a manor in East Prussia near Königsberg. He died 1971 in West-Germany. He was also an inventor in the aerea of aviation and held at least one patent in 1911/12.

Thank you Charlie for finding his wedding certificate.


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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Soller    Capt / Hptm (Maj)  

Hauptmann (1.10.13) Karl Soller, detached for service in Turkey from Feuerwerks-Laboratorium (Ammunition technical laboratory) in Siegburg. Active Prussian foot artillery officer originally from Fußartillerie-Regiment 8. Compulsorily retired as a consequence of the post war reductions on 4 February 1920.

Charakter as Major a.D. on 8 September 1920. Holder of the EK2 in 1916.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Spetzler    Lt Eng    Oberingenieur (Engineer officer)


Spetzler is a rather uncommon name and I have only encountered a couple of officers who could be in contention: Leutnant d.R. (4.12.14) Oskar Spetzler of Fußartillerie-Regiment 17 and Leutnant Karl Spetzler (21.5.06) of Infanterie-Regiment 148 who was a Diplom. Ingenieur from Essen. Promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 27.1.15. I think the latter. given his profession is more likely your man.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Siebeler     LtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)


20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

I take it this man maybe also a NCO with Ottoman rank?

The problem with that is the fact that although naval members of the Sonderkommando held Ottoman rank, those of those of the Mittelmeer Division did not.



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