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German names from Wolf's book


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Dr. Hermann Wille, born September 20, 1880, entered service October 1902, Marine-Stabsarzt der Seewehr I.  October 13, 1913. Sonderkommando Türkei from August or September 1917 to the end of the war (no more exact details provided).

Out of service November 29, 1918. Charakter as Marine-Oberstabsarzt der Seewehr I.  April 2, 1921. German decoration in early 1918 are the EK2 and Anhalt’s Friedrich Kreuz.

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Georg Wodarz, born December 21, 1875, Crew 1893, Fregattenkapitän March 10, 1917. Shows up at the end of 1917 (or very early 1918) from the Baltic as a staff and communications officer in Crimea (=Sevastopol) for the rest of the war.

Out of service January 28, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 include the EK1, the Order of the Red Eagle, the EK1, Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, Baden’s Order of the Zähringer Lion, and Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross.

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wille Hermann    Stabsarzt Dr Marine 

Marine-Stabsarzt der Seewehr (13.10.13) Dr. Hermann Wille, born 20 September 1880 at Nordhausen am Harz.  Entered military service as a one year volunteer in Infanterie-Regiment 94. Was not assigned to the Sonderkommando until August 1917 (which somewhat contradicts Wolff's 1915/1916 listing). Demobilised 29 November 1918 and granted the Charakter of a Marine-Oberstabsarzt on 22 April 1921.  Holder of the EK2, Anhalt Friedrich Kreuz and Ottoman war medal. Practiced medicine in Zerbst postwar.



Oops! Just seen Michael's earlier reply!

Edited by Glenn J
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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Willhelmi     Capt / Hptm a.D (Maj)  

Hauptmann (29.5.06) Ernst Willhelmi born 19 August 1869 at Mülheim  an der Ruhr. Active Prussian foot artillery officer and prior to joining the Liman mission with the instructional regiment at the foot artillery school of gunnery. Promoted to Prussian Major on 8.10.14. Commanded the Ottoman "Model" heavy artillery battalion. Artillery commander in the Dardanelles and at Kut el Amara. Retired 12 May 1919. Granted the Charakter of an Oberstleutnant on 6 February 1920 with seniority from 12 May 1919, Holder of the Osmanie Order 3rd Class.

DIed 6 December 1920 in Berlin.



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Thanks guys, 

Interesting again, Michael sent me to the books looking for the Seaplane carrier SMH Santa Elena, did n't think the Germans had these only the British.


Wolfram Joachim    LtzS Marine    SMS Breslau (Midilli) - Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Observation officer at Dardanelles - Çanakkale Yenisehir'de gözetleme subayi (Surveillance officer at Çanakkale Yenisehir)    1915-16    (born at Wilhelminenhof ) Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 14-10-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wrochem von    ObLt (Capt)    Deutsche Militär-Mission Türkei - Pre War Instructor Ottoman Staff Officers Training to OzbV Adjt to Kannengiesser to Deputy LofC Inspector Ottoman 2nd Army - Albay Kannengieser'in komutasi altinda Kurmay okulu ögretmeni Ocak 1918 'den itibaren Gnel Kurmay Kurmay baskani General Hans von Seeckt (Colonel Kannengiesser under commander Kurmay school teacher from January 1918 onwards Chief of Staff Ottoman Army General Hans von Seeckt (replaced Bronsart von Schellendorf )    1914-16    RTG to Capt Garde Grenadiers Regiment No 2  related to Gen-Lt Johannes von Wrochem Died 1914 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wunderlich Hans    OberStabszarzt (Maj) Dr Marine    OberStabszarzt MO SMS Breslau (Midilli) to Military Hosp Harbiye     1914-17    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine  shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wurmb Hans von     LtzS (Capt) Marine    Intelligence officer in the special forces  - Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) - also shown as Gunnery Officer at Dardanelles Coastal Artillery  possibly Matrosenartillerie 1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 6-15 and Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 27-12-15 and War Medal 9-11-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

possibly Matrosenartillerie

Could you just confirm if these were Matrosenartillerie or not?

Wörmann (Woermann) Hans Eberhard Eduard Rudolf    LtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) - attend special forces in Turkey and in the immediate aftermath of the Dardanelles Orhaniye the commander of the troops - Kommand at Kumkale (Fort Orhanié) 5Bty/2Bn 5th Ottoman Agir Heavy (Fortress) Artillery Regt at Dardanelles - Coastal Artillery - Generalinspek. d. Küstenbe-festigungen u. Minenwesen     1914-15    (1890 at Beuthen Ob. Schl KIA 19-3-15) Tot reported first German officer KIA when battery hit by shell from British warships reported two Germans killed that day buried German Military cemetery Tarabya Istanbul Grab Dtsch Soldat.-Fdh Tarabya Istanbul  Hans Woermann LtzS fiel auf vorgeschobenen Posten fern von der Heimat am 19-2-15 Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Wossidlo (Wosillo) (Wasillo) (Vasildo) Fritz    Kor-Kapt (LtCol) Marine    Military Mediterranean Division MMD - Befehlshaber der Streitkräfte auf den Dardanellen 1915 - Staff officer Straits Command and commander Fort Hamidiè with its 35.5 cm guns (Coastal Artillery) 9-15 to Sonderkommand Kommandant der Befestigungen des Bosporus RTG to bevollmächtigter Admiralstabsoffizier (Asto) bei der Heeresgruppe Yildirim (replaced Jansen) 4-18 to 9-18 - önce Çanakkale'de sonra Suriye ve Irak'taki deniz birliklerinde (first in Çanakkale then in sea troops in Syria and Iraq) German Irakgruppe Mesopotamia    1914-15 1918-    (1877 in Misdroy died 9-9-42) in Rostock Kaiserliche Marine Colonial Service German South West Africa - Mesopotamia awarded Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords and EK II 26-3-15 and Ottoman Imtiaz Medal 31-3-15 and Medjidie Order 3rd Class and War Medal retired Konteradmiral 1923 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Hans von Wurmb was a regular German naval officer and not a Matrosenartillerie officer. Born August 29, 1888. Crew 1909, Leutnant zur See September 19, 1912. Oberleutnant zur See May 2, 1915. He arrives in theater in August or September 1914 with the Sonderkommando Türkei, with his exact duties not specified in the Ehrenrangliste and remains through April 1917.

Charakter as Kapitänleutnant February 15, 1920. Out of service March 6, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Joachim Wolfram, born May 6, 1895, Crew 1913, Leutnant zur See September 18, 1915. On the old battleship Zähringen to June 1915, then a platoon commander at the Gallipoli to October 1915, when he transfers over to Breslau. He’s on the cruiser through February 1917, when he returns to German for submarine training. He’s assigned to UB 53 under Oblt.z.S. (later Kplt.) Robert Sprenger, which operated out of Austrian ports. The U-boat set off a mine in the minenets of the Otranto Barrage while outbound. UB 53 was able to get to the surface but was immobile and was scuttled went a British warship appeared. Wolfram became a POW.

Promoted to Oberleutnant zur See January 7, 1920. Out of service August 16, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is just the EK2. I wouldn't be surprised if he was awarded the EK1 later in 1918 or postwar as UB 53 was a rather successful U-boat.

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Fritz Wossidlo, born August 4, 1877, Crew 1894, Korvettenkapitän April 25, 1912, Fregattenkapitän April 28, 1918, was regular navy. Sonderkommando Türkei from August or September 1914, commander at the Dardanelles to September 1915, commander Bosporus to March 1918, admiral staff for Syria and commands naval forces in Syria and Iraq to July 1918, then returns to Germany to command naval airships.

Promoted to Kapitän zur See February 5, 1920. Out of service December 31, 1923 with charkter as a Kontreadmiral. Decorations are the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 3rd Class with Swords, EK1 plus the Order of the Red eagle, Order of the Crown with Swords, and the Dienstauszeichnungskreuz.

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Hans Woermann, born May 3, 1890, Crew 1909, Leutnant zur See September 19, 1912 was also regular navy. He had been with the III. Marine Arrtillerie Abteilung before coming to the theater with the Sonderkommando Türkei. KIA Dardanelles February 19, 1915.

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Dr. Hans Wunderlich, born June 6, 1882, entered service April 1902, Marine-Stabsarzt April 9, 1912. Breslau to February 1915, then the auxiliary hospital ship Olga to June 1915.  He’s he’s then attached to the I. Bau Division to June 1916, the I. Torpedo Division to January 1917, a or the convalescent company to September 1918, then on the  battleship König to the end of the war.

Out of service November 7, 1919 with charakter of Marine-Oberstabsarzt. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2, Red Cross Medal 3rd Class, and Bavaria’s Militärverdienstorden, so likely from there.

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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wrochem von    ObLt (Capt) 

Oberleutnant (27.1.11) Alfred von Wrochem, born 6 June 1883 at Neustrelitz in Mecklenburg. Entered 2. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß as a Fahnenjunker on 1 October 1901. Commissioned on 27 January 1903 with a Patent of 28.1.02. Instructor at the NCO school in Biebrich in 1913 when he joined the Liman mission as an Ottoman captain and attached to Oberst Kannengießer.  Charakter as a Prussian Hauptmann on 8 October 1914 and subsequent Patent of that date. Transferred back to 2. GRzF on 18 September 1916. Charakter as a Major a.D. on 27 May 1920.Living as a Major a.D. in Berlin-Grünewald in 1937.



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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wunderlich Hans    OberStabszarzt

Marine-Stabsarzt (9.4.12) Hans Wunderlich, born 6 June 1882 in Thüngen, Bavaria. Active naval medical officer who entered service in 1902. On SMS Breslau during the voyage to the Dardanelles in 1914. Served on the hospital ship "Olga" in Constantinople until June 1915 when he left the theatre. Retired on 7 November 1919 with the Charakter of a Marine-Oberstabsarzt. Holder of the Liakat in Silver and the war medal. Practiced medicine in Berlin-Zehlendorf following the war.



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Todays almost near the end

Zachariae    Maj (LtCol)     Deutsche Militär-Mission Türkei - Istanbul'da Silah ve Mühimmat Fabrikasi Müdürü (Director of Weapons and Ammunition Plant in Istanbul)    1915-18    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Zacharias-Langhans Gotthard    ObAssistenzarzt Dr Marine    Oberassistenzarzt Naval Field Hosp Taskisla and Bosphorus Anatolian Hosp - Hekim Üstegmen    1915-17    (born 1886 ) University of Strasburg in 1912 Kaiserliche Marine awarded Hamburg Hanseatic Cross 31-1-16 and EK II 6-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Zähringer Albert    Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery (possibly Matrosenartillerie Marine?)    1914-18    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Zarnke    Capt / Hptm    Editor of the Soldiers newspaper "Am Bosporus" in Istanbul - Askeri Heyetin Bogaziçi gazetesi yazi isleri müdürü (Military Delegation Bogazici newspaper editorial director)    1916-18    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Dr. Gotthard Zacharias-Langhans, born February 25, 1886, entered service April 1, 1907, Marine-Assistenzarzt der Reserve  February 8, 1913 Marine-Oberassistenzarzt der Reserve June 17, 1915. Bosporus with Turkish and German units to October 1917, then returns to Germany. By the summer of 1918, ends up with an escort flotilla. Killed when the torpedo boat A 79 was mined and sunk on July 11, 1918.

German decorations in early 1918 were indeed the EK2 and Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross. (The various versions of Hanseatic Cross were given with some frequency to naval officers that weren’t actually from Hamburg, Bremen, or Lübeck, so that doesn’t mean he was from there.)

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Albert Zähringer, born June 17, 1888, entered service October 1, 1908. Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosen Artillerie October 14, 1917. He’s in theater with the Sonderkommando Türkei for pretty much the entire war. The Ehrenrangliste doesn’t provide details on his exact assignments.

Out of service January 21, 1920. He is very, very likely from Baden; his decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Baden’s Silver Verdienstmedaille on the ribbon of the Carl Friedrich Militärverdienstmedaille, which he would have been awarded before being commissioned. (His EK2 also almost certainly came before he became an officer — the award of the EK2 would have led to his being awarded the Silver Verdienstmedaille upon recommendation from the fleet in due course. Had the EK2 come after he became a Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosen Artillerie, he would have received the Order of the Zähringer Lion instead.)

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Zachariae    Maj (LtCol) 

Major (19.6.14) Heinrich Zachariae, formerly of the artillery construction bureau in Spandau. Active Prussian foot artillery officer commissioned into Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr. 6 on 16 January 1890. Ottoman lieutenant-colonel and Prussian Oberstleutnant a.D. Long time employment with the technical institute pre-war. Highly decorated to include an Osmanie 3rd class with swords, Liakat in silver with swords and the war medal. In 1916 assigned to the repair facility in Damascus. Retired 20 February 1920 as a consequence of the post war reductions.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Zarnke    Capt / Hptm

Possibly Hauptmann a.D. Erich Zarnke, born 7 April 1874 in Straßburg,  a retired former Prussian infantry Leutnant who served in WW1 and rose to the rank of Hauptmann a.D. on 26 .6.16. It is a relatively uncommon name and at the moment he seems the best candidate. In 1916 with the I. replacement battalion of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 117.

Died 21 November 1946 in Bad-Wildungen



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Cheers, Mates

Yes Glenn, Zarnke is shown in Turkish works only as Yüzbasi Zarnke. as yet no German sources have given me anything on him?


Zernov     Capt / Hptm    Ottoman Airforce    1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Zickel Heinrich    Stabsarzt Dr    Stabzarzt MO Engineers on Gallipoli    1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Ziegler Tankred    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-16    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Ziegler und Klipphausen Johannes von    Stabsingenieur (Ing) Marine    StabsIngenieur (Engineer officer) 2nd Wachoffizier (WO) (Ing) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918     1915-18    Kaiserliche Marine (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Tankred Ziegler, born May 8, 1892, entered service April 1912, Marine-Zahlmeisteraspirant September 1, 1916. Out of service February 29, 1920. Charakter as a Marine-Zahlmeister June 12, 1920.

Ziegler was on Goeben from October 1915 to January 1916, before he reached even warrant officer rank.

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Johannes von Ziegler und Klipphausen, born November 16, 1874, entered service February 1, 1892. Marine-Oberingenieur January 27, 1912, Marine-Stabsingenieur, April 24, 1916.

Navy airship division to December 1915 then Goeben to the end of the war.

Out of service November 24, 1919. Died July 29, 1930. German decorations by early 1918 are the EK2 plus a prewar Order of the Crown 4th Class and the Dienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Zernov     Capt / Hptm    Ottoman Airforce    1915-  

Another nonsensical entry, presumably yet again from a very poor transliteration. My theory: Erich Serno.



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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Zickel Heinrich    Stabsarzt Dr    

Stabsarzt (28.11.14) der Landwehr Georg Zickel, qualified in 1902 and practicing in Berlin. He appears in the Jewish address book for Berlin 1930/31 and is still listed in the 1938 Berlin address book as a practicing doctor of medicine. 



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I found this on Dr. Georg Zickel:


Luise, Anna and George Zickel were born in Breslau, Germany (today Wrocław, Poland) and lived in Berlin, Germany. Luise Zickel had founded a private school for girls in Berlin, and her brother had a gynecological practice, while their younger sister Anna worked as a secretary. The siblings needed American sponsors to escape Nazi Germany and on September 2, 1938 Georg Zickel wrote to the Jewish Welfare Board in Bridgeport, Connecticut in order to reconnect with their cousin, Lina Oelsner who had previously emigrated to Bridgeport with her parents years before, but with whom the Zickels had lost contact.

Lina and her husband, Benjamin Factor, agreed to assist the Zickels in leaving Germany, and spent the next four years attempting to do so. In May 1939 Georg Zickel emigrated to India; he later married there and established a medical practice in New Delhi. In spite of Lina and Benjamin Factor's efforts to secure visas for Luise and Anna, they were unable to do so, and the sisters were deported to Riga in Latvia at some point in early 1942, where they were murdered.


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Good find Michael,




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Zillmann Richard    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer officer) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)     1916-17    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Zimmermann Heinrich    Stabsingenieur (Ing) Marine    StabsIngenieur (Chief Engineer officer) Ottoman Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis)     1914-16    Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II 4-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Zipper    Capt / Hptm    German Pioneer Co (Freiwillige Pionierkompanie)     1915-    RTG illness dysentry 8-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book and shown in list of men Die Schlacht von Gallipoli 1915 Die deutsche Beteiligung

Zrizen    Kor-Kapt Marine    Navigation officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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