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German names from Wolf's book


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Yes many gaps in Wolf that we can't fill


Torbahn Ernst    ObLt Marine    Feuerwerks Ordnance at (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul for Heavy (schwere) Artillery depot at Karagatch    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 27-1-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Trabitzsch Arthur    Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery    1915-18    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Trachbrod Gerhard    FähnrichzS to LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1918-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Trales    Hilfsleutnant    Hilfsleutnant Coal Supplies and Transportation - probably detached Turkish officers given an unofficial rank in the German armed forces    1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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Gerhard Trachbrod, born May 12, 1898, entered service October 1916, Fähnrich zur See September 17, 1917. Arrived on Goeben in May or June 1918, when he remains until the end of the war. Released to the reserves December 1918. Out of service January 21, 1920 (without ever being promoted to Leutnant zur See!).

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Ernst Torbahn, born November 9, 1881, entered service April 1900, Feuerwerks-Leutnant April 27, 1915. Yes, he was in theater but the exact dates are unclear (it looks like he arrived at some point then stays for the rest of the war).

Out of service February 14, 1920 with the charakter of a Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Dienstauszeichnung 1st Class.

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Arthur Trabitzsch, born February 1, 1896, entered service September 15, 1914, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie January 18, 1918. With the Sonderkommando Türkei from August or September 1915 to the end of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration as of early 1918: none.

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9 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Who would have the authority to appoint a Hilfsleutnant zur See? If it's the local fleet commander, Souchon


great point. The answer is indeed Souchon.

Per AKO of 15 January 1915, the chief of the MMD was authorised to appoint German crew members on Turkish ships who were not active members of the German armed forces for the war's duration or their employment in German service in the rank of a Leutnant or Marine-Ingenieur. Following their appointment, subsequent approval had to be sought from the Kaiser. The appointments do not appear to have been gazetted in the Marine-Verordnungsblatt.



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Trützschler von Falkenstein Graf Fritz von     OberStabszarzt (Maj) Dr    Oberstabsarzt Head of German Medical Mission (Trützschler's 3rd Red Cross Mission) surgeon at Gallipoli to Mesopotania    1915-16    Three physicians and ten nurses worked in this hospital at Zeynep-Kamil Hospital in Üsküdar shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Uarters    Lt    Armaments Inspectorate at Istambul     1915-16    (1889 at Halle ) RTG illness typus (not identified)?  shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Unger Hermann     ObLt    Askeri heyetin Istanbul 'da yayinlanan Bogaziçi adli gazetesinin redaktörü (Military delegation's editor in Bogazici newspaper published in Istanbul) - Editor of the Soldiers newspaper "Am Bosporus" in Istanbul     1916-    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Voigt Carl    Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO in Russian Hosp Istanbul and Field Hosp at Cukurbostan shown StabArzt Deutsches Marinelazarett Konstantinopel 1918    1915-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Dr. Carl Voigt, born February 26, 1880, entered service October 1903, Marine-Oberassistenarzt der Reserve July 10, 1911, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve April 1916. Mittelmeer Division from May or June 1915 to the end of the war.

Out of service December 31, 1918. Germany decorations in early 1918 are the EK2, the Red Cross Medal 3rd Class, and Saxony’s Albrechts-Orden (so a high good chance he’s from there).

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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Trützschler von Falkenstein Graf Fritz von     OberStabszarzt (Maj) Dr 

Ludwig Trützschler von Falkenstein. Although Fritz was one of his fornames, according to the Offizier-Stammliste of GGR 1, Ludwig was his Rufname. He was not a Count (Graf)

Born 9 February 1878 in Weimar. Entered the Prussian army from the cadet corps on 7 March 1896 as a Seconde-Lieutenant in Füsilier-Regiment 90. Transferred to Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 1 (Alexander) on 17 May 1902. Promoted to Oberleutnant on 20 March 1906 and retired from active service on 17 October 1907. Returned to service in WW1 and promoted to Hauptmann a.D. on 1 November 1914 where he was serving as the adjutant of the Commandant of Berlin. Led a medical mission as an Ottoman major. He was not a Doctor nor an Oberstabsarzt. Died 1962. Below in the uniform of a Hauptmann in GGR 1.




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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Uarters    Lt    Armaments Inspectorate at Istambul   

This certainly seems to be an error of some description. The entry in the table appears truncated and not capitalized. Heaven knows!! I should get my hands on a copy of the original German language edition in a couple of months time. It will be interesting to compare the entries.



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Posted (edited)

Cheers Glenn,

With his first name I can narrow down the man, interesting while he is shown as Oberstabsarzt in all documents related to his mission, he was not a doctor of Medicen, so an Honorary title? (as shown in the photo with Colmar von Goltz

This appears to have been done to all (most) of the Red Cross missions to Turkey where an Honorary rank was given to the Doctors and such.

I did try to narrow down the doctors and Nurses with him but could not do that to this group.

Most nurses are just shown as first names only.

Else    Schwester / Sister Nurse    German Red Cross under Colley Deutschen Roten-Kreuz-Mission Erzindjan or Erzincan at Lazarett der Deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz 1915 caring for typhus sufferers    1914-15    part German Red Cross received five physicians six nurses under Dr Colley 21-12-14

A read of this by an Turkish writer is interesting


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I take it, is not known?

Unger Hermann     ObLt    Askeri heyetin Istanbul 'da yayinlanan Bogaziçi adli gazetesinin redaktörü (Military delegation's editor in Bogazici newspaper published in Istanbul) - Editor of the Soldiers newspaper "Am Bosporus" in Istanbul     1916-    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book


Vollmer Hans    Capt / Hptm MA deR (Capt) Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) - Matrosenartillerie Coastal Artillery Fort Usedom (1st Art Bn 88cm guns) att Ottoman Batteries at Dardanelles     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 2-9-15 and Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 10-10-15 and War Medal 23-9-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Vollmer Harry August    Oberingenieur (Ing) Marine    OberIngenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine EK II 5-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Voß (Voss) Rudolf    OberIngenieur (Ing) Marine     OberIngenieur (Engineer officer) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) and Ottoman Battleship "Barbaros Hayrettin" (Barbaros Hayreddin)     1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 5-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Hans Vollmer, born May 22, 1883, entered service October 1, 1905, Oberleutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie November 18, 1912. Arrives in theater in June or July 1915 as the inspector of coastal defenses Constantinople to May 1916, then returns to Germany (or Belgium) to serve with the 2nd Marine Artillery Abteilung briefly before being released from service. Listed in the August 1916 Rangliste with the EK2.

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August Harry Vollmer (note the order of the names per the Ehrenrangliste) born May 7, 1886, entered service Octo0ber 1, 1906, Marine-Ingenieur August 3, 1914, Marine-Oberingenieur April 26, 1917. Breslau from February or March 1915 to June 1915, then the director of the coal mines on the Sea of Marmara through March 1916.  He then served on the Derfflinger to the end of the war,

Out of service November 14, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 was the EK2.

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Rudolf Voß, born December 10, 1874, entered service October 1, 1896, Marine-Oberingenieur September 19, 1912, Charakter as January 27, 1917, Marine-Stabsingenieur Marine-Stabsingenieur June 17, 1917.  Goeben to September 1914, then chief engineer on the Heireddin Barbarossa to August 1915.

Out of service November 24, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and a prewar Dienstauszeichnung 3rd Class.

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Wachs Gustav    Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt SMS Breslau (Midilli) - (Medical Accounting subcontractor) Muhasebe subayi     1914-17    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wagenblast Kurt    LtzS (MA) Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Matrosenartillerie Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery at Canakkale     1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wagner Paul     FähnrichzS Marine    Midshipman - (sonra Üstegmen) Genel Kurmay 1. Daire Sekreteri Genelkurmay Sekreteri (Then, Secretary General 1. Secretary General Secretary General Secretary) - Önce Askeri heyette sonra Genelkurmay'da (First Military scout then General Staff)    unknown    Kaiserliche Marine  shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wahle or Wehrle or Werle (possibly Friedrich Otto)    Lt    Stabsoffizier Stab of Ottoman 8th Heavy (Agir) Artillary Regiment at Dardanelles 1915    1914-15    Son to General Wehrle shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Gustav Wachs — not quite. He was born on July 28, 1882, entered service in April 1901, but was a paymaster, not a doctor! Marine-Oberzahlemeister April 1, 1913. Breslau to March 1917, then returns to Germany.

Out of service June 29, 1920 with Charakter as a Marine-Stabszahlmeister. Died in 1927. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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4 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wagner Paul     FähnrichzS Marine    Midshipman - (sonra Üstegmen) Genel Kurmay 1. Daire Sekreteri Genelkurmay Sekreteri (Then, Secretary General 1. Secretary General Secretary General Secretary) - Önce Askeri heyette sonra Genelkurmay'da (First Military scout then General Staff)    unknown    Kaiserliche Marine  shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

This one is messed up, but I’m not quite sure how it’s messed up. Or how many ways it’s messed up. My best guess is that that this person is army, not navy. For one thing, there’s no Paul Wagner listed in the navy Ehrenrangliste. Also the job description doesn’t match what a  20-year old Fähnrich zur See would be doing.

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Yes I also could not find him also another a few names from him is an ObLtzS Wegner UB 44.

Which I found is Franz Wäger 

The only other men with that name (Wagner) and Navy, are Naval flyers

There is a Stab officer but Army

Wagner (possibly Theophil)    Lt    shown on Staff to Kress 1914-15 as administration officer

Of cause the Ottoman details on Wagner maybe because he was on Stab as Secretary to the General Secretary

I do show a number of Sekretär as a rank 

and the closest I can find is a

Lindner Paul

Sekretär    sekreter (secretary) Deutsches Soldaten-heim Kstpl (German soldiers home Kstpl.) Konstantinopel    1917-18     (born at Oldenburg DoD 7-3-18) of pneumonia in the Red Cross military hospital Constantinople grave in German war cemetery at Tarabya Istanbul (not identified)? 

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Kurt Wagenblast, born October 13, 1893, entered service October 1912, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie May 24, 1917. Arrives in theater in June or July 1915 with the Sonderkommando Türkei, assigned at various points (dates not given) at the Dardanelles, the steamer General, and the Bosporus as a platoon commander or as adjunct.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.


Do you have a Wilhelm Schubert, an aviator with the Sonderkommando Türkei from late 1915? He’s the next guy listed below Wagenblast.

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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wagner Paul     FähnrichzS Marine  

Michael is correct, certainly not a Fähnrich zur See or Midshipman. I think the Midshipman rank is a poor translation from modern Turkish. Herr Wagner was an original member of the Liman mission and is shown in an order of battle of the military mission in early 1915 (also reproduced in General Kannengießers' book) as an Ottoman Fähnrich (struck through and replaced with) Registrator. That being the case, he would have been a German NCO, presumably a former chief clerk of some description locally promoted to Ottoman rank. His appointment was listed as the Secretary in the I department of the general staff.



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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wahle or Wehrle or Werle (possibly Friedrich Otto) 

Leutnant (22.3.15) Wilhelm Wehrle, born 27 January 1897 in Jüterbog of Fußartillerie-Regiment 20.  Promoted to Fähnrich on 27.2.15. Military mission member. Charakter as an Oberleutnant a.D. on 27 September 1920.

Hauptmann (E) on 1. 7. 34. Died as a Major on 15 June 1940 in Reservelazarett Grabowsee bei Oranienburg



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Yes there is a Schubert

Schubert Wilhelm or (Georg) or Seiger    VzFlugmeister deR to LtzS deR MA Marine    Flugobermaat Pilot Matrosenartillerie Airforce (possibly 1st Aircraft Company) 5-15 shown German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Kawak 11-15 att OC SFS Chanak (from Groeger) 9-17 to 10-17 to SFA 1 10-18    1915-18    (1892 at Bornsdorf ) Kaiserliche Marine from Freiwilliger Marine-Fliegerkorps 1914 - to Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) der Kaiserlichen Marine in der Turkei 11-15 claimed in Gotha WD2 (424) with Lt Werdier (O) shot down a Farman from (French) Escadrille MF 98T (shown (942) with Adjt Jules Lecompte) 4-1-16 - claimed in Gotha WD2 (573) shot down balloon (SS8) off Mudros 14-10-16 claimed in Rumpler 6B1 (894) shot down a Farman near Imbros 26-2-17 claimed in Rumpler 6B (895) shot down third plane over Lemnos or the Gulf of Saros 12-10-17 - claimed in Rumpler 6B (895) shot down British seaplane and damaged another (possibly claimed with Meinecke shot down Lt Johnston and Schubert shot down Sopwith Baby Floatplane SubLt RW Peel 6 RNAS) attacking German SMS Goeben & Breslau near Islands off Dardanelles 17/20-1-18 RTG to  I. Seeflieger Abteilung 9-18 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) shown 1st Aircraft Company in Klaus Wolf's Book awarded EK II 

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Wahlen Willy    FähnrichzS to ObLtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) - he was appointed to the Turkish Ministry of War 1914-15 to the special forces Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) 1915 Mayin tarama gemileri komutani (Mine sweepstakes commander) to Ottoman Gunboat "Bafra"  to commander "Taschkupru" or "Tasköprü" (from Ellandt)     1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine  awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 27-12-15 and War Medal 9-11-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Walter Ulrich    Lt Eng    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) possibly Offizierstellvertreter Ingenieuroberaspirant    1915-18    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Walther Hans    Lt (Capt)    Artillery commander at Rumeli-Kawak Battery (Coastal Artillery) and to Palestine    1915-18    awarded EK II 6-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Warsow    Capt / Hptm    Airforce OC Armee-Flugpark der Heeresgruppe F at Damascus 9-17 - Pasabirliklerinin Uçak Parki komutani (Aircraft Parks Commander)    1916-18     (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Not entirely sure this is the specific guy you asked about, but he’s definitely one of the guys you’re after:

Hans Walter (note spelling), born January 5, 1882, entered service October 1901, Kapitänleutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie September 16, 1916. Sonderkommando Türkei February or March 1918 until the end of the war. His exact assignments before that are a bit unclear.

Out of service January 21, 1920.  German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2. and the Landerwehrdienstauszeichnung 2md Class.

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Willy Wahlen, born February 22, 1894, entered service October 1, 1907, Leutnant zur See der Reserve April 9, 1912, Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve March 12, 1915.

Goeben August 1914, the Turkish war ministry to October 1914, teh staff of the commander at the Bosporus, to November 1914, teh Sonderkommando Türkei to february 1915, then the commander of a minesweeping division for the rest of the war.

Out of service January 31, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are  the EK1 and Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross.

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