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German names from Wolf's book


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Wilhelm Schubert, born December 4, 1892, entered service August 22, 1914, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie (because the Kaiserliche Marine didn't have a separate reserve aviator officer designation) May 24, 1917. Volunteer naval aviation corps to November 1915, then the Sonderkommando Türkei to September 1918, then the I. Seeflieger Abteilung to the end of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 is (unsurprisingly) the EK1.

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22 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Warsow    Capt / Hptm 

Oberleutnant (19.6.14) Paul Warsow, born 3 May 1886 at Dreibrunnen, Kreis Saarburg of Fußartillerie-Regiment 14. Served with Feld-Flieger-Abteilung 39. Promoted to Hauptmann on 24.7.15. Major a.D. 

Pre WW2 Luftwaffe Major who died 28 September 1935 in Königsberg.



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Cheers Gent's,

Those Engineer officers/ NCO's again, by the looks of it that Wolf has problems with?


Wehowski Hellmuth    Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery (possibly Matrosenartillerie Marine?)    1916-17    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Weidanz    Stabsarzt Dr    Stabsarzt Surgeon unknown Medical unit    1915-17    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

confirm details

Weichbrodt Ernst     Torpedo ObLtzS (Ing) Marine    OberIngenieur (Engineer Officer) Ottoman Torpedo Boat Flotilla    1915-16    (born 1882 died 1954) Kaiserliche Marine  later WWII Kriegsmarine Torpedo Command Pillau shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Weickmann (Weichmann) Ludwig Friedrich     Kapt Prof.Dr Marine    weather meteorological Airforce HQ Constantinople 1918 & meteorological station at Gallipoli - Türkiye'deki meteroloji Hava gözlem istasyonlari sorumlusu (responsible meteorological weather observation stations in Turkey) für Luftschiffflüge und ähnliches    1915-18    (1882 in Neu-Ulm died 29-11-61) Kaiserliche Marine set up first weather station 1916 - German geophysicist meteorologist and university professor of Leipzig - from Bayerischen Luftschiffer-Bataillon zug shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Ernst Weichbrodt, born October 7, 1882, entered service October 1, 1903; Torpedo-Ingenieur October 24, 1920; Torpedo-Oberingenieur June 28, 1916. With the Mittelmeer Division as a torpedo specialist from March or April 1915 to November 1916.

Torpedo-Ingenieur is a rather specific rank; not an engineering officer on torpedo boats but rather an engineering officer that works specifically on and with torpedoes. While he would have worked closely with the Turkish torpedo boats, other ships also carried torpedoes, including Goeben, Breslau, and many of the U-boats.

Out of service November 24, 1919. Charakter as a Torpedo-Stabsingenieur March 4, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.


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Hellmuth Wehowsky (note spelling), born September 3, 1882, entered service April 7, 1900. Oberleutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie September 6, 1913, Kapitänleutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie  July 16, 1917.   With the Sonderkommando Türkei from June or July 1916 to June 1916, then spends maybe a month with the navy detachment in Konstanza before returning to Germany.

Out of service November 1, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Landwehrdiesntauszeichnung 2nd Class.

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Ludwig Weickmann is this guy: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Weickmann

I see nothing to indicate that he was a German naval officer. He was, however, associated with the Bavarian Luftschiffer forces. Not sure whether he had a commission or was just a civilian helping out with the war effort.

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Weidanz    Stabsarzt Dr

Stabsarzt der Reserve (22.5.12) Dr. Oskar Weidanz, 27 August 1874-1947 was the consulting hygienist on the staff of Heeresgruppe F. In peacetime a district surgeon (Kreisarzt) in Bremen. Charakter as an Oberstabsarzt a.D. on 31 December 1922. Later Obermedizinalrat (1927) in Bremen. Retired 1934.



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Posted (edited)

Cheers Mates,

Todays another of those pesky so called engineer officers, Wolf gives us a bit on him, but my research found only another man or spelling?

Weis  (Weiser)    Lt Eng    Ingenieur (Engineer officer) - General Weber's command Edirne Fortification officer Mühendis Edirne'de Tahkimat subayi General Weber'in komutasinda (Under the command of General Weber, the engineer is in the Edirne undergraduate subcontractor) possibly Offizierstellvertreter Ingenieuroberaspirant    1914-16    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wendrich Max    Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) - Aircraft Engineer     1916-18    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Weißenbruch (Weissenbruch) Adolf    Lt    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei -    1916-    (1894 at Mainz ) RTG illness 9-16 member of the NSDAP an SA thugs gang from 1933 to 1935 later WWII Obst/Col Dr commander Kdr II/Art.Rgt 61 to Kdr Art.Rgts.Stab z.b.V 627 u. Div.Art.Fü to Kdr (Pz).Art.Rgt 75 from 1941 to 1942 post war Darmstadt dentist shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Welsch Otto    Capt / Rittm Cav (Maj)     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - shown with Ottoman 4th Army attach Canel Expedition 2-15 to Stab Southern Group 1915 WIA 9-1-16 - Süvari Askeri heyette Kress'le birlikte 1915'de Suveys sonra Çanakkale ve Dogu Anadolu Cephelerinde sonra 9-1917'de Filistin'de Alman Asya birliklerinde sonra Askeri makale yazari (Cavalry Military parade with Kress Suveys in 1915 attach Canel Expedition (stellvertreter) (deputy) Kommandeur des 80. Inf.- Regiment der 27. Inf.- Division) 2-15 then Dardanelles and East Anatolian Fronts 9/1917 Palestine in German Asian troops Military article writer) Süvari Subayi Binicilik okulu Ögretmeni Filistin'de Süvari Tugayi Karargah Subayi (Cavalry Subasi Horse riding school Teacher Cavalry brigade in Palestine Karargah Subasi) - shown Pre war Instructor Cavalry Officers riding school to palestine and Dardanelles as OzbV Adjt to Kannengiesser in 16th Corps then Maj in the German Asia Corps in Palestine 1918    1914-18    (born at Kissingen Unterfr died 26-3-39) leicht verwundet (minor wound) WIA 9-1-16 shrapnel watching British force retreat near Sedd el Bahr at Helles (mentioned in book by Kannengiesser) - Liste 1 der in türkischen Diensten stehenden Bayerischen Offiziere, Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften Ex Bavarian Rittmeister Sqn/Bayerisches Chevaulegers Regiment "Taxis" No 2 1913 mentioned in book by Kress (shown 2ic Cavalry school at Hayderpasa 1914 (with lauffer) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Edited by stevenbecker
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Max Wendrich, born February 2, 1870, originally entered service April 1890, Leutnant der Seewehr I. der Matrosenartillerie July 16, 1915. With the Sonderkommando Türkei from July or August 1916 to the end of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration as of early 1918 is the EK2.

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7 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Weißenbruch (Weissenbruch) Adolf    Lt

Leutnant (19.8.11) Adolf Karl Weissenbruch, born 16 January 1894 in Mainz. Active Prussian officer from Feldartillerie-Regiment 70. Promtoed to Fähnrich on 18 .10.12 and commissioned on 18 August 1913 with seniority from 19.8.11. Further promoted to Oberleutnant on 5.10.16. Charakter as a Hauptmann on 24 January 1921. Already qualified as a dental surgeon before WW2. Dr. Weissenbruch re-joined the Wehrmacht - Heer and was commanding I./AR 61 as a Major (1.8.37) in January 1939. His name is spelt Weissenbruch in all the published army lists.

Died 12 January 1974 in Kronberg.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Weis  (Weiser)    Lt Eng  

Two Festungsbau-Leutnants are listed in the 1914/15 register of the Liman mission. Given that they are shown in that rank, one must assume that they only received Ottoman commissions at this stage and were former Prussian Festungsbau-Feldwebeln. The senior is Meinke and the junior is Weis. Weis did not receive a Prussian commission. Georg Meinke was promoted to Prussian Festungsbau-Leutnant der Landwehr on 19 September 1918 Herr Weis had formerly served on the fortifications on Helgoland. Nothing more at this point I am afraid.



Edited by Glenn J
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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Welsch Otto    Capt / Rittm Cav (Maj)

I think Herr Welsch is pretty well known. Rittmeister (23.5.10) Otto Welsch, born 1 July 1876 at Bad Kissingen. Active Bavarian cavalry officer of 2. Chevauleger-Regiment and former instructor at the cavalry school in München. Member of the Liman mission and Ottoman Major. Instructor at the Ottoman cavalry officers' riding school. Promoted to Bavarian Major on 29.8.17. Led the dissolution staff of his parent regiment in 1920. Retired as a Major.

Highly decorated. Awards included the Medchidie 3rd Class, Osmanie 4th Class, both the Liakat and Imtiaz in Silver plus the War Medal. Died 26 March 1939



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Again nice pick up I had the other bloke or we did 

Meinke Georg    Feftgsbau Lt    Deutsche Militäry mission in der Türkei - General Weber's command Engineers in Edirne in the Fortifications officer - Mühendis Edirne'de Tahkimat subayi General Weber'in komutasinda (Under the command of General Weber, the engineer is in the Edirne undergraduate subcontractor)    1914-18     (1880 at Glogau Liegnitz DoD 10-10-18) Krankheit (illness) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 


Nice pick up on Max Wendrich, Wolf shows him as Army and Aircraft Engineer? How he came to that is unknown?


Wendenburg von    Baurat Marine    MMD (Military Mediterranean Division - construction officer    1917-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Werner Arnold    LtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) - Artillery officer Straits Command - Coasyal Artillery  possibly Matrosenartillerie  1914-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Westernhagan von Thilo    Capt / Hptm    OzbV Adjt to Kannengiesser Southern Command att Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung at Gallipoli     1915-    RTG illness (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Widermann    KaptzS Marine    Commander SMS Breslau (Midilli) 8-15     1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

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Arnold Werner, born May 13, 1892, entered service October 1, 1912, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie August 10, 1915. Sonderkommando Türkei from August or September 1914 to November 1918, including Goeben, Dardanelles, and the Bosporus (exact assignments dates not listed in the Ehrenrangliste). He ends the war at Odessa.

Out of service January 21, 1920. Charakter as an Oberleutnant der Reserve April 13, 1921. German decorations in early 1918 is the EK2 plus Baden’s Silver Verdienstmedaille on the ribbon of the Carl Friedrich-Militärverdienstmedaille.

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Wilhelm Widenmann (note spelling), born June 20, 1871, Crew 1890, Kapitän zur See September 19, 1914 — here’s the thing: per the Ehrenrangliste, there’s nothing to suggest he was in theater for any prolonged period of time if at all. He’s the commanding officer of the light cruiser Kolberg to February 1915, then Regensburg to August 1915. His next assignment after Regensburg is as head of naval intelligence to April 1916, when he takes a different staff job to January 1917, when he retires. 

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wendenburg von    Baurat Marine    

Marine-Baurat (9.6.14) Hermann Wendenburg (NO von)!! Born 6 April 1874 at Groß Strehlitz. Entered the naval administration in March 1902 in the ship construction field and left naval service on 10 June 1916.

Leutnant der Reserve (16.12.02) in Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr. 1 .



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Westernhagan von Thilo  

I am assuming it is Leutnant (27.1.07) Thilo von Westernhagen, born 17 July 1885 in Weimar of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 153. He was killed in action as a Hauptmann serving with RIR 72 on 5 October 1916 on the Somme.

I need to do some more checking on this one.




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Yes Thilo seams strange?

But since he was wounded in 1914 with Stab Fus Bn Leib-Garde-Infanterie-Regiment 115 until KIA with 9Co RIR 72 in 1916

That gap during 1915 was maybe when he traveled to Turkey?

Todays again all Naval men

Wiesend Alfred    ObLtzS Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance) Officer Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate    1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Wiesmann     ObLtzS (Capt) Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - (shown IIb under Peiper 1916) and sect V Nahkampfmittel (Melee weapons)    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 14-10-15 and Ottoman War Medal 31-1-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Wiesner Rudolf    Zahlmeister (ObLt) Marine    Fleet Paymaster OberZahlmeister Stab Zahl SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1915-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Wilhelm     ObLt Marine    (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul responsible of Munitions and Equiptment from Germany (shown with ObLt Klocksein as Ii under Peiper 1916)     1916-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 



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2 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wilhelm     ObLt Marine    (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul responsible of Munitions and Equiptment from Germany (shown with ObLt Klocksein as Ii under Peiper 1916)     1916-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Nothing like that in the Ehrenrangliste. I suspect it's a misidentification and that “Wilhelm” may well be the officer’s first name.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Rudolf Wiesner, born March 29, 1880, entered service October 1, 1898, Marine-Oberzahlmeister April 3, 1909, Charakter as a Marine-Stabszahlmeister from August 27, 1916, Marine-Stabszahlmeister March 26, 1918.

Rostock to October 1915, then he heads to the theater and is on Goeben January 1916, General and the paymaster for the Osman fleet (Mi) to April 1916,  Goeben to June 1917, then back to General and the Osman fleet to October 1917, then Goeben to the end of the war.

No date when he leaves service given in the Ehrenrangliste. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Ernst Wiesmann, born December 19, 1876, entered service April 10, 1893, Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant August 28, 1910,  Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant October 30, 1915. With the Sonderkommando Türkei from an unspecified date forward.

Out of service June 19, 1919, Charakter as Feuerwerks-Kapitän April 18, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK1 and the Dienstauszeihnung 3rd Class.

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Alfred Wiesend, born May 5, 1882, entered service April 1899, Feuerwerks-Leutnant April 27, 1915. With the Sonderkommando Türkei from an unspecified date forward.

Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant February 28, 1920. Out of service March 8, 1920. Charakter as Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant July 22, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 plus a Militärehrenzeichen 2nd Class and the Dienstauszeihnung 1st Class.

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Sorry, my fault he is Army not Navy as Wilhelm is shown in Wolf

A number are like that name

Wilhelm Heinrich    Bohrer    unknown (not identified)     1916-    (died 29-8-16) grave in German war cemetery at Tarabya Istanbul cause not stated? (not identified) 
Wilhelmi     Maj     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - under Sanders 1914    1914-15    (not identified)? 
Wilhelms Paul    Lt de R     771st (Ambulance) MT Co (Kraftwagenpark) Stabsoffizier der Kraftfahr-Truppen 771 att Instruction Command of Imperial Ottoman Motor Transport Column 19 (1 officer 19 men)     1917-18    (not identified)? shown on Post card

Willhelmi     Capt / Hptm a.D (Maj)    Deutsche Militär-Mission Türkei - Agir Topçu Tabur Komutani Çanakkale'de(1.Ordu) ve Irak'ta agir Top Tabur. Kom. (Heavy Artillery Battalion Commander in Çanakkale (1st Ord) and Heavy Artillery Battalion Commander in Iraq) German Irakgruppe Mesopotamia

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Wilken Karl    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) SMS Breslau (Midilli)    1915-17    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wille Hermann    Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt (surgeon) MO with Coastal Inspectorate    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Willhelmi     Capt / Hptm a.D (Maj)    Deutsche Militär-Mission Türkei - Agir Topçu Tabur Komutani Çanakkale'de(1.Ordu) ve Irak'ta agir Top Tabur. Kom. (Heavy Artillery Battalion Commander in Çanakkale (1st Ord) and Heavy Artillery Battalion Commander in Iraq) German Irakgruppe Mesopotamia    1914-16    (died 1920) from Fußartillerie School RTG to LtCol Commander Fuß Artillerie-Regiment No 116 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 

Wodarz    KaptzS Marine    Negotiation officer Military Mediterranean Division MMD for hand over of the Russian Fleet Black Sea    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Karl Wilken, born May 11, 1898, entered service November 1914, Marine-Zahlmeisteraspirant May 1, 1918, never a commissioned or even a warrant officer while in theater! On Breslau from December 1915 or January 1916 to May 1917, then 1st Bau Division to April 1918, Santa Elena to July 1918, and then the 2nd German submarine flotilla at Cattaro to the end of the war.

Out of service June 30, 1919.

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