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German names from Wolf's book


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Sprengel Friedrich     Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance) with Armaments office     1915-    Kaiserliche Marine RTG unsuitable shown in Klaus Wolf's Book & photo dated July 1915 

Staczewwski von    Capt / Hptm Eng (Maj)    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) at Edirne 1914 to General Weber 1915 to OC Engineer Co in Caucasus and Palestine    1914-18    (died 1930) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Stade Karl    Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO Medical Naval garrision shown Stabsarzt Vorstand Deutsches bakteriologisches institut Konstantinopel 1918    1916-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Stadler (Philipp)     Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO Medical Military Mediterranean Division MMD - to Bulgaria     1915-    (born 1883 ) Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Friedrich Sprengel, born November 16, 1875, entered service April 1892, Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant April 20, 1914. Yes, in theater, dates he arrived and left not specified.

Out of service March 8, 1920. Charakter as Feuerwerks-Kapitän April 18, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Dienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

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Dr. Philipp Stadler, born September 9, 1883, entered service October 1903, Marine-Stabsarzt March 22, 1914. Sonderkommando Bulgaria January 1916, then with the Mittelmeer Division  to September 1916, when he returns to Germany.

Out of service July 29, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.


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Dr. Karl Stade, born June 17, 1880, entered service October 1900. Marine-Stasarzt der Reserve October 14, 1911.

Out of service November 30, 1918. Charakter as Marine-Obertasarzt der Reserve April 27, 1921. From March or April 1916, director bacteriology Constantinople.

German decoration in early 1918 are the EK2, the Landwehrdiesntauszeichnung 2ns Class, Bremen’s Hanseatic Cross, and Oldenburg’s Friedrich August Kreuz 2nd Class.

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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Staczewwski von    Capt / Hptm Eng (Maj)  

Hauptmann (1.10.12) Karl von Staszewski (note spelling), born 29 October 1873. Active Prussian Pionier officer and Ottoman major. Member of the Liman mission. Peacetime Ottoman assignment was Engineer officer at Adrianople. Formerly company commander in Pionier-Bataillon 16. Promoted to Major on 18.10.18. Retired 7 January 1920. Holder of the Medschidie 3rd class and the silver Liakat with Swords.

Died 30 December 1930 in Berlin.



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Posted (edited)


I notice this from a Turkish work

Carl Wilhelm Stade (1880-1966). Bkz. Asmus Nitschke, Die ‘Erbpolizei’ im Nationalsozialismus: Zur Alltagsgeschichte der Gesundheitsämter im Dritten Reich, Das Beispiel Bremen (Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher-Vlg., 1999), 77, cf. 204

‘Der Deutschen bakteriologischen Untersuchunungsstelle Konstantinopel. Leiter: Marine-Stabarzt Dr. Karl Stade vom 21.3.1916 bis 23.10.1918.’ Becker, Äskulap, 33

ve yönetimi hastaneden ayrılan laboratuvarın çalışmasıyla ilgili olarak
Donanma Komutanı Amiral Souchon’un bir emirnamesi bilinmektedir.63
İstanbul’daki Alman Bahriye Hastanesi bakteriyoloji laboratuvarı, Dr.
Carl Wilhelm Stade64 yönetiminde 1918 yılı Ekim ayı sonuna kadar
çalışmalarını sürdürdü.65 Topladığı materyal savaş sonunda Almanya’ya
nakledilirken Odessa limanında batırılan bir gemide kaybolduğu için, Dr. Stade
bilimsel bir yayın yapamadı.66 Ancak, laboratuvarında Bacterium Erzincan tipi
paratifo suşlarına rastladığını ve bunları Dr. Neukirch’e doğrulattığını

or *google translate

An order issued by the Navy Commander Admiral Souchon is known.63 Bacteriology laboratory of the German Naval Hospital in Istanbul Dr Under the management of Carl Wilhelm Stade until the end of October 1918 He continued his studies.65 The material he collected was sent to Germany at the end of the war.Because he was lost on a ship that sank in the port of Odessa while being transported Dr. Stadium He was unable to make any scientific publications.66 However in his laboratory Bacterium Erzincan type He found paratyphoid strains and Dr. had it confirmed by Neukirch.

Neukirk was a well known Doctor in Turkey for his work on Typhus one of a number of the first german Red Cross missions to Turkey

Neukirch Paul Richard    Stabarzt Dr    physician at the Deutschen Roten-Kreuz-Mission Erzindjan or Erzincan at Lazarett der Deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz 1915 to German Red Cross Hospital Defterdar Istanbul a specialist in internal medicine 9-15     1915-16    (born 1882 at Frankfurt died 1962) born into a Jewish family (AKA. Paul R. Newkirk and or Pol Noykirh) German Red Cross received five physicians six nurses under Dr Colley 21-12-14 studied Erzincan Hummasi (Erzincan fever or typhus or Paratyphus B) left Germany with his family at the end of 1933 to USA changed name to "Newkirk"

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Todays I 'll still keep away from the airman

Steinmann Albert    LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1918-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Sterke Kurt    Capt / Hptm    Commissariat Secretary Ottoman General Commissariat 1st Army and later Kress's Administrative officer and QM Secretary in Palestine Ottoman 4th Army attach Canel Expedition 2-15 - Levazim dairesinde görevli Filistin'de Levazim subayi (Levazim subcontractor in Palestine)    1914-18    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book also books by Kress and Pruffer

Stoeckicht (Stöckicht) Otto    LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) later to SMS Breslau (Midilli) shown 2nd Lt SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf

Streithorst Martin    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) Ottoman Ministry of Marine     1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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Albert Steinmann was never a commissioned officer during the war. He was born on November 19, 1897, entered service January 1917, Fähnrich zur See February 15, 1918. On Goeben from about September or October 1918 to the end of the war.

Transferred to the reserves in December 1918. Out of service January 21, 1920. Charakter as a Leutnant zur See September 9, 1920.

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Otto Stoeckicht, born December 21, 1897, entered service October 1915, Leutnant zur See December 13, 1917. After completing a training course in March 1917, Stoeckicht heads to the theater. He’s on Goeben to August 1917, then on Breslau to November 1917, then back to Goeben through May 1918, then off to Sevastopol to October 1918.

Out of service March 31, 1919.  No German decorations by early 1918.

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Martin Streithorst, born August 19, 1890, entered service April 1, 1909, Marine-Zahlmeisteraspirant September 29, 1913,  Marine-Zahlmeister November 30, 1915.

Goeben from August or September December 1914., with the Mittelmeer Division “Kass. Verw.” to March 1917, the with the 8th and then 6th minesweeping half-flotillas until the end of the war (I think those may have been back in Germany).

Out of service January 26, 1920 with Charakter as a Marine-Oberzahlmeister.  German decorations in early 1918 is the EK2.

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5 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Sterke Kurt    Capt / Hptm  

Prussian Militär-Intendantursekretär Kurt Sterke, born 21 February 1884 in Thorn. Entered service in 1901 and appointed as an Intendantursekretär on 10.1.13. Hauptmann der Reserve in Fußartillerie-Regiment 2. Liman mission from the beginning of 1914. Supply chief of VIII Corps from 1914 to 1917. Also served in the Sinai desert, Ottoman 7 army and with the Pascha operations. From 1918 head of supply with the German delegation in the Caucasus and a military instructor in the Republic of Georgia. Post war Prussian police officer; Major on 29 June 1923. Still serving in that rank in Breslau in 1933. Holder of the Medschidie 4th class, Silver Liakat with swords and wear medal. Awarded Prussian EK1. 



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Todays to finish off the "S"

Stübel Heinrich    Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) - Admirals staff officer in the special forces to Stabchefs CofS the Coastal Inspectorate at Çanakkalede Dardanelles 1916-17     1915-17    (possibly 1883 died 1957) Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 9-15 and Ottoman War Medal 9-11-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Stutzin Joachin Josef    Stabarzt Dr    Oberstabsarzt Surgeon German Red Cross First Suez Canal Operation 1-15 and field hospital in Akbas sanitary mission at Gallipoli att 5th Army 6-15 to OberStabszarzt (Chefarzt der Bagdad-Expedition des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes) Baghdad Expedition Mesopotamia 1916 escaped Germany to Chile 1933     1914-17    (1868 at Memel or 1878 at Kontanten Kurland/Latvia died 1949) born into a Jewish family from Berlin German Red Cross received five physicians six nurses under Dr Colley 21-12-14 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

not in Wolf

Strube Erwin von     Maj (LtCol)    Stabchefs CofS 3rd Army Caucasus 1918 - 3rd Ordu Kurmay Baskani (3rd Army Chief of Staff)

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Heinrich Stübel, born December 15, 1883, Crew 1900, Kapitänleutnant March 22, 1910, Korvettenkapitän April 28, 1918. He’s on the battleship Elsaß to April 1915, when he is sent to the theater as an admiral’s staff officer with the Sonderkommando Türkei to December 1916, when becomes the chief of staff to the German commander at the Dardanelles to October 1917. Stübel then returns to Germany and is assigned to the older cruiser used as a training ship Freya.

Out of service June 22, 1919. German decorations as of early 1918 are the EK1 plus a prewar Rettungsmedaille.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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7 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Stutzin Joachin Josef    Stabarzt Dr 

Dr. Joachim Stutzin, born 31 August 1878 at Gut Kartauten in Courland. Qualified as a medical doctor at Gießen in 1904. No indication whatsoever that he ever held commissioned German military rank. However, his entry in the 1928 edition of "Wer Ist's" (Who's who) states he was a consulting surgeon and "Medical Major" (presumably Ottoman) of the 4th, 5th and 6th armies respectively. Also leader of missions of the German Red Cross. Never an Oberstabsarzt in the Prussian army!



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Strube Erwin von     Maj (LtCol)  

Major (22.3.15) Erwin von Strube, born 31 March 1876 at Alt-Ristow in Pomerania. Active Prussian infantry officer serving as a company commander in Königs-Infanterie-Regiment 145 in 1914. Former cadet commissioned into Grenadier-Regiment 10 on 27 January 1896 (Patent of 14.2.95). Raised to the nobility on 18 January 1901. Attended the war academy from 1904 to 1907. Served with general staff and then assigned to KIR 145 on 1 October 1913. Holder of the Hohenzollern House Order Knight's Cross with Swords. Charakter as an Oberstleutnant a.D. on 12 June 1920 with seniority from 9 April 1920. 



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Todays again Naval men, whom Wolf seam's to have problems with?

Tacke Friedrich     Stabsarzt (Maj) Dr Marine    Stabsarzt Staff MO SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914    1914-15    (born 1869 ) Kaiserliche Marine (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Tautz Arthur    ObLtzS Marine    Navigation officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) to SMS Breslau (Midilli)    1916-18    (born at Bad Salzbrunn Waldenburg ) Kaiserliche Marine rescued in Gefschaft (in prison) PoW 20-1-18 when SMS Breslau sunk off Imbros shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Telek    Hilfsleutnant    Hilfsleutnant Coal Supplies and Transportation - probably detached Turkish officer given an unofficial rank in the German armed forces    1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Tewes Karl    LtzS Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  officer Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) at The Dardanelles     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EKII 23-1-16 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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Karl Tewes, born August 2, 1878, entered service April 2, 1895, Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant October 1, 1910, Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant October 31, 1917. He was part of the Sonderkommando Türkei, but when he was in theater is not listed in the Ehrenrangliste.

Out of service March 8, 1920l later works for the navy as a civilian with the rank of Marine-Oberingenieur. German decorations as of August 1916 is the EK2 plus a Dienstauszeichnung 3rd Class. Same in early 1918.

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If you have a copy of the Ehrenrangliste (which was published in 1930), German navy officer are pretty straightforward:

Arthur Tautz, born September 14, 1890, Crew 1909, Leutnant zur See September 19, 1912, Oberleutnant zur See May 2, 1915. Tautz was on Moltke — not Goeben — when the war began and remained there through October 1916, when he transfers into theater and onto Breslau. British POW when Breslau is sunk. (The German word you were looking for is “Gefangenschaft” = captivity in English.)

Charakter as Kapitänleutnant January 21, 1920. Out of service January 28, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2, Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross, Oldenburg’s Friedrich-August Cross, plus a prewar Order of the Crown 4th class.

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Dr. Friedrich Tacke, born February 19, 1869, entered service April 1893, Marine-Oberstabsarzt (= medical branch equivalent of a Korvettenkapitän) March 22, 1910, Marine-Generaloberarzt (= medical branch equivalent of a Fregattenkapitän) January 28, 1918. Goeben’s chief medical officer to August 1915, when he returns to Germany.

German decorations by early 1918 are the EK2 plus the Order of the Red Eagle 4th class (par for the course for senior medical officers). Out of service November 24, 1919.

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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Telek    Hilfsleutnant

The naval Ehrenrangliste lists a grand total of 8 Hilfsleutnante and no one bearing any similarity whatsoever to Telek. Hilfsleutnant was a naval rank, however Wolf's table states army. A nonsensical entry.



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Thierry    LtCol / Obstltn    Eisenbahn - 'da Istanbulda Sahra Demiryollari Dairesinde Kurmay Subayi (Istanbul Sub-Saharan (Field) Railway) or (Stabsoffizier at the field railway department in Istanbul)    1915-16    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Tiedemann Bruno    Lt Eng    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) possibly Offizierstellvertreter Ingenieuroberaspirant    1916-    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Tolki     LtzS Marine    Responsible for Coal Supplies in the Military Mediterranean Division MMD - Kömür havzalarindan gemiler için kömür çikartan isçi taburlari komutani (Coal battalions commanding coal for the ships from coal basins)    1915-17    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Töpfer August    ObLt Eng    OberIngenieur (Engineer officer) - K.O. Waffenamt - KO weapons office - Armaments office     1915-16    (KIA 11-10-16) grave in German war cemetery at Tarabya Istanbul cause not stated? (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Thierry    LtCol / Obstltn  

Prussian Oberstleutnant (18.12.13)  Kamillo (Camille) Thierry, born 12 July 1867 in Munich. Active infantry and general staff officer. Originally commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment 88 on 15.1.87. Transferred to IR 47 on 18 April 1895. Transferred as an Hauptmann to the General Staff on 1 April 1901. In 1914, an Oberstleutnant commanding the Füsilier-Bataillon of Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 3. Promoted to Oberst on 18.8.16. Placed at disposal on 10 May 1919 and retired on 27 June 1919. Charakter as a Generalmajor on 20 October 1919 with seniority from 10 May 1919.

Died 8 December 1928



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Tolki     LtzS Marine  

An Hilfsleutnant zur See Tolki is mentioned in "Der Krieg in den Türkischen Gewässern" as being assigned to the Fleet coal bureau. He is not, however listed in the Ehrenrangliste. Toli is a German name and I suspect he is also the aforementioned "Telek". More investigation required.




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Posted (edited)


Yes I notice this bloke also possibly the same man

Tolk     HilfsLtzS Marine     (assistant lieutenant) außendienst (External sales) Quartermaster General QMG verfügung gestellt (made available)    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808


Trales    Hilfsleutnant    Hilfsleutnant Coal Supplies and Transportation - probably detached Turkish officers given an unofficial rank in the German armed forces    1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

I have a number of these not listed in Wolf

Fischer     Hilfsakaptlt Marine     Hilfsakaptlt (assistant captain) Quartermaster General QMG verfügung gestellt (made available)    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Freese Johann (Johannes)    Hilfs-ObLtzS Marine    MMD (Military Mediterranean Division - Coal Supplies and Transport     1915-16    (born at Bremen DoD 29-8-16) Krankheit (illness) gestorben at Cerablus awarded EK II 1-16 and EK I 7-16 Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Keil    Hilfsakaptlt Marine     Hilfsakaptlt (assistant captain) seem berater ber kohlenabtseilg (Seems to be a consultant about coal separation) shown at the HQ zur verfügung gestellt (made available)    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Striesow     HilfsLtzS Marine    shown ladungsoffz Djerablus Dett to (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) with three Small motor boats and 20 crew  27-3-16 shown 1918    1916-18    shown as River gunboat "A" "B" and "C" They mostly served only as tugs for the gun lighters (Geschützleichler) "Falke" 10.5-centimeter quick-loading guns at Dscherablus or Jerablus (not identified)?

Tralow     Hilfs LtzS Marine    Hilsfaleiter u. dampferuhrung (Auxiliary conductor and steam heating) offz rang beigelegt (to officer rank) 5-11-16  att Baltzer's Transportabteilung 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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2 hours ago, Glenn J said:

An Hilfsleutnant zur See Tolki is mentioned in "Der Krieg in den Türkischen Gewässern" as being assigned to the Fleet coal bureau. He is not, however listed in the Ehrenrangliste. Toli is a German name and I suspect he is also the aforementioned "Telek". More investigation required.




Up the page from the mention of Tolki, it mentions paying Hilfsoffiziere (plural), so presumably there were additional such personnel.

The errata section of the Ehrenrangliste includes three additional Hilfsoffiziere to add in, all of which had died during the war, so clearly the portion of the book is a bit suspect.

Who would have the authority to appoint a Hilfsleutnant zur See? If it's the local fleet commander, Souchon in this case, then I could imagine that the documentation might be difficult to track down.

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